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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I'd wanna go but I can't plan a weekend 1/2 a year ahead.. Ugggh
  2. Because ignorant and stupid ppl annoy the hell out of me.. And he's not just stating an opinion, he's offending a lot of ppl including myself. I can ignore him or yell at him. I feel better after I give him a piece of my mind.. And then I do what makes me happy Btw, how was Diggz without his partner?
  3. That's exactly what I've been trying to explain to ppl!!!! It's not a 10min song looped 3 times! He fucks with it including acapellas, other mixes, other songs.. But ppl are too quick to jump on something else to bitch about..
  4. Where the hell do these ignorant assholes come from????? STFU.. What the hell makes you think that you are so much better than everyone at SF? You live in Manhattan? Oh wow.. That's impressive! Asshole..
  5. Hahaha No but seriously... Classify everyone at SF based on Iliana's post???????????? OMG.. Everyone knows the girl has an attitude problem!!!!! And myrlin has been on the board for more than a day to know this too.. So I dunno what the hell this is about I know YOU had fun there right LMAO Orange, apple, ____, ____??? LMAOOOOO
  6. You "classify peeps at SF" based on a comment of 1 person???? Ok whatever.. Don't need to explain anything to you but that's just stupid..
  7. Hmm.. the only musical review that I can give is names of songs. If you want a list of what I can remember, I can do that. Other than that, it was a great mix of hard house, hard trance, and vocals. Not exactly the evil-Factory vibe, but overall a great night. And as far as the 3hr song, uhmm.. You didn't REALLY think it was 3hr did you? Ppl exaggerate to make a point. He does play some songs for a long time but the longest is probably 40 mins tops. For some ppl it feels like 3 hours, but if you like the song, you will love what he does to them in that time. He doesn't just loop it 3 times so it plays over and over again..
  8. This is the very first post by iliana that I actually like LOL.. Glad you had fun girl Now another person understands why I'm so hooked on that place.. 4 pills and nothing??? Hmmmmm.. Were they fake or is your body completely resistant to mdma?
  9. Hehe.. Awesome girl I had a blast too except that I left a lil too early.. Other than that - great night, good music.. Too many ppl and not enough bathrooms but I can't complain coz that wasn't too hard to foresee Lina, you were missed
  10. Yes that's exactly what I was thinking Please GOD? Please.. I've been a good girl
  11. Ooooh I'm def up for that Although sometimes I have to work weekends so we need to decide which weekend it'll be.....
  12. Hahaha! I wonder who got you doing those.. He's been trying to corrupt me into protein shakes and gym too but it doesn't work
  13. I think the worst thing about it was that they showed a preview of next week's show and this Mandy girl was saying that "if Billy doesn't understand, then he doesn't love me for who I am" blah blah. WTF? That's when you know you fucked up! When you have to justify everything to everyone and yourself. He's supposed to love you even though you are a cheater? Hmm NO.. And all of them are equally bad, the girls and the guys. All flirt. They are all human and this whole revenge thing will kill their relationships.
  14. I love the buildup in I Wonder...
  15. OMG.. Some of these stories are CRAZY, as are the ppl in them (not you guys, your "dates").. I tried to think of a good horror-date story but honestly, cannot think of one.. All of mine seem really really normal.. But.. Last summer my company had a cruise around Manhattan. Everyone was going with their bfs/gfs/spouses/etc.. I invited my bf thinking that it should be fun. The weather was gorgeous (mid august), sat night, beautiful view, good food, nice ppl, open bar.. Everything is awesome. So we are hanging out with everyone, talking to all these ppl from my company (I'm sort of new so I don't know everyone).. My hunnie offers to go get drinks so of course I order an LIT. He brings them back, we drink and get more. He tries my LIT and goes to get himself one. Another one. Another one. Needless to say he gets TRASHED. We are on a boat, so we can't exactly leave the party. He does NOT shut up and keeps talkign to everyone. Thank god he wasn't rude but he just talked way too much and I literally had to drag him away from ppl. I work with them! Then we are chilling on the deck and he gets a phone call from one of his friends (a girl). He's wasted so he's talking very loud and everyone can hear what he's saying. He says her name and all the ppl are looking now coz they can see that he's with me and we are def a couple. So this other drunk guy starts yelling something like "oh it's probably his wife calling" and they start playing this game like I'm his misstress and he's talkign to his wife. All the guys are drunk and cracking up, all the women are trying to act like we don't know these guys even though they are all our bfs/husbands LOL.. I was never so happy to see the dock! My coworkers still tease me about dating drunks LOL..
  16. I love the classics.. Especially Russian. Shakespeare is my fave though Romeo & Juliet, King Lear, Othello, Hamlet.. I can read them a 1000 times and still love it. Russian - anything by Pushkin, Lermontov, Bulgakov, Strygatskie.. All the good stuff I loved Les Miserables, Faust.. Love everything by Jack London, Wells, Mark Twain, oh god there's more... I used to read much more when I was younger.. There's so much good stuff out there.. Ooops, was supposed to pick 1.. I can never pick 1 favorite.. [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-26-2001).]
  17. Heeeeey watch it buddy!!!!!! I'll smack some common sense into YOU my dear
  18. Hey Lolka.. You still think I'm a bitch? LOL.. I'm iight, a little sick still but I'll live.. Need drinks bad but I'm taking antibiotics, so it kinda sucks.. Oh well.. Whats up with you?
  19. Well.. I'm not saying that you SHOULD like them coz everyone likes different things.. I'm just saying that it's funny how all the same ppl keep replying to posts about JP/SF even though they hate JP/SF and time after time again and again say how he sucks.. What's the point of that? About long drawn out vocals.. He doesn't only play vocals for 20-40 mins, he plays a lot of the hard shit that long too. I described why I like it when he does that if you are interested in knowing why anyone would like it, read what I wrote above. The way he plays a song for that long is not just by looping it from start to finish 3 times. He picks out the best parts, loops them, then goes back to the beginning, throws a piece of the acapella in, stops it letting everyone start screaming for the song to come back, then he throws it in again either very softly, or just slams it in.. He's the dj that fucks with you and if you pay close attention to what he actually does with each piece and how he takes a song and makes it into what it sounds like in the club, IMO it's amazing. Hearing the original mix compared to the club version is a totally different experience all together.. But if you don't appreciate this sort of playing around with music, nothing wrong with that, just don't bash it. Coz djing is an artform just like painting for example. If you look at one painting and you just don't get what the artist is trying to communicate, doesn't mean that you're stupid or you have bad taste, it just means that something else appeals to you and this particular piece doesn't do much for you.. But in no way does it mean that the artist sucks or the ppl who like it are idiots..
  20. raver_mania - you didn't hurt my feelings, I just don't think there is any point in writing what you wrote.. Don't like JP, don't go, go to S&D who are always perfect.. End of discussion. I just don't see why all ppl who don't like JP have to always make sure to say that they don't like him in every single post about SF.. And it's always the same ppl too..
  21. Well for me it's usually the other way around. All my guy friend's gfs HATE me. Example, I know this guy for like 3 years, we were both single for a year and spending literally every day together. NOTHING EVER HAPPENED. We remained friends. He starts dating this girl and she goes APESHIT about me. I'm thinking, OK HUNNY.. Don't you think if we were to get together, we would've done it already before your skanky ass even met him??? Idiots.. I don't want your man. I'm friends with him but I don't WANT him.. Relax. So many dumb bitches in this world who are just insecure and possessive!
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