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Everything posted by misskittie

  1. Well Happy Monday boys and girls. Im sure many of you are not really interested in this fetish for it is another sick one..particularly for a Monday. haha Anyway, if you dont like it, dont read it. Im not forcing you to click on the link to open the post. You are choosing to do so yourself. Now for those of you who do not know what each are, here is a definaition to clear things up for you. They are in fact different. Zoosexuality is an orinetation in the same catergory as hetero-,home-, and bisexuality. A person who indulges in zoophilia is one who has a profound emotional, and also a physical attraction to animals. Zoophiliacs sexual attraction to their pets is a result of the emotional bond. Beastilaity is a tad different. Along the same lines being its sex with animals but thats all it is. There is no emotional bond what-so-ever. They are only interested in the sexual aspects of such practices. Im going to refer to zoophiliacs as zoos. I have noticed this is how many sites reference them anyway. The interested thing about zoos is it is considered an alternative lifestyle like hmosexuality. They strongly believe that they do not choose to be zoos and that its much a part of them. Many of them do not even have human partners. Some enjoy both animals and humans but there is no "title" for them. Now zoos love animals and do not harm them in any way. Many are even vegetarians. The odd thing is, I personally view human and animal sex to be abusive. They do not. They dont feel they are harming them in a physical or mental way due to the fact that they love their animals. Hey, I love my dogs too but Im surely not gonna let him jump on me and get down ya know. (sorry now Im getting personal) Anway back to what the point was. Zoos dont feel they are abusing the animals and their reason being...."animals have claws, teeth, and hooves with which they can inflict serious damage upon humans, and that if an animal is not interested, he or she will make those intentions known, in as forceful a manner as required. By the same token, animals have desires just as humans do, and they will let those be known, including pursuing human partners for sex at times." So. because of this physical attributes, they feel its fine. Okay thats all for now. Ill add more if I come across anything but I have things to do today. Hope I didnt gross yas out too much. Actually, I dont care if I didd..haha thats the funny part. Have a good dy followed by a wonderful week... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  2. misskittie


    Whoa! Now Im not sure what thats called but I never knew of a fetih of having sex with dead, decapitated bodies. Thats just a lil sick asnd really isnt necrpohilia. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  3. Yes, in fact this is what can should (IMO) be done. Im sorry Mr dick but you have a different stand point then I have. Maybe thats because I have actually participated in threesomes and you have not. There is nothing wrong with pleasing one person...at a time. I think if you tend to put all the focus one person, feelings if inadequacy tend to develop and jealousy, sometimes thoughts of being left out. I know this only from my own experiences. If there is no emotional attachements through any of the parties then this may in fact not be the case. Sure theres no rules in sex for some. You happen to be different and willing to explore all types of sexuality. It truely depends on whom is involved and the circumstances. There are many forms of threesomes actually and maybe that should be expressed. Me personally, Im not down for the pleasing of only one person. If I was going to do that, then I would only have sexual activites with that male or female. I wouldnt get involved with the threesome. Just my opinion though. Myabe we need to get more experienced for their facts and opinions....any volunteers.. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  4. Tryin to take my spot are we? U *know* how I feel about the disco ball and planetary rings... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  5. Oh well this is definately an interesting fetish which I happened to stumble upon this evening. One that I never knew even existed but I suppose anything is in fact possible. Its called plushies. It is when an adult has special personal feelings for or is attracted to puppets or stuffed animals. They actually have special sexual techniques for using their stuffed animals. Now plushophiles also go a little deeper rather then just using stuffed animals. Many actually wear fursuits. Now, we would commonly incorporate these fur suits with amusement parks. Guy walking around in a teddy bear costume is an example.These people find itsexually stimulating to wear the costumes because they then look like a living "plushie". While most plushophiles probably feel at least some degree of affection for their plushies, the ways they express it depend on the individual.Some may view their plushies as just sex toys, while other plushophiles love, even venerate their stuffed animals. Well thats about all kiddies. If you wanna check out some of these "plushie sites", Im including a few which I came across myself in this post. http://velocity.net/~galen/ http://sd.plushie.org/zrnet/ (this one seems to be the most up to date) Interested in