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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. that is fucked up man!!!!! holy shit!! where did u get that info? peace out gianni
  2. sorry about u losing ur job, good luck in finding a new one. peace out gianni
  3. fuck man, that sucks!!!! trancend , i wonder if we will be stationed together ....i make jokes when im nervous!! peace out gianni
  4. very funny. peace out gianni
  5. but i guess a lot of hands wont be having so much free time!! peace out gianni
  6. def glad CP is back, i was going through withdrawls without it, lol... Ingrid, nice pick of Vicious on ur sig , i like it. peace out gianni
  7. i dont know about them catching anyone but the car bomb threat was true cuz i was walking back to Penn Station from school and they closed off the street and the cop said that it was a bomb threat so i got the fuck out of there!! peace out gianni
  8. that is really fucked up cuz its not just a NY thing, its a USA thing. shame on LA!! peace out gianni
  9. someone that i know from work said that WWIII will be fought with nuclear weapons and WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones which is so true because once any country breaks our nuclear or biological warfare is pretty much the end of the world as we know it. peace out gianni
  10. this is just too insane, i cant believe that it is really happening, i cant even describe it. peace out gianni
  11. everything is cool guys, ill be home as soon as they open penn station up!! peace out gianni
  12. nice job guys, keep up the posting!!! peace out gianni
  13. yea, a lot of people near me had tears in their eyes. Its hard to say a specific thing, he just has so much energy and life in his performance that its breathtaking. Also for me, that I know everything he has done and accomplished that to actually see him perform is just unbelievable. My favorite part was when he did his motown performance of Billie Jean. Anyone that was there knows how he went about doing it. peace out gianni
  14. what ever i do, is gonna be awesome, i can tell u that much!! halloween is awesome. peace out gianni
  15. i usually listen to the radio cuz i dont got a cd player in my car, and i gotta admit that it does suck most of the time, they play a good song every once and a while that i havent heard in a while that i like to hear.....im suprised mike hasnt asked why i havent made a tape yet. peace out gianni
  16. yea, JL audio def has bangin speakers. def top of the line, i cant believe i forgot about those. Bandpass boxes are sound mad good, depends where u put them though. if u have a hatchback or truck i say go with the bandpass if ur gonna put it in a reg trunk go with the regular box. let us know when u got the loot to get stuff and what u get!! peace out gianni
  17. i only saw bits and pieces since i was at work during it. But Sampras was really off his game. I really have never seen him play that bad, he might as well have not even shown up. Although I did see Hewitt with a lot of passing shots and backhand winners so... u have to give him some credit. peace out gianni
  18. thats really horrible...a good point is that it shows u are a caring person that u felt that something was wrong and u really wanted to help, u know. I think thats a good quality on your part. You would think that all these things would be lessons to people but yet they still do it. Go figure!! peace out gianni
  19. if you get those subs. i dont recoment buying such good interior speakers because those boxes usually come with tweeters and a midrange. so u will be able to hear highs along with the bass. and i think u can find a better deal on an amp somewhere, keep looking. dont only look at kenwood and pioneer. look at rockford, kicker, ppi. and if ur lookin to save money go with jensen. peace out gianni
  20. yea, im sure they did work their asses off, light show was awesome along with all the pyrotechnics. very cool stuff. yea, his performance was just increadible. am def going to see him agian. peace out gianni
  21. aight, first of all, I LOVE MICHAEL JACKSON!!! he was off the hook....onto the review. The concet started about an hour late which sucked because we were just standing around doing nothing. I was in section 64 which was right on the side and a little behind the stage. i was able to move over so iwas directly on the side and could see everything. the performances were awesome, especially mya, usher and whitney. they had a lot of energy. when marlon brando came out talking about dying children it kinda got the crown upset and bored. they stopped too many times for tech problems and shit which was a real bore. before Michael came on the concert really wasnt as good as it was hyped up to be. When Michael came on , it was absolutly rediculous. He had an awesome entrance comming up from the floor. He started his set with the rest of the Jackson 5 dong thier most popular songs which was awesome. He then did "the way u make me fell" with britney spears which was cool. I was kinda upset that he didnt do Smooth Criminal (my fav) and Thriller. I sure everyone is familiar with seeing those videos of people fainting at his concert and shit, and i can tell u that it is definatly possible. i had goosbumps and was near tears the whole time he was out, his performance was absolutly amazing and i have never seen anything like it. I cant wait to see his new tour after his album comes out. His reign of KING AS POP is going strong and he will always be on top. peace out gianni
  22. aight, im gonna be going fairly early aswell, maybe around 5-5:30. so ill keep on checking this thread untill i leave, im not sure where my seats are yet but i will know in a little bit. keep me posted on wehre u wanna meet up. peace out gianni
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