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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Haha.. Alcohol does solve a lot of problems! I swear!
  2. Aww sweetie, it happens to everyone.. Don't be sad.. Wanna go for a drink after work? That usually works as a temporary solution until your mood gets better!
  3. I totally understand how a male mind works.. It's not that hard to figure out.. Although sometimes they are just plain stupid and then nobody can figure them out
  4. Hun.. I never made it to Twilo on Sunday I miss you already!!!! You're such a great guy!!! You can see how much you're loved here *hugz & kissez*
  5. Sorry but that's gotta be the stupidest thing anyone has said in this post.. Maybe a close call with the sluts at SF.. Ppl like different things.. We're lucky to have so many choices in this city. Love the place you to go, but there is NO need to talk shit about other places even if you don't personally like them. How difficult is it to understand? [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 02-20-2001).]
  6. Y mena est bolshaya tolstaya svinya.. Ona so mnoi v Miami edet i bydet na krovati spat LMAO
  7. Hehe.. Kerry we were 2 happy girls Sat night Got to hear that song twice LOL
  8. Hmm.. I dont' remember hearing stranger in my house twice.. Unless he played it again after I left.. And I still love that song And YESSS.. How could I forget Dido??? OMG hearing it twice that night was great And Deep Down Below was great too.. Or am I imagining hearing it? God my brain is fried.. need more sleep
  9. Hugh - see ya tonight.. I'm so dead, gonna catch another couple of hours of sleep and then GOOOO.. Rather crawl to Twilo.. See ya there!!!!!! Arthur - there's always next week And you KNOW you don't have to ask me twice LOL.. Plus your woman already told me that you're going.. Did she forget to tell you LMAO?????? Haha I'm gonna get her in trouble
  10. For all of you who talk trash about it, FUCK YOU LOL.. That place is sooo fucking awesome! I have more fun every time I go and last night was just INCREDIBLE. Everything - the music, the people, the whole thing.. Those 2 hours of vocals was definitely something special. After all the hard beats, hearing Sweet Surender was a very pleasant surprise.. Heard a bunch of other new tracks, some really good vocals that I haven't heard yet (You're a dream to me, what a great song!!!) Overall, a GREAT night, definitely one to remember Thanks to Kerry, Rachel, Hugh, Marty and SMOKEE *10000 kissez* Love ya guys, you are SO much fun to hang out with Good seeing Dana (where'd you disappear to??? tell Jasmine I said hiiiiii).. Genie & Ally - great seeing you guys Ally, hope you don't have a huge bump on your head LOL.. That was funny Iight, time to get ready for Twilo.. How the hell am I gonna do it, I don't know but I'll sure as hell try *hugz&kissezzzzzzzz*
  11. OH MY FUCKING GOD.. I had the BEST time last night.. Unfuckingbelievable.. Glad you liked it Sorry I wasn't much of a dancer last night lol.. You gotta come back soooon!!!!!!!!!
  12. Thanks for a great party Margaritas were KILLERS.. Awwww just when we started to get to know each other better you gotta leave? Ugh that's so not fair!!! Have a safe trip back and keep in touch! *million hugz & kissez*
  13. Shiiit NICE.. Better hit the gym right now I swear.........
  14. Hehe.. Better be nice or else! How far away from the beach is this place anyway?
  15. Smokee just said it's very nice... Should we believe him
  16. Sneha - please PM me your # again.. 1/2 of my PMs got deleted so I don't have it And look out for the midtown lunch post some time next week
  17. Heh.. I might just kick that bald guy in the ass for all this sarcasm LOL.. I know Ali so he'll introduce us if I make it there in time
  18. Stew hunny.. You KNOW you trust me
  19. It's cold IN too.. That conference room was FREEZING..
  20. Where the fuck did you get that line LMAO?????????? Mo eaH.... LOL..
  21. Haha.. Twiloman you stole what used to be my signature LMAO.. Thank god there's nobody behind me to see that And we're only saying really really bad stuff about you
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