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Everything posted by nautilus60

  1. Yeah, but what you can do is to pretend you are gay and hit on girls - works like a charm. Just make sure it IS a girl;) Also, never heard DJ Three before. What should i expect? Deepsky, too. GOnna check them out on Sat. Thanks.
  2. Wait!!! Dont answer that.
  3. I thought we were talking about viagra? Or we are just gonna mix cereal with viagra now? But seriuosly, though...i find it starnge that people mix X with Viagra 'cause i never had any problems keeping it hard...quite the opposite - i become an energizer bunny and can go all night. Am i a freak?
  4. I've been to Velvet plenty of times and always had fun. If you are secure about your sexuality and have an open mind you will like it.
  5. I almost got arrested once during the IMF protests for having my girlfriend over in my dorm room (at GW). Appareantly i wasnt allowed to have visitors at that time...
  6. Well, for starters Minsk is in Belarus...Whats there? They've got some cute girls there. Is this Miss Behave cute? If so, i just might have to come down and check this party out. BTW, Lena is from Minsk. Lena, i know you are lurking around...say hello or something...
  7. BTW, i saw DJ Scribbles last Wed. at Power Plant Live in BMore. I didnt know he'd be there, honestly...Anyway, it was god awful...throughout the night he switched from hip-hop to cheesy trance... The dude could scratch, though - gotta give him that. he also worked the crowd well.
  8. Where IS Nourishment??? Anyone knows?
  9. If Oakie would play there, the party would suck even more...
  10. I've been to Acapulco before - loved it. What annoyed me, though, were the souvenire vendors that come up to you every second while you are lying on the beach and bug you to buy their crap.
  11. I feel like another mini-vacation. Anyone else? http://www.acasoundfest.com/aca02/home.php
  12. I also always look at caller ID first - all of my phones have one. I dont know how i lived without them before...if i switched from another line and theres a telemarketer on it, all i say is: I am not the homeowner, please call back later. Works all the time.
  13. :laugh: No shit!!! That stupid thing was right above the speaker where we were dancing, too... I almost ripped that fucking thing out of there. BTW, i noticed that every club (that i've been to) in Miami uses sirens, even Space...WTF?
  14. Tiny, The DJ was Richard F - he kicked some major ass. Thx for posting the pics. Should have posted one of Lobster alone at the beach during sunrise...or the one where he is in bed. believe it or not i've never "partied" with Lobster and that was one of the funniest nights ever...
  15. Yeah, Tiny...That stuff was money:eek: Thank you.
  16. Riiight...its that moron thing...Thanks once again, Ms. Butterfly.
  17. I am leaving the same day, so i will not have the time. Thanks for offering, though...We'll def. meet up on Sept 7th;)
  18. I am going to NY tomm as well. Gonna catch some tennis action (US Open)
  19. Normal Guido? Paradox? thats whats called, right?
  20. Did you know you could buy dildos at Sharper Image? Watch the re-run...
  21. Oh Yeahhh...And "Thats when the whores come in":D I guess this should go into the movie quotes thread as well:)
  22. dad is on vacation? can we throw a rave in there?
  23. Oh yeah?...Oh yeah?... Well, Yuri had "Sex in the City" party last night. Sorry i couldnt make it:rolleyes:
  24. Oh, now it sure will be posted...after the "Arthur likes spooning" comment in the other thread. just a little preview - Yuri' standing in the middle of his court at 5AM in boxers hugging a pillow:laugh:
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