purchasing your own fursuit...well my friends, look no further... haha http://www.best.com/~nico/fursuit.cgi And finally...if you want to purchase your own plushie, well take a peek at this site. http://www.spottycat.com/marlos/plushres.html Ihope I didnt offend anyone with this post. I myself find it quite humorous. Im wondering if there is a lack of mental stability in these plushophiles though. So far I havent found anything regarding that though. xoxo kAt ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  6. I have been looking at this post for about an hour now trying to decide if I even want to get involved. Obviously I decided to speak my mind. Im a little annoyed (as usual). Im annoyed with the comment made by likmylipz. Here, let me go copy n paste for ya..."i think that the guy should be focus of attention". Lets just feed into the male fantsy of having 2 women please him at once. Threesomes are NOT about pleasing just one of the people invovled in the act. If this is how yours have gone, then you are missing out on mush of the eroticism to be incorporated with it. This type of secxual play works best when all three people are totally into each other mentallya nd physically...equally. No one person (IMO) should get it all. Then your losing a lot from the experience. If thats how you want it, just fuck one person. Dont do a threesome. Im nto going to get into any of the times that I had because well, I dont need people knowing about them really. I will admit I have had both good and bad but REFUSE to focus on one person. Its all about mind, body, and unity. I guess once you become more mentally balanced with life and sex, you can see the sensuality with it. Sure many times its just a fuck feast but you have to know how to work it properly. Otherwise, the third perosn gets in the way...and I dont like when things go wrong... Just my opinion people...I could elaborate more but Im not feelin it right now.. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  7. Where ya gonna be tonight punk ?? ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  8. And right! I need it to be passionate, perfect, long and fabulous. I want to feel my toes curl and chills down spine. I want it to feel as though we have just molded our bodies into one. Heartbeat to heartbeat. mmmmmmm Gawd its been years... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention! [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 01-20-2001).]
  9. I dont need love...I need erotic humping baby! guess its a different class.... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  10. misskittie


    Okay not to be a bitch but if you want to state your opinion on this then fine..its a public board and you have every right to. But why do you think its "nasty". Do you even understand this fetish at all to come to that conclusion? Please elaborate a little more rather then making one word posts... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  11. misskittie


    Yes lolly youre right honey but it goes much deeper then that. Its actually a practice that goes way back in history. It was viewed by many cultures as a way of being spiritually connected with the dead. I think Im finding a huge interest in this because it seems to be in almost every culture throughout history. They each had some sort of spiritual meaning and the different stories are amazing. You really have to be openminded though if you are going to take interest within this. Yes some may believe its a sick sexual activity but thats when you view it as "having sex with dead bodies". ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  12. N ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  13. misskittie


    hehe no its not in the bible...but Im wonderingnow if maybe there are some hidden sections referring to this. Its something like the "The wonderment of Necrophilia and yada yada....I dont remember I only got it 2 days ago. Ill check on the title and author for you. From what I have been informed, tehre are a number of books dealing with this subject. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  14. ee I think many of us have actually been in this position before. My suggestion is try setting the mood. Maybe some candle light or aromas. Vanilla is actually considered an aphrodesiac for the senses. You can even try some seductive little outfits from victoria secret or even make your own little sultry creations. I always had fun making my own. If the sex is repetative sex everytime, it looses its flare. Try new things and push the limit. Mood does help a lot. I even tried flower peals on the bed and purchased sheer material and put it hanging all over my room from the ceiling. I basically replicated an Arabian setting within my room. Grapes in a fancy gold bowl, the incense flowing, candle light only shone though the thin material as our bodies casted shadows upon them. Big comfy coz y pillows all over the floor...some the size of us. Velvet little resting pillows here and there as well...theres soo much you can do the options are infinite.. Goodness if that turn him on...I dont know what you can do. Hope it helps..it definately sparked the sex life I once had as well as inspired me for different settings to create for the next time! ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention! [This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 01-19-2001).]
