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Everything posted by cgm

  1. I am going with Lesdig, no school for us teachers! We should have meet up...anyone interested?
  2. My brother and boyfriend are obsessed with that game. Me-not so much.
  3. Yea, this guys real good. He got rid of 2K pills in only ONE DAY! :laugh:
  4. Yes, I had a terrific time last night. Rydell always plays real hard and their is always a tremendous amount of energy in that place. Very excited for Viscious next week. George- I'm defintitely paying for all those shots today! I feel terrible, but had a blast! Thanks again!
  5. a big FU to my job (as per usual) for making my life a living hell. This week I was hit, kicked, called an "ugly freak" and told that my classroom aide was being taken away, due to the fact that they are "serving no purpose". So now I have to deal with all this garbage myself! WHEN IS IT JUNE?????!!!!!!! THANK GOD for a 3 day weekend!
  6. Can you be more specific as to what exactly they are copying?
  7. Im 23...glad to see some older people post on this board!
  8. Exactly....weekend snow is worthless. I was going to go away this weekend too. I guess thats not happening.
  9. Yea Tempkid..you better watch it or I'll get Don on your ASS:D and as for you LESBIG.....why dont you go tanning...you're spilled milk! I GUESSSSSSSSSSSS
  10. I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people on this board LOVE to bitch and moan. You complain that all you see on this board are promoters plugging their parties. So these posts are then moved to the Promotions board. THEN you bitch about posts being moved! MAKE UP YOUR MIND AND STOP WHINING! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! Im not taking on the whole board here, its just something I noticed....
  11. Off the subject, has anyone heard anything about anyone turning in a set of keys (Saturn) I lost them there (yes I am stupid) on Saturday night. Anyone with any info, please PM me. Thanks!
  12. First of all, this thread is about SUMMER SONGS! Of course they are cheesy now because they are all 6 months old..second of all, the fact that you wont list your own songs shows that YOU KNOW you are ignorant and have NO original taste. Keep building yourself up there buddy, no one is buying it...oh, and as far as me being "a joke", you can kiss my ass sweetie.... Also, I would like to add an early summer XS fave, "Come to Me" Mada and Moody:D
  13. Clean shaven..NO HAIR ANYWHERE (except on the head of course)
  14. Yes, looking foward to Monday off.....and will DEFINTELY be at Joeys on Saunday night!
  15. Actually, Janas More than Life was relased in summer 2000, but was remixed and rereleased this past summer. Therefore, they played the remixed version a lot in the clubs. Show what you know KNOW IT ALL! Many songs remind me of 2001, but I would have to say the top 10 "summer cheese" songs would be Stand Still Control Freaq Lala Land To Be Able To love Right on Time Absolutely Not Smoke Machine Strobelight (Sunday Nights at Tempts) Who Am I Sweet Dreams (Tempts of Course!)
  16. during the summer 3 or 4 times a week (Thursday- Sunday) and during the year usually about 2 (Friday and Saturday)...I've turned into such a skirt in my old age!
  17. IMO, Belmar sucks. Its too Frat boy-ish, and the cops suck. Try Ortley, Lavalette or closer to seaside-but not actually in seaside. Its a nicer area and closer to the action (i.e. Tempts)
  18. Ditto on what Les said, and thanks 4 the cards.. you're too kind! I will definitely be there for JV!
  19. ........feel like tearing the hair out of your head and screaming on Sunday night/Monday morning? I hate going to work and knowing I have a full week ahead of me. It also doesnt help that I am not a big fan of my job. Friday is 5 days away, and summer is 5 MONTHS away! Can it get any worse than this???????
  20. I was there last night and didnt leave the dance floor. It is funny to read these posts cause thats exactly what my boyfriend kept saying. He was like, "Oh my God I feel like Im at the Factory. This guys amazing, " and so on. I also have to say that although the place wasnt packed, you could defintiely feel the energy in tha place, it is always so refreshing to look up to the DJ both and see them going crazy up there as well. All in all, had a great time...until the end of the night when I lost my car keys....anyone come across a set of Keys for a Saturn????
  21. You think your excited.. try no work and no traffic...I will be living down the shore this summer with NO JOB! (Or working as little as possible, we'll see wat the funds look like) June 21 (I think) marks my last day of work. I will be spnding the days at the gym and on the beach..MY GOD these next 5 months are going to be hard to get through.
  22. In defense of the promoters, they will ofen help you out with comps, a guestlist or free drinks just because you read this board...if you are not interested, just ignore the post. Most of the time I scroll right past the promotions, unless I am intersted in what might be going on there on a given night. True, there are a lot, and its annoying, but what are you going to do? Its not like they can ban all promoters from the board. IMO this board has gone to shit lately anyway. There is never anything interesting anymore.
  23. Nice attitude JoeyCarbone....WTF???? What have u been up 2?
  24. Thats exactly wht I was going to say.....Ortley IMO is the best place to be. Bye the way les, its you and three friends silly....unless you are counting Dons Mom
  25. I just laughted out loud when I read that in front of the door line, because I remembered something funny that happened to Joey Carbone after Tempts in front of Roman pizza....... :laugh: Where has he been anyways?
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