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Everything posted by spoonyd

  1. Like I said... I really do think it's that little bit of highschool geek left in me. The years of being an outcast in lower school. Being teased, made fun of, beat up. I've got a lot of resentment for people that had certain parts of their lives made particularly easy simply because of their social status, money, or good looks. I shouldn't resent them but I do. I take some solace knowing that I've gotten where I am through hard work and I've already pretty much left behind all of the people I used to hate. But all those years has burned that class distinction into my brain and I can't escape the resentment. I'll say one thing though, I am willing to give credit where it is due. There are beautiful people living gifted lives who really do deserve it. They're beautiful, smart, intelligent, kind, successful, and all the power to them. My problem really is the people who see this and think they can be that way too if they just surround themselves with shiny things... without ever realising that there's way more to it. Apotheosis is strikingly naive to say something like "an incredibly hot girl doesn’t need much personality to get all the attention ". Like somehow all girls need to fulfill their lives is the attention of men. That's pathetic, and reflects the kind of attitude I despise. Life is not about the acquisition of shiny things.
  2. you describe a world I have no aspirations for. Why clamour for the respect of others if in the process I have to lose respect for myself. I know I seem to be making some sweeping statements here, but this is a topic I think about a lot. It's hard to miss in this city. People living well beyond their means to project some false image of success in an effort to gain the respect of their peers. I've never felt that was any way for me to find happiness. Maybe it's those last remnants of highschool geek in me playing the "Just wait, I'll show them all" game. Slowly letting time and the Peter principle take care of the people I despise. I ask myself if I'm jealous of these people... the beauty, the wealth... but when I consider what their lives are like, and what mine is like... I would never trade. I'm damn happy right now. This all may seem a little off topic, but I think it's at the root of the question. What do you REALLY value?
  3. That's some pretty shallow science you're dishing out. What the fuck is a grade 'B' girl? People like you are the problem. You think you're being sensitive and 'real' - but you're just shallow. The part I like best is the way you manage to brag about your car while comparing women to property. nice. get a grip - that is not they way the world works. It's a hard lesson a lot people eventually learn - shit like that doesn't go on between real people. You're just one more guy living some charicature you saw in a movie.
  4. goddam What's with all the friggin tech-talent making it's way through this town. With Tunnel Fridays and Limelight Saturdays... gonna give Twilo a run for my money. still... it's a shame about the crowds.
  5. look for stuff by Antoine Clamaran on Full House. One track is _What!_ I picked up an EP in Tdot over the holidays and it's kicking my ass. It's real housey stuff but with that hard tech edge we all know and love.
  6. You're one of these people that complains about the people getting into clubs who aren't dressed up aren't you? let me quote again: dude, that nearly defines Twilo. Get a life.
  7. why does everyone post this shit when I'm nowhere near my records. you expect people to remember this kinda stuff?
  8. I know I'm not the only one collecting music / clubbing / rave links... so let's see what's out there. This is everything I had sitting in my bookmarks. http://home.fiberia.com/fe034acdff098345bd003ecf09a0b6/djcircle/ http://www.1groove.com/static.html http://www.icupromo.net/artists/carl.shtml http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mark_ridley/homepage.htm http://www.discomusic.com/ http://www.djcentral.com/djs/djmixsets.cfm?id=875&linkid=14 http://www.djzone.net/ http://www.groovefactory.com/ http://www.housefiles.de/ http://www.housepool.com/ http://www.irmagroup.com/ http://www.kickinbeats.com/ http://boards.eesite.com/board.cgi?boardset=djhaluk&boardid=GenDisc&spec=3914682 http://pitchadjust.com/index_fr.html http://english.ppk.ru/forum/ http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=windows&sbp=mediaplayer&plcid=&pver=6.1&os=&over=&olcid=&clcid=&ar=Media&sba=RadioBar&o1=&o2=&o3= http://www.ravelinks.com/ http://redbullmusicacademy.com/home.html http://www.rrcproductions.com/ http://www.skoolhouse.com/ http://www.tearsoftechnology.com/thedjwebring/index.htm http://www.selekta.com/ http://www.trancedomain.com/beour.htm http://www.djmixes.com/ http://www.bassquake.co.uk/ http://www.undergroundnyc.com/ http://www.gottahavehouse.com/main.html http://www.eastcoasthappy.com/ http://www.nocturnalmagazine.net/ http://www.raveworld.net/home.cgi http://www.sympty.com/ http://www.touch-nyc.com/ http://www.angelfire.com/nj/roxeechik20/home.html http://bbs.clubplanet.com/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://come.to/teknode-usa http://www.loungex.com/~ishkur/index.htm next?
