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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by t0nythelover

  1. I don't know what's going on with everyone hating on Dee but hasn't the WTC shown that we all need to be a bit nicer to each other? This pure hatred is really ugly and unnecessary in the big picture.
  2. t0nythelover

    SeX on E

    E sex is fucking great. Cumming is not a problem if you just relax and let it happen. If your pounding away thinking "Damn when am I going to cum" it won't happen. It took a long time for me to cum on e but when I did it was fucking amazing. Wet pussy feels sooo good on e!
  3. I don't know why but I can't quench my desire to drink Tang no matter how much I drink. Damn your orangy goodness...Damn you Tang!!
  4. You can't judge anyone based on one aspect of their life. I enjoy clubbing but it isn't the defining characteristic of my life. Most people I know that go clubbing are just extrovertive go-getters. I myself am only 19 years old and I fully support myself and go to college. I don't go clubbing because I have to prove anything or am hiding anything, I go because it's fun. It's obvious that the person who is wrote this post is jealous of all of us clubbers who go to have fun. She is the poser hiding behind tight clothes and makeup wishing she had a real life. STOP HATING YOU LOSER!:mad I think that your just jealous because you wish you were like us and really can't be. In the end only you can make yourself happy so I advise that you do so.
  5. I always heard that chicks don't like really thick dicks. Anyway I guess its best to not be small or thin, as for too big I would like the girls to answer if thats a problem. My girlfriends bleeds alot when we have sex, has that happened to any of you girls or should I be seriously concerned and tell her to see a doctor?
  6. t0nythelover


    were any of you guys at the exit meetup?
  7. don't blow your chance, he most likely won't do it while your in his class cuz he'll get in trouble or fired. just make sure he knows whats up then when class is over ask him for some home schooling.
  8. kruder and dorfmeister? those guys are a bit too mellow to fuck too. and i think there song is in a car commercial, i couldnt fuck to a song used in a car commercial. i would definitely say enigma and sade are my favorites.
  9. omg that is sooo funny. i remember all that shit. but yo did anyone else notice that on different strokes those kids were always getting kidnapped or molested? and if you did is that why they called it different strokes?
  10. Had mad fun last night. Glad i got to meet randall16,linabina,roninmess(even though you didnt remember me when you posted:( )msoprano,kvanzile,sexxyd, quoth and everyone else. I chilled mad long with quoth and a few other people but i couldnt remember everyones names(i barely heard them cuz the music was so loud in that hottass room. quoth i must say you are one cool dude. i hope to see everyone again. can anyone just answer a few questions: 1)what happened at the america meetup? i missed it 2)who took the pics of us and are they gonna be posted? 3)who was the girl with the red hair and the black shirt and shorts?was she from cp cuz she was banging. I definitely want to know where the next meetup is so let me know. im me anytime at t0nythelover@aol.com.1
  11. werd ill be there, plus im bringing some friends. see yall there. if you want a guest list email me at t0nythelover@aol.com but only if u want to get paid.
  12. see viscious, i was at the world when project was there and he wasn't so great, he came on for a mad short time. if u need a guest list im me at t0nythelover@aol.com
  13. they exist but from what i hear there mostly old out of shape perverts there. by the way congrats on the contest.
  14. Last year I went clubbing everyweek for about 5 months straight. I managed to do this while working three jobs and going to my first semester of college. BIG MISTAKE! Not only did I fuck up my study habits, but I also developed a habit of popping pills all the time. I lost mad weight and just got fucked up in about everyway possible. I still go clubbing about once a month but I try to stay away from drugs. Sex on the otherhand is another story. Friday will be a year for us!! I guess there will be some partying sex and drugs then( I smoke alot of pot but thats about it, no more hard drugs)
  15. Hmm... funny how no one is posting pics on this thread. What I do know is that people from clubplanet tend to be hotties. In fact some of them have won hot pic contest online. I won't say who but if you check sotoworld.com or flyguycrew.com you'll find some hotties from clubplanet. In fact if you look at the past winners for hottest girls within the past month or two you'll definitely see a clubplanet member.
  16. Hey "mujer" where are you from? I don't suppose you heard about Sharpton going to jail for the cause of the people in Vieques. What politician do you know that would go to jail for his supporters? Yeah that's what I thought. As for having the police support of Giullianis man (gratton or whoever) that defeats the purpose of voting for someone who supports nightlife. Guilliani will try to keep his influence by having his peeps run the show with a puppet mayor. (sidenote how does everyone feel about this 3-month extension for rudy?) greens a good guy but dont count ferrer out because you think hell play the race card ( i bet whoever said that is white) why dont you all read up on the politicians and then have this discussion again. As for you Dave I must say that I am ashamed, you shouldn't use your position as administrator of this board to support your own personal beliefs.
  17. i have ALOT. ill post them after i scan them, gimme a few days ok
  18. SNITCHES GET STICHES!! He'll get his don't worry about that. He's gonna fuck with the wrong person and get it.
  19. You are mad lucky. Do you know how many girls would love to have that problem? Take advantage and cum as much as you can!
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