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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I don't know where we'll be.. If you wanna set up a lil meetup spot, PM me I'll be there with a couple of ppl from the board no later than 4 See ya!
  2. Oh god here we go with all the Twilo ppl acting like everything else is crap... I'm getting really annoyed at these attitudes..
  3. Heh.. Disturbing that more and more ppl are replying with the same attitude.. And I'm NOT a bitch I CAN be one when provoked but generally I'm not
  4. I know what you mean, I get upset too and start yelling and bitching LOL.. Ppl who dont know me must think I'm the biggest bitch in the world LOL.. I just hate negativity and that's all it has been for the past couple of weeks!!!! ENOUGH PPL!!!
  5. Listen.. It's all about being TOLERANT to others!!! I HATE glowsticks. They annoy the fuck out of me! So what? I don't say "oh lets not let ppl who play with glowsticks in".. It's just wrong to exclude anyone!!!!! And they don't ruin the scene, like LikMyLipz said they are a part of it just like everyone else. You think you're the shit and they are losers, they think the same thing! Who's right? I just hate the fact that lately this board has been nothing but trashing ppl for whatever reason...
  6. OMG!!! Why the fuck can't ppl just relax?????? What's up with this "lets not let these ppl"????? Who the fuck are you to LET SOMEONE IN OR NOT??? I mean, it's not your club! They wanna party just like everyone else! I hate being groped but I hate this kind of attitudes even more... And I can't fucking wait for Tiesto.. [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-06-2001).]
  7. I'm not new but Brooklyn too Sheepshead bay, gonna be 22 next Sat!
  8. tranceaction.. Wooooow woooo slow down... You pick your best friends based on whether or not they can help you change tires and move furniture????? Hmmmm.. Maybe I misunderstood something coz this doesn't sound sane. The 2nd point is very true..
  9. Isn't it funny how all of us said the same thing?
  10. There is no theme party tonight. Just a regular Sat night!! YEY!!! The music will be awesome and it won't be too crowded!
  11. Hehe.. I'm that predictable huh? I know, I went to school in Upstate NY.. FAR from civilization. But the song is awesome.. I loved it the first time I heard it, I remember LOVING it!!! I hate it when they take good songs and KILL them!
  12. I was listening to U2 when I was registering for this board (she moves in mysterious ways) Never used this screenname before. Funny, my friend yesterday who has no idea about this board called me "the mysterious zoya" after i didn't wanna tell him something So I guess it works
  13. OMG that is so true.. All my life I've had more guy friends than girl friends. Same reasons, girls see each other as competition and that is SO not what I want in a friend. Also, my biggest problem with female friends was that their #1 priority is always their MAN.. Nothing wrong with that, I'm not saying treat your man like shit. I've seen it happen TOO many times.. Girls are close friends, as soon as one of them gets a bf, you can forget about the friendship. Wierd right? My ex had a theory that I absolutely laughed at 5 years ago. He said that girls only need their friends until they get a bf. SO TRUE. You NEVER see guys do that! Guys are friends, they get a gf, they are still friends! They break up with their gf, it in no way affects their friendships! IMO, that's the way it's supposed to be. Yeah, you hit a sore spot here girlfriend. This shit happened with 2 of my best friends and even my own sister. I don't konw what it is, but when they have a bf, it's like nothing else exists in this world! I mean, I want them to be happy, but that doesn't mean that they should totally lose track of everything around them.. It's sad but seems to be reality..
  14. I totally agree about the vocals sounding wierd on those speakers. The hard shit sounds INSANE on that system but vocals get too much bass and it totally overpowers the actual vocal part. Oooh I can't wait for tonight
  15. Nope, haven't seen that one.. Hi girlie You going out this weekend? I'm going to SF so lemme know if you guys wanna go..
  16. Welcome! We need more Factory heads here so ppl stop bashing it!!! I'm there literally every Sat so hopefully we'll meet one day
  17. LOL... DICK SPEAKS THE TRUTH Let me tell you what my definition of a juicehead is.. A huge sweaty guy, with spiked hair who has NO respect for anyone around them and act like they are the toughest shit. In my mind, a juicehead is NOT just someone who's ripped and takes their shirts off.. I've talked to a LOT of guys at clubs who are reallllly nicely built and have gorgeous bodies, who LOOK like juiceheads but they don't act like it! Some of them were just so cool and nice. I was surprised myself the first few times I talked to some of these "juicehead look alikes" So being a juicehead is all about the attitude IMO..
  18. Sorry Brian but good luck getting anything from Dave.. I don't think he'd do anything if there were a 1000 impostors calling everyone names and creating the most negative vibe possible.
  19. Are you fucking serious?????????? OMG!! I wonder what in the world possessed them to go to a club with their parents. I mean, my parents are awesome, I have a really good relationship with them but I would NEVER EVER EVER IN A THOUSAND YEARS bring them to SF or any other club!!!!!! Heeellzzzz no. OMG that's just disturbing!! cathyo, I don't think the issue is parents going There are a lot of ppl who have kids and they love clubbing. But for anyone over 18 (I assume they are if they got into the club!!) to come there with their parents.. OMG that's just absurd... PS: LOVE ZORROs But they are impossible to find.. [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-06-2001).]
  20. You just discovered Sandstorm? I used to love that song until I heard it a 1000000 times. They play it on KTU every 1/2 hour now!!! Along with I Turn To You, Dance with me and Spanish Guitar originals.. I thought radio played MTV stuff like BSB and NSync and Britney only.. And for some reason it bothers me to hear club music on the radio. Just doesn't feel right..
  21. Lie? NOooo! They wouldn't! Dela niche, rabotau tipa.. Kak tolko vse svalat otsuda, pozvonu
  22. Hey, there's an idea for a "special night".. SLIPPERS NIGHT!!!!! Imagine all those juiceheads wearing slippers.. LOL..
  23. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.. I bet your ass will be KICKED
  24. Grrr!! I'm not old! A lot of ppl are so surprised when they find out I'm only 21! I guess I'm mature LOL!!! Lola you're the best!!! I can't wait for next weekend, it'll be GOOOOOOOD And no backign out either! Roxanne - HI
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