  15. lolly, i think this can actually put necrophilia in a better light for you...hope I dont weird you out of make you sweet but in a way this is a romanctic tale. And I believe one that gives the act a little better recognition then one wouldnormally think.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is an example of a typical fantasy story that was simply typed on a word processor, turned into a txt file, and can be sent over the net to interested folks. Stories can go from the romantic, such as this one, or to the very violent depending on your level of interest. Remember that this was written by a male... life (and death) is, after all, simply a matter of perspective. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOREVER SLEEP by "Jerry" Laying in my bed... my eyes getting heavy with sleep. My mind drifting into a subliminal recollection of the last 24 hours. It all seems miles away now. I was sitting at the side of her bed in the hospital... watching and hearing all those damn machines plugged into her, breaking the otherwise stifling silence with their rythmic operation, yet doing the job of keeping her alive. The doctor told the family that her head injuries were irreversable... and that it was just a matter of time. It's been three days since the accident. I watched helpless as my darling "little one", as I called her because of how short she was, lay there pale and quiet... her chest slowly rising and falling. I noticed her nipples slightly poking up through her patient gown. I let go of her hand long enough stand up and then bending down to her.. gently caressing her breasts through her gown while kissing her soft lips. "I love you", I whispered. For the last two days I had made a few decisions in my own life as a result Maggie's condition. I was her fiancee for nearly three months now. I loved her terribly and she loved me. We were never without each other. I always recalled our intimate moments together... moments we would never have again. One time during a tender moment watching a movie on TV she turned to look up at me and said if it ever had to happen she would want us to die in each other's arms. I jokingly mentioned, how about during our love making? After the levity of the moment had left us she told me... "If anything should happen to me I want us to be making love." But who in their right mind thinks that would ever happen. Now with this... well, I had plans that we would share something together, if it ever came to that. And it appeared it was going to. I stroked her lovely and fine brown hair.... carressed her cheek... all the while staring at her lovely face and remembering how it smiled to me whenever we met. No sooner had I drifted off into a pleasent memory Maggie took a heavy and long deep breath.... her body stiffend a bit... then her lungs let loose air for the last time. I kissed her slightly parted lips as the last of her life-giving air left her forever. "Wait in heaven for me, little one." I had spent so much time with her... being her friend and lover... protecting her as best as I could... but not protecting her from this. But we will not be parted quite yet, my darling. I made my pre-arranged phone call from her room then I left the room just as a couple nurses were scurrying in, tipped off by the flatline alarm. Maggie's folks rushed in from their vigil in the waiting area. I walked almost trance-like down the hall to the elevator, and took it down to the hospital's lower level. I sat down in a chair located next to the freight dock. I leaned my head back against the hard wall and tears came to my eyes. I was startled by the noise of a vehicle backing into the dock area. I stood up and saw that it was a hearse. I approached the driver and asked if he were picking up a body. He confirmed he was, and who he was picking up... my little one. He used a wall phone and made an in-house call. About 30 min later an attendent came down with a gurney... and a body bag on it. When the attendent left, I helped the driver gently load the body into the rear of the hearse. He thanked me and asked who I was. I told him the body in the bag was my fiancee. He expressed his condolences. At that point I reached into my pocket and handed him an envelope. I explained to him that the contents of that envelope were his with no questions. What I wanted in return was to "rent" this hearse, with all its "contents" for 24 hours... after which time he could have it back in the same shape, with the same contents. His very startled look when he counted the money in the envelope told the story of his accepting our agreement. He looked into my eyes and said to me, "Friend, I've been in this business for nearly 20 years... I know what you want to do. Just treat her well." With that we drove back the the funeral home, dropped him off, and I left for my place. Since it was 2am the neighborhood was asleep and no one saw me back into my townhouse garage with a hearse. Imagine what they would have thought. I opened the rear door of the vehicle and slowly pulled out my little one by gripping an edge of the body bag. I lifted her up in my arms and carried her into the house. I gently laid her on the couch in the living room... the couch where we had spent so many hours in each other's arms. I slowly unzipped the bag and the plastic pulled away revealing her sleeping face... so beautiful even in death. