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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I was kind of in the middle. I wasn't really the coolest chick in school but I was always friends with both the "geeks" and the "cool" ppl.. I never had any enemies in my life either. And I NEVER picked or teased anyone.. I always got mad when someone got teased or bullied because I think it's just cruel.
  2. I don't think I can ever get tired of this song... Simply beautiful.
  3. Whaaaaat? Girlie, no offense but that's the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard.. I'm not a junkie but I do drugs once in a while. And trust me, if you knew anything about me (or a lot of other ppl on this board), you would know just HOW much ppl care about life. Doing drugs has nothing to do with the "I don't care" attitude..
  4. The FUNNIEST feeling is walking out of SF at 3pm after closing, seeing the bright sunshine outside and those COPS staring at you Especially when you're sober, they are trying to look hard to see if you're fucked up but you're so straight that even they cannot believe it!! LOL.. That always cracks me up.. They expect ppl to crawl out of there
  5. Rachel it WAS good! Just not the whole night LOL.. And you should've seen Lucie dance!!! OMG that was worth going I'm counting down for Sat already!
  6. I know I can use a drink. Mondays suck so much...
  7. I totally agree with what most ppl are saying.. If you like a song, you like the song regardless of how much it is being played. I think it's LAME when ppl LOVE the song and then once it gets a lil old, they claim it sucks. I can understand how a song can get old after you hear it all the time, but it's still a good song! My favorite songs are usually the ones that I've listened to a 10000000 times and I never get sick of.
  8. I dunno.. Like you said, maybe a lot of ppl wanted to take it easy after last weekend.. It wasn't THAT empty in there!!! Even when we were leaving around 10 the dancefloor was still not empty..
  9. Cool!! If you find any info, please let me know and I'll order some too Thank you!!
  10. By the time I get to a club it stops serving alcohol already But if I go to a lounge or bar or actually make it to a club before 4am, LI Teas all the way I also like Sex on the Beach, Screwdrivers and Jack&Coke..
  11. Blah blah blah blah... We heard it all already... I'm DEFINITELY there for 9th and 18th Maybe even earlier.. But those 2 FOR SURE!!!
  12. Haha.. I nominate gravity for the title of Drama King.. You love fighting with everyone!!!
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. I'm dying here LOL.. I didn't "play" anyone.. That pic used to be in my signature just for the hell of it but a lot of ppl read the board at work (including myself) and bosses don't like seeing pics like that on your computer The photo gallery shows what's stored in your account and that was the only pic I had saved.. But it's still too funny
  14. OH SHIT.. I'm such a dick Brian...... I TOTALLY forgot to give you a call back. When you called I was still at work (since 9am!) and we were going through hell with the client.. And then I drove home speeding like crazy coz it was my dad's bday and my whole family was already there.. Then headed to SF with Lucie.. Sorry, I feel like such an ass.. I'm so glad you liked it! And it wasn't even his best night, trust me. Wait till you see a GOOD night Hmm I'm wondering how you missed me.. I was on the main floor a lot and even on the stage for a while When are you coming next time? Wanna come next week for my bday? A bunch of ppl from the board are going so I hope you can come too
  15. Might? Remember I still have yours presents so you ain't getting them if you're not going!!! JK Hope you can make it
  16. visions, come to the meetups or look at pics from meetups and you'll see what we all look like
  17. Hey Mr.Fuzzy I wrote a review of SF somewhere on the board.. It was iight, not the best night but it was still good. Can't wait to see you in the Secret Room.. I only heard you for like 10 mins at Virgo.. And you better not play any hip hop LOL!!!
  18. Hmm, you must be new here.. It happens quite a lot and it sucks. True but even if you are very secure, if you don't get upset, you get angry! And then you see posts with ppl screaming and yelling at each other. It totally ruins the positive vibe on the board.. [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-08-2001).]
  19. Haha.. You two are funny I'm def coming to Exit some time soon.. Sorry couldn't do this Sat Lola See ya at SF this Sat?
  20. Girls.. DROP THE DRUGS LOL!!!!!!!!!! Even "I" remember you two meeting HAHAHAHAHHA.. And neither of you remember it. That pic where Mario greyed out your face (Lola).. You are NUTZZZZZZ..
  21. I agree, it's not the best idea (you are still awesome Unbound!!!).. Rachel, the diff is that on "that" board, ppl know each other and there are no impostors or ppl who like to talk trash. Here it'd be a masacre..
  22. LMAO!! They asked ppl to drop their drugs? Hahahahha.. Idiots Uhhmm.. I'm confused. You guys (Lola and Dana) saw each other at America.. There's even a pick of the 2 of you Why are you describing yourselves to each other???
  23. Rachel LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I run away from him every time he's around.. SO LOUD! It hurts my ears ;( LikMyLipz there is a guy at SF that totally pisses me off when he does that. It ruins the music too coz all you can hear is him clapping. It's terrible!
  24. It's usually cold unless it's an event and it's PACKED. Then it's warm. But when the floor clears out even a tiny bit, it gets FREEZING. I don't even bother checking in my sweater anymore coz I know that I"ll need it sooner or later. But if you keep on dancing, you'll be warm And I was wearing my sweater 1/2 the night too [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-08-2001).]
  25. There is a "whistler" in every club. Personally I find it very annoying, so if I hear it, I move away Also, some ppl like to CLAP very loudly!!!!! I hate those things but I see them at every club so some ppl must like them!
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