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Everything posted by ggfella4

  1. just wondering if anyone is going to this concert??, i can't wait cuz its gonna be off the hook. im a huge fan of MJ. peace out gianni
  2. useless but very interesting.. peace out gianni
  3. rad z good points, but i just dont think that it would be a big deal having e legalized. it would be controlled just like every other substance. There are many ways that i think it can be moderated, like that metrocard idea thing that someone brought up before, i think people taking pills can be moderated a lot better than cigarettes and such. people are driving drunk anyway and i can be almost positive that people have gotten into big accidents and have killed people when thier cigarette fell out of their mouth and on their lap and swerved with a burning cigarette on their lap. and on your comment about having somone die on e from taking it one time, if it is regulated by the gov't, it would be 100% pure without any outside chemicals and im sure they could even regulate doses..for example istead of a pill having 15 grams they make it 7grams, or whatever its measured in, whether thats right or not, i dont know, im just making an example. peace out gianni
  4. i know the feeling man.. all my friends left too. peace out gianni
  5. 100% ITALIAN welcome to the board by the way!! peace out gianni
  6. this is a really good thread i think , and im glad a lot of people are posting about this with good points and no one is really fighting, u know... my take on this is that we should make extacy legal. every day and year people die from drinking, smoking and other shit more than people dieing from extacy. I know people are gonna go against me on this one but oh well. And the people that would overdose on something like extacy if it is legal would be the same people that would overdo drinking and smokking. People are saying that its gonna turn your brain to mush and shit. But what is stopping people from turning their livers into mush from drinking and being hardly able to breath from smoking. I mean, people know all about that shit and yet people smoke 3-4 packs a day and people drink like fish every day... People are already educated about that and they still do it, so whats the difference if its extacty instead of cigarettes...The whole drug industry would be a great asset for the economy and would save lives in teh long run...I would like to know if we would be having this discussion if extacy was legal and it was alcohol that was illegal. would we be saying the same shit about it?? thats just my $0.02. peace out gianni
  7. i got a 74, not too bad i dont think. peace out gianni
  8. hahhahahahahaahahahahahha:laugh:
  9. never been to webster hall, but i hear bad things about it on the board, but , oh well... i def do hope the date is wrong because i got class on monday morning so a sunday night party would definatly be no good peace out gianni
  10. wow, very impressiv... how long did that really take you??? peace out gianni
  11. i am definatly the bored one here, i got class at 10:40 till 12:25 and then my next class isnt until 7:40 at night..talk about being bored... and on tuesdays i got and 8:40 class until 10:20 and then i got a 7:40 class... someone shoot me peace out gianni
  12. congrats man!!! good to hear, hope u had a great time and this will lead to better things in the future. peace out gianni
  13. what up, i wanna got to vicious's record store, beyond bass, i know its in the village somewhere around 3rd st between 1-2 ave. is that correct and what subway do i need to get there? thanks gianni
  14. i think i know who u were talking about,,, did she have tan pants on??? peace out gianni
  15. yeeeaaaaaaaaa mike yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: just kidding, should definatly be off the hook, might have to be at this one too!! peace out gianni
  16. i would have to say exit, although i havent been there in a while... i was just at factory for vicoius and that has been my first time in there since they changed everything, and i def like it a lot...new lights and shit and new sound system... so i prob gotta say factory.. peace out gianni
  17. it was probobly a regular version of final chapter with vicious puttin his own special touches on it....at factory on friday he made the sickest mix of final chapter i ever heard. peace out gianni
  18. i started today and it's kinda good to be back but the summer def went too damn quick. just wondering who else started today and where they go. im sure we have a post like this every time a new semester starts but oh well.....i got to Baruch College on 25th and Lex in the city. peace out gianni
  19. sorry to hear that,its always sad when something bad happens to someone who seems to be a good person..... hope your friend gets better. peace out gianni
  20. whatever you do, put your car in a garage!! two weekends in the city for limelight and factory, and two weekends at the impound lot getting our car back.. so dont worry about how much the garage is cuz ur gonna end up payin a shit load more money when it gets towed. peace out gianni
  21. if vicious is anything like he was this past friday, its goin to be intense. i would definatly love to have some more people at the meet up. i think im just gonna drink a million red bulls instead of droppin bombs this time. :) peace out gianni
  22. counting down the days already!!! can not wait!!! peace out gianni
  23. i guess i gotta post on this one since i was at the meetup..def fun meetin up with everyone, im not gonna name names cuz i did that on the other post but im sure some people might remember me... im gonna try to post a lot more, i just gotta get a better internet service cuz netzero sucks balls.... peace out gianni
  24. first off, VICIOUS IS FUCKIN INSANE. definatly the best club night i have ever been to. i went in with xtcgirlie, pfloyd, blazny, and msoprano. met a lot of cool as people at the meet up......karch, sexybabyd, court877, and my man highmay that i was dancing with the whole night. if i forgot anyone, sorry but i was wacked.... peace out gianni
  25. almost there, day and a half (its 2:30 am) now. gettin closer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace out gianni
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