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted. She still had on her gown. I reached down and lifted her off the couch, allowing the bag to fall free. Her head fell back, her hair dangling and gently swaying with my every move. My arms under her legs and back, I carried her into the bedroom. Setting her down on the bed, I slowly pulled off the hospital gown. Her totally naked and dead body lay before me. She looked so lovely. Even though she was pale in death, her tan lines along her waist and breasts were very visable. Her breasts were always so nicely proportioned to the rest of her body.. not big.. and certainly not small. But they still aroused me as I saw their fullness spread out across her chest as she lay there. I quickly set about getting things ready. I went around the room and lit all the candles I had placed there yesterday... making sure they were all spaced properly. I turned on the stereo to our CD. Then I got undressed. I turned off the lights... and let the candles present their ambience. I stood over her body next to the bed... just watching her laying there so peaceful. I wasn't hard yet... I guess I was still filled too much with emotion. I gently reached down and lifted her left hand and touched it to my soft cock. I wrapped her little fingers around it as it slowly came to life... she always liked feeling it grow in her hand when she would grab me at night. I moved her hand over my balls, then back over my dick again in a stroking motion. It didn't take long... she could always get me hard doing this. I was soon very hard. I put her hand down then went to the foot of the bed and spread her sexy legs very wide apart. I let both my hands rub the entire length of her legs... over her very tan and firm thighs... I felt her body cooling. When my hands reached her cool pussy I gently rubbed her clit... now it was dead, but when she was alive, just my mere touch sent her moving uncontrollably. I moved my head to between her legs, gently kissing and nibbling her firm thighs while making my way up to her pussy. I buried my face hard into her pussy... she still smelled wonderful! My tongue licked at her now-dead little clit feverishly... trying to push into her still warm pussy. I grabbed each leg behind her and pulled them up to either side of my head so I could get my tongue in deeper into her cooling pussy. Her body just stayed limp... unresponsive. But my cock was getting very swollen and hard. We had not made love for a couple weeks because I had been out of town. I had a lot of cum saved up.. and I was determined to give it all to her... there was no sense holding back anymore. I gently let her legs drop to the bed, and moved my body up over her's. I took her arms and put them up over her head and held them by her wrists down to the mattress as I positioned myself... my rock-hard cock... at her pussy entrance. She always wanted me to go in slow... never forceful... I would never hurt her. I loved her so much. I moved my hips in little swirls forcing the head of my cock to rub against her clit and pussy opening. This would always drive her crazy, I remembered. I looked for a reaction in her face and found none. My face was over her's as I gently kissed her lips as I continued my dick swirls on her clit. My tongue forced her little mouth open and played with her limp, still-moist tongue. I used my cheek to turn her limp head slightly to the side and I whispered in her ear, "This is for both of us, my little one." And I slowly pushed the head of my hard cock into her pussy. It didn't feel as warm as it used to... and very very dry and tight. I gently pushed in further, allowing her dead pussy walls grip tight against my throbbing shaft. I didn't recall her ever feeling like this... and I got harder yet. Finally I was all the way inside her. It actually felt like I was splitting her it was so tight. I just stayed there not moving... kissing her lips and letting our tongues meet, and licking her cool lips. I had remembered the first time we made love... she was a virgin. She told me to enter slow, move slow, and no hard thrusting. I told her I would never ever hurt her like that. Since that time we made love all different ways. But this was the first time in death we were making love. So I started to move slowly... still kissing her dead lips. In and out very slowly my cock forced it's way. The dry, tight walls seemingly not wanting to let me hardness go. "See, my little one... just like our first time together." I continued the very slow in and