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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. A sleeping pill and a joint always do me nicely!
  2. I went to SF Saturday night after Limelight and I just wasted 30 bucks to leave as soon as I got in there. The music was horrible and just made me sleepy. Thats not COOL when Im rolling. It out and out sucks when a DJ doesnt play good beats to keep you going. The guys on the blocks in the itty bitty g strings...well what the heck were they doing?!?!? They were horrible dancers. They need to get people up there who know how to move. I wont go back there again. Its too hot, too many fakes people and steroid freaks walking around. Not my scene.
  3. Hi Drew! Welcome. What clubs do you hit up? Fav music ?
  4. Well I think thats rather pathetic. I cant believe they are going to get on NASDAQ.
  5. Sweetie I know what you mean. My bf is basically in the sam boat as yours. He had the opportunity of starting the club scene back when he was about 15years old. I dont mean the lame little teeny boppers places either. He had ways of getting straight into the Hot City Spots. Now he is 22 and Im 20, soon to be 21. Yet I didnt start the scene until a few years ago. I LOVE IT! And I sure cant imagine my life without. Yet, he doesnt want to do it anymore. At least not every weekend and in the middle of the week like I do. All I can say is as long as he comes with me every once in a while Im fine with the decision he has made.Its not for me but I still have my girlfriends to go out and hang with. The only problem is, clubbing and partying are the only things I really like to do so that makes time for me and my honey just cuddle times. Yet we're making it through. Just go hang with your friends and make the best of it. Most likely, he'll want to get back into it sooner or later because he'll start to miss but you'll just have to sit and wait that out. Good luck hon. And SMILE!
  6. Well obviously you need to ask someone whether it be a psychiatrist or your regular doctor. But the question I have is why continue to smoke it if you see you have suh a reaction? That doesnt seem too intelligent if its been happening for some time now. No offense though. Im just curious
  7. From my understanding it comes in original form and people who work out and lit take it to give them energy. It speeds up your heart a lot. I may be wrong but I beleive Im on the right track. As for feelings and so forth...Not a clue. But I can find out
  8. Limelight is 21 for guys and 19 for girls.
  9. Oh yea by the way, I dont doubt that the med student who dies at Twilo died of GHB. When I saw the Channel 4 news they said...."At this time we are unsure if he dies of ecstacy of another drug." That there tells me it must have been something else either alone or mixed with E
  10. I've heard some serious stories about GHB and no way would I ever try it. A few months back we were on line for EXIT and there was this girl with her boyfriend in front of us. They were talking to us and told us that they were on GHB. The girl was taling to us totally normal and then all of the sudden she started shaking like crazy and acting nothing like she was originally. Her boyfriend started screaming at her and telling her to straighten up because he's been waiting for over an hour to get in. The girl collapsed to the floor and seems to be going thorugh some sort of convulsions. She couldnt stand on her own nor talk. The bouncer had to come over and pick her up and put her in a cab. He told the guy to go come and take care of his girl. Just from seeing that, Ill never touch that crap. It can kill you and no drug is worth taking if it will take your life!
  11. I have my belly button, a bar going across the top of my ear and a rose tattoo on my shoulder.
  12. Whoa. I dont know if I agree with the last one but Id just tell him. You pay half the rent and you dont want to have to clean up after these people or hear them. Its your home and you should be able to feel comfortable in it. Not have to wake up every morning and wonder if some stranger is in there. God forbid he invites some psycho over that he doesnt even know and you get robbed or killed. Id definately just tell him that you guys need to sit down and tralk about this. I fhe has lots and lots of guests, then he should pay more of the rent then you are. Especially if you hardly have anyone stay over, these people eat your food and add to your electricity and water bills!
  13. Well from the little that I have read and heard, the new Studio will not try and recapture the old glamour and glitz. They know thats impossible yet they want to reopen and give everyone the chance to experience thisclub. They believe that just the club in general will give off n awesome vibe like in the old days. I dont doubt that either in ways. I think just walking in that place will give you such awesome feelings yet I may be wrong. I have noo idea about the DJs or anything along those lines. I too am just trying to find out and I will go check it out if it is open or if it does in the future. Its just one of those clubs that I feel I have to check out
  14. Ok Im no doctor but I have heard that drinking and rolling combined is not a safe or suggestable mix. But, oh well. I od it all the time and I have been doing it since I first started rolling in '98. I personally have no choice. Drinking before hand calms me down and actually stops me from thinking about having a bad roll. Nothing has ever happened to me from drinking and rolling but I also make sure that I drink at least one bottle of water every hour. Anyways...you can help bring your roll up by drinking orange juice or sucking on oranges or lemons. That has worked for some and not others. Also, I can recall the name of it but its HTP or something along those lines. Youre basically supposed to take it hours before your roll. It helps bring brian levels back up. Ok sorry all but my mind isnt with me right now to give you the correst info. But Im sure someone will know what Im talking about and correct me.
  15. I have also heard what POOH said. I even know some people who go to therapists and psychiatric help and they take E to help hem speak more clearer. While the patients are on this, they are more tuthful and speak more with true meaning. I have never heard of it being used though for anything like problems or actual health problems. Just for mental reasons
  16. Ummmm not even close! Limelight is a church on 6th Ave. Studio 54 is actually now a cabaret place but is supposed to be turning into a club again under the same name. It wont be the same as the ORIGINAL club, but they are supposed o be reopening it. The only problem is, I was told it has reopened from some people and others say it hasnt yet.
  17. Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs. The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!
  18. Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs. The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!
  19. Ok heres what really happens with drugs and the reason why they wont legalize drugs. The government imports drugs. They actually use military planes to bring them into the country. From there they distibute them out and right here they make their first bundle of money. Then the drugs are on the streets. People get busted so they confiscate the drugs back. The people go on trial and the government makes more money on court fees and they get to put the drugs back on the street. Its like a big circle which keeps going around and around. Why legalize them when they can make loads more on them being illegal??? Well I saw that on 60 minutes a couple months ago so its all truth. But it does truely make sense why they will go through all the trouble importing them in and keeping them illegal. Yet its also messecd up how they spend billions of dollars each year on anti-drug campaigns when they are bringing the largest supply of drugs into the country!
  20. Hey all. Well this past weeekend I heard from a few people that Studio 54 is reopening. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
  21. The minimum is 18 to get in...if your a guy its kind of hard to get E in through the door. Ive always notice them really pat my guy friends down. If youre a girl, they usually only check your purse. I always put it in my bra and no problems.Othertimes, Ive taped it inside my boot. But would you really wanna go to Exit and roll your face off? Its like an inferno in there and on top of it, you cant even move around easily wehter youre dancing or walking. Why waste a good roll on a packed club. I personally dont like feeling like a sardine when I roll. Oh wel, its your night. Have funn either way!!!
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