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Everything posted by spoonyd

  1. that wasn't a star. I've just never noticed when I was rolling over before. pure fluke. It usually takes porn to get me excited. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  2. 200 phew. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  3. I always find it funny the way people love to invoke drugs as the great bringer of the end of the scene, without the mearest inkling of understanding that it's the drugs that built the scene. Withoug drugs, E especially, there would be NO scene, and no fun for legit pinheads such as yourself to have. When you wake up to that fact, I'll listen to what you say. now bugger off. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  4. When e-mail is outlawed, only outlaws will e-mail. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  5. correct, a brunette would also suffice. I apologize for my oversight and table that we might add 'Redhead' to the list as well. Therefore, lesson 1 of clubbing 101. To get past the line, you are best to be (or be in the company of) a skinny blonde/brunette/redhead in posession of breasts. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  6. no. What guys need to get past lines are a pair of breasts attached to a skinny blonde. If chicks only knew what it's like for guys trying to get into clubs sometimes. ------------------ It's difficult these days, to get good grass -wubble u spoonyd.iwarp.com
  7. lose the orchestra hits. Their timing is off and they don't fit. Otherwise same old same old club fodder. But at least it's good enough for that right? Don't be discouraged. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  8. no sweat. I respect you more for it. We'll be sure to give you straight up reviews Monday on tonights throwdown. peace. d ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  9. sorry guys, just having fun with my boy noiseboy. There are no forces that could keep me away from Twilo tonight. I have been giddy since Monday. For me, music lives in Techno. Lately nothing moves me the way it can. Tonight should be so completely inspiring. I too look forward to the more musically challenging nights. The crowds are thinner and the music aimed specifially at smart ears. I'm glad you all feel the same way too. Let all hug now aight? ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  10. I'm sorry, I should have looked at the userid. You must be into Noise. That explains everything. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  11. The reason Twilo is empty when Cox is there, and the reason it will be empty tonight is because, much like Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin sucks. Techno is dead. Long live trance. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  12. kittie, I wanted to write a long detailed reply to that e-mail, but I gotta go. I just wanted to write and say hey! I write you soon! ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  13. On the phone call topic. As girls - do you get put off if a guy keeps calling you? Does it make us seem desperate? Personally, I take it as a total compliment if a girl keeps calling me. I love it. But for some reason I'm always afraid that I'll be considered some kind of stalker if I keep calling her. give me some insight. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  14. There's a bar in Toronto called The Dance Cave. It's only lit by black lights. You could tell the people who had never been there before by the glowing bras and panties. It's the kind of mistake you only make once. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  15. okay girls, this is waaay too much titilating (tee-hee) breast talk for a Friday morning. Some of us now have to make it through the day with images of girls at the office whipping off their shirts, and chicks in the street, brazen in their see-through bras under revealing shirts. <crosses legs> ah nuts. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  16. CM - dunno the guy. Sorry. my..ss - Clubbing in Toronto kicks ass. Raving kicks even more. Toronto still has a vibrant (true school) rave scene. If anyone wants a VIP guided tour through Toronto clubland (and want to pay for my flight home) lemme know As for places to go, the two best semi-underground clubs are System and Turbo. There's several small afterhours places, but they get a little skeezy with CO'd suburban 16 yr olds killing time between parties. There's also a whole wack of glam clubs... All in a 3 by 3 block section of downtown. Toronto has a real, and well defined clubland. Best party there right now, IMHO, is Deep Red on Friday nights at Film Cafe (formerly the BASSmint). The last two times I was back they've had some kick ass talent - DJ Godfather, and DJ Minx. I also caught the sickest set from a recent addition to the Toronto roster - DJ Vortex (whom I'd love to get into NY - He'd kick some serious ass) whew, and that's that. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  17. Since this board seems rife with Canada haters, I just thought I'd rub your nose in the fact that both DJ's at Twilo tonight are from Canada. Richie lives in Windsor (across the river from Detroit), and John Aquaviva is from Toronto. so nuts to you all. THA GREAT WHITE NORTH REPRAZENTZ! ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  18. hey, that was my link. <sniff> I guess people just like you better Tom. I'm going to go kill myself now. (btw - I have a potentential something in the works - I'll keep you in the loop as soon as I know the score on my end) ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  19. For all you gangastahs http://www.mchawking.com/ ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  20. go to www.satellite-records.com They have charts of the stores biggest movers divided by genre etc. It's a good way to gauge what people are buying and what's hot. good luck. IMO though, (and no offence intended) it sounds like a crappy way to do a night, having someone else buy your music. Ick. what club? ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  21. in University we used to call weed "Scooby Snacks" cuz you made "Scooby Doobies" and then you got "Scoobed" whatever... we also used to cover our dorm hallways in water and shapoo and slide down 'em half naked so there's no real accouting for it. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  22. repetez apres moi, tout ensemble. open turntable event ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  23. there ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  24. HEY GLOW This is how the math works to calculate how S&D are going to be. Over the last 7 Months their style has invariably cycled between dark and hard to happy trancey uplifting. The last time they played it was happy trancey uplifting, therefore this month it will be dark and hard. Perhaps calling it sucky is just how it reflects on my personal taste. But, by my calculation, S&D this month will be playing dark and hard, and therefore I'm really looking forward to the Twirl thing. As should we all. ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
  25. erg, I played a Friday night at the Rivertown. Terrible place to spin. The booth is hot and way up high. You can't see anything, and no one can see you. You can't hear the system (only your monitors). No one can dance, and no one really cares what's being played. At least I got payed So yeah! CLUBPLANET TWIRL PARTY! ------------------ keep it cutlary www.spoonyd.iwarp.com
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