out motion, fighting back the desire to be forceful, preffering to be gentle. I turned her head again with my cheek and whispered in here ear, "I'm ready to send my love deep into you now, darling." All it took was three more slow in and out strokes, the final in-stroke I pushed gently, but very deeply and firmly into Maggie's pussy as I kissed her lips, and felt my body convulse as my built up semen entered her dead pussy. Two more convulsions sent more of my living sperm into her cold dead pussy. "I will now be with you forever, my little one. Nothing will ever change that." I gently slid my body off to the side of her's and I spent the next few minutes kissing her everywhere I could get my lips. Her sexy arms, her soft supple breasts. I spent a long time sucking on her left, then right nipple allowing my mouth to warm them up one last time; firmly stretching each one in my teeth, but this time not getting her normal wild response. I licked and kissed her sunken tummy, firmly massaging her ribs... and my tongue probed her cold bellybutton. I moved her right hand to my wet, semi-hard cock and again wrapped it around my shaft and moving it around I soon got very rigid. Recalling a favorite position she liked about letting her head hang over the side of the bed as I made love to her (she liked the blood rush as she orgasmed) I gently pulled her little lifeless body to the edge of the bed allowing her arms and her head to dangle over. As I did that my engorged cock brushed against her sleeping face leaving a silvery streak of residual cum along her left cheek. I kneeled down to her upsidedown face and carefully wiped it off with my hand, and kissed her softly where it had been. It was then I realized that maybe the love I left deep inside her cooling pussy might just ooze out before she was buried. So I decided to send my next load of love in through her mouth. I rose up on my knees allowing the head of my swollen cock to fall on the lips of her slightly parted lips. I spent a moment just moving my dickhead back and forth over her cold lips. Then moving her chin with my fingers, I got her sexy mouth open enough to allow my cock head inside, between her teeth. Putting my hands on each side of her face I pulled her face toward me as my hips went forward. Her dead mouth opened wide to accept all of my hardness and I felt my shaft go deep into her throat. My balls hung against her forhead as I slowly moved her head back and forth over my dick... her mouth slightly moving with the suction of my cock moving in and out. My motion began to pick up speed as my thrusts into her throat seemed to penetrate deeper. Her arms dangling between my legs gently swaying with my motion. I looked down at her lifeless breasts... gentle swirls as my motion sent shudders through her dead body. I felt another massive load of saved up semen beginning to erupt deep inside my balls. With one final thrust and pull of her cute little face onto me further I exploded, and again my love entered her dead and lifeless body. Wave after wave of my cum was shot deep into her throat. Then I collapsed onto her dangling body as my spasms faded, leaving my cock still in her sexy mouth. After I regained my breath once again, I stood up... I noticed as my dick left her mouth that her mouth remained opened much wider than before. I spotted a trickle of semen drip from the corner of her mouth so I thought I had better bring her body back up to a level position on the bed. So as I pulled her from the edge of the bed by her ankles, I turned her over onto her stomach. When we made love we tried many times to get my hard and big cock into her tight little ass but for some reason she was too small. Well, I decided to try it one more time because it was something she always wanted to experience, at least once. Yet again I used her dead little hands to carress my cock to another massive hardness. Her legs were together as I kneeled over her, positioning the head of my dick at her anal opening. The sight of her shapely and beautiful ass made my cock throb intensely. I began to push in slowly. Surprisingly I felt it extremely tight but not the resistence her and I had experienced before. Was she allowing me inside her finally, or was this simply death taking over and her dead muscles relaxing? I didn't care... my stiff cock was buried entirely into her tight little asshole. This time I had to move fast... in and out of her tight anus my cock moved... harder and faster were my motions. I felt her lifeless body bounce on the bed, may balls slapping the crack of her ass. Then reaching a crescendo my body stiffened as I thrust deep into her rectum, sending spasm after spasm of cum inside her dead intestines. I collapsed again in exhaustion on her back. And stayed there for what seemed like hours, keeping my dick in her tight ass like a plug. After regaining my breath once again I set my final plans into motion. Leaving her on her stomach on the bed