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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Yeah right.. Sure he'll play it again I wish! I would've stayed until closing if he wouldn't have started playing that bullshit again.. You were the one wanting to go home LOL
  2. Haha.. I forgot to check the clock but I did it super fast.. Waiting for score.. Thank you for recently taking the Self Discovery Workshop's IQ Test. Because of the Internet's ability to mishandle transmissions, we are reconfirming via email that your IQ Test score was: 163 Average: 85 - 115 Above average: 115 - 125 Gifted Borderline Genius: 125 - 135 Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 135 - 145 Genius: 145 - 165 High genius: 166 - 180 Highest genius: 181 - 200 Beyond being measurable genius: Over 200 [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-08-2001).]
  3. I had that song stuck in my head all day yesterday after hearing it at SF. JP ROCKS it! Last Sat he played the acapella, then the mix!! It's a perfect song to dance to also! Love it
  4. Nice pics Especially the one where Andy is choking Cara LOL..
  5. PS: Lucie, Eric told me JP played the ORIGINAL Brain Damage after we left. Can you imagine that??? I've been saying for the longest time that I'd wanna hear PF on that system and when he plays it I'm not there! OMG I was so upset
  6. Why do you always have to make these smartass comments? Do you think anyone finds you funny?
  7. I wouldn't know about the mixes played at Exit but I LOVE "Kiss"..
  8. My fave is Corrupt from those choices
  9. Heh.. I love Twilo but some ppl piss me off with their "Twilo is awesome, everything else sucks" attitude.. They just don't get the fact that people like different clubs.. My comment wasn't directed at EVERYONE who goes to Twilo, just to the ppl with that attitude. They know who they are and so does everyone else.
  10. Hehe.. I slept soooo much! Still not enough but I slept from 5-9 and then 11-6 Had to get up at 6 this morning so it SUCKED!! But we need to be very well rested for next weekend! Get ready girlie
  11. I'm gonna be an aunt in April! Although it's my cousin, not sister. It's a girl I know that
  12. Haha this is too funny We must have a psychic connection going coz we are wrote the same thing again! (LMAO Lucie/Zoya post)
  13. LMAO Lucie!!! Our reviews are identical How funny is that? Did you get any sleep yesterday?
  14. I also love SF and go all the time. This sat got there around 4. From 4-5 I HATED it. He played the new Madonna track which is terrible IMO. He played Idol which I cannot stand Some other crapy vocal. Then at around 5 he started getting into a really good set. We were dancing for about 2 hours and the music was AWESOME. It was NOT empty at all!!!! The dancefloor was PACKED but not TOO packed. At 7, he started playing some really crappy shit. Went on for about 2 hours, I couldnt' take it anymore. We went to get our coats and when we came back he was playing I Love You. Coats go on the couch and Lucie and I get on the stage and dance our asses off for another hour or so. Then at about 10:30 he went back to some bullshit music and we decided to leave. Overall it was a very wierd night.. He kept going back and forth from being AWESOME to TERRIBLE. Very unusual because it's usually either one or the other. But I still had a good time. And yes, he was in the booth the whole time. I could see him from the stage/dancefloor working but he probably took breaks when that bullshit came on and popped some cd in. About the crowd, I noticed that too. Although I'm sort of new there myself (my first time was this spring), I noticed the crowd changing too. But I know that the crowd in the summer is very different from the crowd in the winter, so maybe that's it. But a large part of the crowd are regulars, I see the same faces all the time and I even recognize these ppl at other clubs and come up to say hi
  15. I think if you request a song that the DJ played before (more than once, meaning that HE likes it), and it fits into the set, it shouldn't be a crazy idea to request it. Don't get upset if he doesn't play it but still, I don't think it's a horrible idea to ask. I never requested a track from any dj.. I'll have to give it a try just to see what happens. I'll let you know what happens when I do [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-08-2001).]
  16. You're a 100% right. I said it in the other post that it's all about the attitude and not how you dress or how you dance. It's all about enjoying yourself and respecting everyone around you. PS: I don't believe we met, so next time when there's a meetup, come find me.. You seem like a very cool person..
  17. Hmmmmm... I SO disagree with dolcemimi... I HATE guys who are assholes and in fact, all of my ex's (except for one) treated me like a queen. You know why? Because I would never settle for anything less. I don't need a guy who disrespects me, cheats on me, lies to me, treats me like shit.. That's not excitement in my mind. The only time when I was in a situation where I complained about the guy was because he was so nice at first (either pretending or really being nice) and then turned into this asshole. And yes it's sad to see so many nice girls get treated like shit. And they are the ones crying their eyes out. I have no idea why anyone would wanna do that to themselves.
  18. Hehe.. Mario is there a way to get hard copies of these?
  19. Def call me if you're in Bklyn.. I need to give you something!!!
  20. This post is like group therapy LOL.. But reality is that everyone has been hurt at one point in their life. People are cruel and selfish but that's just how life is.. Hopefully all of us will never encounter friends like that again. And it's great to see that a lot of ppl who met on the board became such close friends. Who'd ever imagine that happening? I know I didn't!
  21. Sweetie.. I'd go but I promised Lucie to go to SF with her. She only has this and next weekend left so...... I'll go with you after my b-day I promise! And not like last time either LOL.. I'll put you on a leash!
  22. Lola SUCKS! Hey girl where the hell are you?
  23. I'm going tonight and I'm DEFINITELY going next weekend. MY BDAY party SF withdrawals are painful, so let me corrupt you and give you your dose LOL.. Hope you come out next Sat!
  24. LikMyLipz LMAO.. I know exactly what you mean. I hate whistles (almost killed Trippintrance at Oakie LOL..), all glowing things, blinking things blah.. Just hate it! But that's a part of this whole scene so I live with it.. And SF is usually packed with juiceheads.. Do I care and do they ruin my night? HELLLZZZ NO!
  25. It does seem like a lot of girls on this board are very cool.. I haven't met any of the girls who responded to this post but you all seem very intelligent and nice. Hopefully I'll get to meet some of you soon
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