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Everything posted by nautilus60

  1. :laugh: I knew it....
  2. yeah, i trashed my basement...So it was the first and the last party i'll ever have there.,
  3. Yeah, i figured it out now...I asked him, he looked at me for about 10 seconds with an empty look in his eyses and said: Whaaaat?
  4. Thanks! Going to AG right now. I asked at least 10 people at Starscape if they knew this track - noone knew, even Kuro - shame on you.
  5. Very cool review, Cintron. Pretty much says it all. Too bad we didnt meet up. The only person i remember meeting was Xpander - nice to meet you, bro. You guys should come down more often for Ultraworld parties - they are always very well organized and lots of fun. the next one is in October, i think. Glad you liked the crowd - we try to keep it drama free.
  6. Shlongus... :laugh: Everytime i read it outloud i can stop laughing...if i remember correctly the name came from the kjoke he used to tell girls: Him: i have a very serious medical condition... Girl: OMG! Poor you! Him: yeah, its called shlonguslongitis Girl: Sounds bad, what is it? Him: i suffer from an obnormously large cock The girl walks away...
  7. :laugh: you started off so nicely and ended with STFU
  8. WHOA!!! Too much drama going here today...Vic, and everyone else - i think the best thing to do is just not respond to these kind of posts. No?
  9. back to the original topic: trust was lots and lots of fun. DC folks left early and missed Donalds set. I say GODDAMN!!! He had me jumping for all hour and a half. I've never seen him before. All i knew that he was good at working the crowd. Boy, did he work us...Even from the DJ booth, which is very high above the floor, he tried to yell stuff to us. I like when he played:"put ur hands up in the air, put ur hands up in the air" the crowd went nuts. Speaking of crowed:it was not the usual Saturday crowd. Only the people who were there for the music attended, so the vibe was very good. No dress code, friendly staff - 10 different staff members thanked me for coming out last night - i kinda liked it. I think this party is gonna grow and hopefully attract only the crowd who are there for the music and not to grab asses.
  10. I live in reisterstown...I am gonna email directions to everyone this afternoon...
  11. HMMM, Elly, you sexy thing....
  12. This one time, in a band camp... 'nough said:)
  13. I am soooo fucking pissed now:mad: All day long i was trying to avoid finding out the score, cause i taped this game: didnt go to internet news sites, no tv, etc. I go to NY board and some dude posted the result in headline of the thread. theres nothing worse that watching a game to which you already know the score. BTW, i am very embarrassed by the way Russia played last night.
  14. Ohhhh, shit...I cant fucking believe it, Spragga...You just ruined my day. I was looking forward all day to watch this game on tape, avoiding TV, internet news sites, etc and there you go and post the score in the subject line. Please dont do this in the future. Thanks.
  15. Going a 100%. I also have a place to stay.
  16. Ok, so pre-party at my place? Lets say 8PM if we wanna get there by 10-11PM. PM me with ur emails so i could all send u directions at the same time. Also let me know how many people are coming with you.
  17. We can pre-party at my place. I was gonna invite everyone anyways, but didnt know if you guys would wanna come because: 1) I live with my parents 2) my dad is having his friends over to watch boxing These things are no problem to me, cause my parents are cool, and my dad's friends are gonna be outside in the back yard, while we can chill in the basement. So, everyones invited. You, guys decide if its cool with you...
  18. Just finished watching the game(i taped it). Very, Very impressed by Korea, especially by their fitness level. The crowd was awesome. Hopefully they make it through. Scratch, i didnt know you were a soccer fan.
  19. Hehe... what? bad memories? It aint that bad here, lol... Well, here's me and my buddy chilling @Modern in DC. I am on the left.
  20. Hmmm, maybe...i bet we know the same people here in balto, if you hung out with russians that is, cause the community here is pretty small. Ever come back here? if so, let me know when - we'll chill
  21. You look kinda familiar. Like someone i knew when i was a kid. I know its a long shot but...where in Russia are you from? I lived near Kiev.
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