I went into the bathroom and downed some pills. I looked into the mirror and saw a sad face, and a tear running down my cheek. Returning to the bed, I shifted Maggies lifeless little body around so I could pull the sheets down. I climbed into bed, laying next to her, then pulled the sheets over the both of us. I moved her little body to me, turning her to her side and up against me. I moved a limp arm across me as I felt her cold breast press hard against my chest. I reached down bewteen her legs and gently rubbed her cold pussy entrance with my index finger. I felt some warm fluid as I touched her. I whispered in her ear, "One last time, my little one". This time my dick was swollen without her "help". I slid her body on top of mine... shifting her limp legs to each side of me as if she were kneeling on top of me. I felt her pussy hair against my hardened shaft... her once shapely breasts crushed against my chest. I reached down between my legs and took my hard cock in my fingers and rubbed it against her cold pussy one last time. Then positioning the head of my dick at her vaginal entrance I let it go and used both my arms to shift her body onto me, sliding her down over my shaft. Her cold pussy walls gripped onto me the farther in I went. I began moving her little stiffening body in back and forth enough to make me move inside her. I reached around and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand and pulled and dropped her hips onto me in short motions. I let go of her firm ass and moved my hands to under each arm and I began to pull her up and back faster and faster... forcing my cock to penetrate deeper into her dead pussy. Again I felt the buildup deep inside me to let go... and with one final convulsion, I whispered in her ear, "I love you, my darling." just as the last of my cum spewed into her vagina. It's been minutes since my final love entered my love's little dead body. The sleep is taking over my senses now. I'm reaching around her and caressing her back, holding her against me one last time. My thoughts are filled only of her. Our love will be together... I can't keep my eyes open.... When the police arrived the next day they found burned-down candles in the bedroom and a dead couple laying in bed under the covers. Pulling the covers back they found a dead young lady in an advanced stage of rigor mortis laying on top of a male with his arms around her. His penis was still inside her and the coroner had a difficult time pulling the stiffened female body off the male. It was determined who the female was and her remains were sent back to the funeral home. After an autopsy of the male showed no signs of foul play that body was released as well. They were buried next to each other. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  16. misskittie


    But of course..I knew Mr Dick would be one of the individuals to delightfully take interest in this topic. Thank you very much for wanting more details. I think you will be shocked with some of what I have to tell you about...some you may not be as shocked with being "primative" hehe. And we will now commence... One of the first cultures to partake in this was the Moche Civilization. The only reaosn historians believed this was because of the pottery made by the people. Most of the artfacts found were of carcanchas engaging in sex with humans. Modern day Asmats of Irian Jaya would actually take a human skull and place it for days at a time next to their genitals. They believed that by doing so, they would all of the sexual energy from the skull owner. This just goes on and on with the cultures so dont mind me being somewhat vague on each culture. (Im at work so cant get *too* into it) Anyway back to the discussion.... Now back in Egyptian times, it was said that neither the wives of high-ranking men nor the bodies of beautiful women were brought staright to the embalmers upon their death. The bodies were left to putrefy for 3 to 4 days at a time. This way the embalmer would loose interest in the dead women. Now this was all told by the Greek historian, Herodotis (sp). Supposedly a male embalmer was caught in the act with one of the carcases before and this caused the new law to go into effect. (jerk ruined it for the rest of them - - haha j/p) Okay Im copying this next short story from a book my friend gave me.... "A young monk stopped at an inn which was mourning the loss of the innkeeper's daughter. They asked the young monk to do a wake over her, and he agreed. That night the monk had sex with the girl and departed the following morning. Later that day, while they were putting the coffin in the ground, someone heard movement; the casket was opened and the young girl is put back to bed and nursed to health. A short time later the first signs of pregnancy appeared and at the end of nine months she gave birth to a baby, all the while claiming her virginity. Several years later the monk renounced his vows for various