  9. They've got the talent. Now they just need an appreciative crowd. Not enough hedz in this town to go around.
  10. NY's been getting some serious techno talent over the last six months. It's great to see. I would have loved to check out Parisio. Any more details on his set?
  11. I don't think it's an insult to request a song from a DJ. It's a personal rule that I should never do it, but even I have broken it (hehe - grilled Sharam to play Jaguar). I think sometimes they enjoy requests especialy when someone is passionate enough about music, to have the cahones to squeek into the booth at Twilo and talk biz. Take the spirit of the request to heart as well... I think there's several ways to ask for a song: 1) You suck, no one likes what you're doing. Play the song I'm asking for cuz this music really sucks and I know better than you do. 2) I haven't really heard what you're playing and I don't really care. I'm more concerned with myself and I want you to play MY song, cause I'm very important (and could you wish me a happy a birthday on your microphonamabob?) 3) I'm so into this sound and this style. Wouldn't this song be phat tonight too? It's that rare last style of request that is moft often honoured. Those are the ones that can bring the nod and smile from the DJ. oops, almost left out a category: 4) Here's $20, play some Bony-M so I can watch my girl dance.
  12. I agree about house music - I just think it's a little of an overstatement that Disco started it all. Certainly house music owes much it's origins to Disco. Being a frenchie, you'd be the authority on the disco flavoured house styles. Oddly, though when you analyse it - you'd expect that hip-hop grew out of the same roots, but in my opinion much of the music took it pointers from the German sounds. Electro especially was born in sounds of Kraftwerk. The entire break-beat genre is built out of this. Admittedly there's been considerable cross-polinization of sounds along the way, but we're talking about roots here. Sometimes It's hard to keep the two camps seperate as they evolved at the same time - but there are two distinct sounds. The soulful house and disco sounds to come out of America, built on r&b... and the cold calculated hard edged beats coming out of Germany that spawned techno, electro, industrial and trance. I personally put very strong links between early industrial music and trance. I see trance as the meld between early ambient sounds and industrial music. not sure anyone would ever agree with me though.
  13. I disagree with that statement You cannot tell me that Industrial Music arose out of Disco. Bands like Throbbing Gristle and Einsterzende Neubauten (sp?) and Kraftwerk were not shake-shake-shaking their booty while they were busy shaping music into a whole new genre. These are the sounds that built the framework for Techno and Trance - not Disco. Check your music history.
  14. That's called regretting your honesty.
  15. I think "ecstasy" is a misnomer. It ought to be called "honesty".
  16. I'll have to check that documentary out. I thirst for this kinda stuff. I wonder... do people give Roland the respect they deserve for enabling and fuelling a global music revolution? Sometimes i think Panasonic gets more respect for it's turntables.
  17. my question is this then: agreed that techno as we know it found it's birth in Detroit - but was it a virgin birth? What I mean is that I think a lot of music genres grow out of artists using specific instruments in specific ways (take for example acid house). There are whole genres built on one specific Roland instrument bank. So was Techno a twist on what other people were already doing? Or do you think it was born of pure creative experimentation with sound? just curious. The whole birth of techno is a little grey for me.
  18. okay, you can't do that. you cannot post that and not tell me where. you're a bad person. very bad
  19. hey man, I'll be at the Lep later. The Friday beats are okay in my books - you'd like it. We're gonna do a late dinner, prolly burn then hit the lounge. Drop me a pm if you're gonna come through, maybe we can hook up. Otherwise - Jan 27 is the next leisure society night - you'd better not miss. spoony out
  20. ask apotheosis btw - you easily win for the coolest username.
  21. Didn't the clothing line spring from the Caffeine record label? http://www.caffeinerecords.com/
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