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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. ill be there!!!!! im gettin tix from a friend of mine, im most likly gonna be goin by myself cuz either none of my friends like him or have enough $$ to go. how bout a meetup!! peace out gianni
  2. i like that wagner one peace out gianni
  3. yea, i hear ya. Especially when its two players like that and its not even the finals. Having a whole game without any service breaks is just unheardof. did anyone listen to McEnroe at the end talking, he goes " You know that channel that has all those classic sports moments, well if you missed this match its being replayed on that station right now" in a few years it will def be on that channel. peace out gianni
  4. haha, that would be really shitty....but i highly doubt it. peace out gianni
  5. im up still...pretty much just waited for the agassi vs. sampras match to be over, since it is, im about to go to sleep. i got school tommorow peace out gianni
  6. match was definatly off the hook!! loved every minute of it. i really wish it would have went into a 5th set, but what can you do. if andre didnt miss that last shot i thought he would have pulled out the set. guess we just gotta wait till next year. peace out giann
  7. thanks man!! peace out gianni
  8. i did about half of these since i started school last week, and i have endless hours to do nothing but post. peace out gianni
  9. read a book!! peace out gianni p.s. whos gonna be the first person to reply with, What's a book?
  10. i have heard that one before, absolutly nasty. peace out gianni
  11. u can have some of my breaks, i got more than enough to go around. peace out gianni
  12. hahhaah,...i would stop complaing and get to class but i got another 4 HOURS until it starts. the only good thing is that this gives me A SHIT LOAD OF TIME to post on the board. So i guess its not all bad. But i would still rather not have breaks like that. peace out gianni
  13. id like to meet just about everyone....i have already met mad people and it was awesome, hoping to meet more people in the future. peace out gianni
  14. well, i think i have the biggest break known to man. i have a 9 hour break on tues, a 7 hour break on thurs and a 5 hour break on mon, wed... combined break hours, over 25, that is just rediculous.. no need for that and it sucks even more that there was no way i could have changed it. anyone else got some retarded shit like this?? or is it just me? peace out gianni
  15. rest in peace.....you will be missed! peace out gianni
  16. very funny!! i cant look at the all right now cuz im at school and god forbid someone walks by while there is a bad pic on the screen, will def check them all out later. peace out gianni
  17. yea, thats true, its aight though, cuz if someone starts posting it just means more posts for me . im just waiting for someone to walk past me while im typing and go "yo, ur on clubplanet??" but i have a feeling that day is never gonna come. haha peace out gianni
  18. looks pretty unanimous, i just downloaded kazaa and its pretty cool, but AG has more house. peace out gianni
  19. hes gonna be down there agian in october i think, you should definatly come and check it out cuz its gonna be just as rediculous as the last time. is it time to get everyone pumped up and post a vicious meetup already??? peace out gianni
  20. shit man, i also post a lot at school, but its in the computer room and not in class so i guess that its cool for me to go here.. i dont know how to make it so that it doesnt remember your name and password cuz i always forget to log out when i use the school computers. but i dont think anyone in my school goes to this site anyway. peace out gianni
  21. very funny, i will smash you mike!!! peace out gianni
  22. yea, the tickets are mad expensive, im spending about $300 on it....but i dont mind cuz its a once and a lifetime thing and its more than worth it for me. peace out gianni
  23. enjoyed that one just as much as the other, where do u find out this stuff? peace out gianni
  24. either way, it should be off the hook...chances are people are gonna like his new shit just the same as they liked his old stuff. i know i probobly will. im definatly going to see him perform cuz i think he is the greatest entertainer of all time but there are also gonna be mad other acts and performances that should make it a great concert. peace out gianni
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