reasons and soon his affairs brought him back to the inn. Finding the "deceased" alive and a mother, he confessed his actions and married the girl." --Now of course to us, this sounds absurd and practically impossible. Im not too sure what reference they have to actually go ahead and prove this...if any. Im not even all that too sure as to where they got their info from. Who may have told the original story was a doctor and it was dated the 1800's. I just thought it to be bizarre. The practioce even goies back to cults and magic cultures. Not surprising though. You can do some reasearch on Indian Tantra if you would like to know more about these. They supposively mixed sex and death in their rituals. The list goes on and on. I can actually give you some really good references if you want to kdo some studying on your own. I think that learning mroe about this actually gives you a better undersatdning of fetishes amd the human mind as well. Hope you enjoyed...and my apologies for not being so thorough...Im at work. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  17. misskittie


    I recently have found a new interest in necrophilia. Mostly due to my interest in all forms of sex for I for one would never participate in such a form of sex. Yet my reason for bringing this up in discussion is because its completely amazing to me. The act and intentions behind it. The mental state of those actually involved in this. So out of curiosity...has anyone ever known someone with this type of sexual fetish? And do any of you have feelings on it. I dont want to get into it at this very moment as to my own opinions due to I must be leaving for lunch. But if anyone has some input on it please share. I know its kind of morbid but its incredibly intriguing me....no Im not a sicko. This is the sex board remember...just trying to show some of those on the board who dont know of all types of fetishes a new light. Talking about bj's all the time or tits and ass is getting too repetative for my blood and attention span. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  18. misskittie


    I love this song...baby keep going..please continue... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  19. Area of expertise? Umm noooo. Heheh I know nothing about them. Yup nothing! S&D is in fact next week. As for PimP MyrLin, Im not sure if you will need to pay him. Its just dancing. But you may wanna check with him on that. You dont wanna have any problems with the PiMPs! lol Is it 5 yet...I need to get me a mudd slide...or 2 or 3 or 4 or..... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  20. Actually my dear, Im having a rather in depth conversation about vibrators. For some reason all my girls come to me to get the latest 411! No idea why.. Anyway...what might you be doing urself my dear?? Plans for the weekend? Afterhours? What come on gimme the juice mah man! xoxo kAt ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  21. Uh oh...lolly is gonna be red in the face today when she sees what she did... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  22. This just goes to show what a sick, sad world we actually do live in.... MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) - A man has been convicted of using a sexual encounter with his girlfriend to try to induce an abortion. Edwin Sandoval, 35, was found guilty Friday of seven felony charges including first-degree sexual assault for forcing an ulcer medication into the pregnant woman's vagina. He faces up to 95 years in prison at sentencing on March 16. Prosecutors said Sandoval administered the drug during sex on Aug. 10, 1998, five days after the woman told him she was pregnant. The victim consulted a doctor hours after the incident, after noticing vaginal bleeding. Lodged inside her vagina were two pills of misoprostol - a drug that can cause uterine contractions. The pills were removed and the woman, on her doctor's advice, called police. She gave birth in March 1999. Defense attorney William Gerace said he would appeal. "I'm devastated," Gerace said. "Frankly, we were convinced we won the case." ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  23. Does this mean I must be your ho now almighty PimP pOOh? I dont want PimP MyRliN giving me another black eye and throwing me down the stairs... ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  24. Hey Casey my borther-in-law is a lawyer and has his own firm. If you need help with something then write me a pm and Ill be to sure to ask for you if you'd like. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
  25. Thank you guys...I found another one but dont think I like it.... Anyway hope I found something. ------------------ - "If I coulD ReACh up And hOLd a STar fOr eVEry TimE You'vE MAdE ME smiLe, tHE enTire evENinG sKy woUld bE in The pALm of My hAnd" - UnkNoWn - Myrlin's ho! Direct all inquiries to his attention!
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