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Everything posted by cgm

  1. "Holla" -I like this guy
  2. Resident but have many grubbers that like to take up our couch, I prfer to call them MOOCHERS
  3. Yea, but too bad the $1 drafts are stale and taste like cheese!
  4. I have the JV, its alright but nothing too special, The main floor mix is real commercial, but the crowd song on the underground CD is phat. I am very excited for DT and JP's CDs. If I were you, I'd hold out for those.
  5. Ha ha, I was just going to post, "I like Bunka better cause Abyss smells" but I see you already beat me to it! Nevertheless, I enjoy both clubs, but like Bunka better
  6. Wud up Tempkid, did u gte a house yet? Lauren in still around, still in the house, she just doesnt post much anymore. PS- who had the NERVE to rate this thread with one star? Stupid person
  7. Actually, I hear that the township of LBI bought Seaside and Belmar and Tempts, XS, D Jais and Surf Club will all be renamed Joe Pops. So, all DJ's are moving down south and BIG ORANGE CONE and THE NERDS are taking over the JERSEY SHORE!!! WOO HOO! Come on people, havent we learned not to believe these shore rumors we hear at least once a month?
  8. Rumours have it April 27th with Denny. See JBR's "More Tempts Info" post.
  9. Till Memorial Day Weekend! Its still so far away, I know, but getting closer and closer every day! How is everyones house hunt going? One more payment for us!
  10. cgm

    song id

    Im thinking Eddie Baez, but I may be wrong
  11. Ummm, I just thought it was random, there is no need to be rude.
  12. My FU goes to my PIECE OF SHIT car....Im trying not to sink any more money into it before I get my new one (in April) and what happens yesterday? I hydroplane into a median, screwing up my alignment, and then was told by my mechanic that I desperatly need two front tires. Two hundred dollars later....... :mad:
  13. My boyfriend went to Tradewinds last night. He is not a member of this board, but reads it sometimes, sohe is somewhat amiliar with it and the people that post. He says he was standing at the bar, and two guys walked over to a girl near him and were like, "Are you Spygirl". The girl was not though and he said she looked very confused. She probably thoght the other two guys were crazy! I thought that was funny. I guess there are CP members wherever you go, always on the lookout for fellow CP members!
  14. What about good ol' Eddie???? "You girls are CRAZY! AAAA-CHOOO!!!!"
  15. My thoughts EXACTLY! (even though Im still liking the Jim Heinz)
  16. ...just be careful about how much though...my stupid ass almost drowned in the ocean at Ortley Beach a few years back because I thought it would be a good idea to go for a swim in the ocean after a couple rounds.....not my finest moment. (Lesdig would agree) Good luck to all, and yes, YOU ARE CRAZY! Its going to be freeeeezing!
  17. I'll probably be there. Metro Fridays are a good time
  18. A) immature? The only one who has proved they are immature on this thread is you. You think its "funny" to call someone else a cheap ass? C) Are you implying that people on this board should be happy for you because you have a Saab? Well, I , for one, am overjoyed that you were handed a $30,000 car for having a birthday.....I guess YOUR parents didnt teach you the value of a dollar. D) Pathetic? Us? I, for one, spent the day earning a living teaching underprivelaged children for dirt pay. It doesnt look as if you ever signed off the computer. Lets re-evaluate who is "pathetic"... Listen, I dont know you, and do not want to sit here and continue to pass judgement on you. But I wish you could see that when people work hard for what they have, they are not going to appreciate someone that ignoratnly brags about money and the things that they have that they didnt EARN. And lastly, I can ASSURE you that this isnt about people being JEALOUS of you. I am simply frustrated at your constant ignorance toward money matters (amongst other things).
  19. #1... giving sexual favors for pennies in bathrooms at clubs doesnt qualify as a "job". #2... My parents give me some money, just not Saabs. #3...Why would I be jealous of you? Because you have money? I'd rather have looks than money. I call em as I see em. My post only fed off of stupid, ignorant things you have said on this board. YOU made this personal. Dont play with me. You will always lose. Oh, and one more thing..... :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Yeah, but when Daddy gives you money all the time, what does it matter. "Blah Blah to that"? Laurie, I cant wait till your spoiled ignorant ass gets into the real world so you will actually learn a thing or two.....
  21. First off, I want to express how ticked I am about Manny losing his Friday night residency at XS. I really enjoy his sets, and although I like Richies style, I dont think it accompanies XS well. I also went to Abyss in the Fall and felt as if Richie played the same songs over and ovr (smoke machine,stroblight, right on time etc)Manny plays harder, and I liked the vibe he brought to XS. Just my opinion. I always enjoy when Boris cmes to Surf Club. Of course JV, and I think it would be cool if Mike Macaluso came to XS or Surf. I saw him at Platinum and thought he was great.
  22. Had a great time as always at Joeys. Love seeing all the peeps from the shore, and thought that the music was good. By no means was it the best set I ever heard, but I would by no means call it "horrible". Explanation for your opinion?
  23. I wore my SKIRT to metro last night, and called it a night rather early, but am being told that it was a good time. I have to take it easy at the preparty! Nevertheless, thanks for the shots George, I enjoyed taking over as bartender temporarily!
  24. cgm

    Club XS

    THATS CRAP! XS Fridays wont be the same without Manny:(
  25. cgm

    Club XS

    whats this I hear about Manny not being the resident on Friday anymore this summer? Now Im hearng richie santana?
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