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Everything posted by cgm

  1. This isn't really a freaky story, but it is someting really funny that happened this summer at Tempts.. I was on the dancefloor, when this good looking but COMPLETELY mangled guy came over to talk to me. He asked me my name and told me that his name was Danny and he was from Miami. He told me that it was his first time at Tempts, and said he liked it a lot. You could tell his guy was all strung out cause he was talking a mile a minute and hs eyes were bugging out of his head. He leaned foward to me and says, "Do you girls do drugs like X, Coke, K?" He told me it was his first time doing that too, and you could tell that he was 1/2 having a fun time and 1/2 freaking out...he looked all paraniod and kept looking around the place....he began to dance with us, and then leaned in to try to kiss me! I pulled away from his sweaty ass and said (what else but?) "I MEAN!" He then frantically began looking around, announced "I hate this place!" and ran off into the crowd. I saw him by the bathrooms later, and he looked so messed up he looked like he was 2 seconds away from cardiac arrest...I yelled "DANNY FROM MIAMI!" but I dont think he remembered meeting me... Not a really freaky story, but I thought it was a good typical first reaction to Tempts and and drugs......
  2. I have to say George B at Metro....after all those shots, I never leave the place standing up straight!
  3. Justin, if you dont mind Cgaelm5490@aol.com...I'd like to check out Volume 1 as well...
  4. Well, I think I give new meaning to the phrase "couldn't get out of bed"...I went to AC this weekend and got NO sleep, got home last night around 11:30 PM, called ot sick today because I could not even open my eyes, and just got up! What is that, like 15 hours of sleep? And Im STILL tired!
  5. Could it be Syndicate of Law-right on time? But that song does not say "wooh" t say "are u ready, come on" Or an older song that maybe you are thinking of it "Lets go all the way" React-that follows a "Wooh"-Yeah, thats probabaly it
  6. cgm

    Safe From Harm

    Thanks so much...your the best!
  7. cgm

    Safe From Harm

    I do not have audiogalaxy...can someone SEND it to me....prettyplease! Cgaelm5490@aol.com
  8. Hey! You know what, we DID bang......I'm sorry that I didnt remember you, but there wasn't too much to remember, if you know what I mean......
  9. Alright, Im not going to break out the knee pads or anything (tranza-top10) but can someone send me Safe From Harm? PRETTY PLEASE! I cannot find this track on crappy winmx and I WANT IT! I would much appreciate it
  10. No, I missed it, but a girl I work with was telling me all about it today.
  11. UMMMM...why was this thread on the second page???? Answer-cause all the GAY ASS worthless threads pushed it down. i am taking the liberty of bumping it back up....plus, I thought of another.....when Denny first started playing, "Right on Time" I remember he closed out with it the Saturday of or before Labor Day weekend, I used to love that song before Richie Santana killed it the first 3 Fridays in September at Abyss......
  12. Hahahaha.....Juiceheads are so silly!
  13. ....ACTUALLY, the most annnoying thing on this board is the people who say its annoying when other people bitch and moan about the board being annoying, its annoying to read that someone is annoyed because other people are annoyed.....or something like that. All Im saying, is that the shit that has been on this board lately is ridiculous nonsense, not relevant to anything. I have been posting for a while, and notice that people that used to post a lot more as year are no longer around.....THIS BOARD IS BEING TAKEN OVER BY JUVENILES or at least people that act this way. Most of my first graders have more interesting things to say than a majority of the people on this board. And I'll save you all the trouble of bashing me....."But YET, I still read and post on this board....." Yes I do, every now and agin, things catch my eye....
  14. Hey, I like Joeys as much as the next person....but NYC vibe? Good looking people? I GUESSSSSSS
  15. That would be the one I said, The Party 2001
  16. Due to the abundunce of boring topics on the board lately, I figured we needed a fun,summer one.... So, what song(s) did you love to hear this summer at Tempts? My girls and I used to live for The Party 2001 by Kraze....I used to level people trying to get out to the dance floor the second I heard the first "Excuse me...." And of course, the obvious, like Sweet Dreams and To be able to love...
  17. ITS NOT YOU!!!!!!! This board has been sooooo GAY!!!!!!
  18. Pregame...Me, Lesdig (whoever else) and a BIG bottle of Pinot Grigio
  19. I met my current boyfriend at Tempts....so did two of my other roomates from my summer house. I also have a lot of sweet guy friends that are into the club scene, so yes, it is possible...you just have to find the right ones;)
  20. Hey Jav, Im pretty sure I saw you at Vinyl on Friday night. Lesley and I were not sure though and didnt want to go up to some random guy and look like idiots! I had a great time, and look foward to getting back there real soon!
  21. I kind of think the whole event sounds played out and cheesy....very KTU-esque, I think Im opting for a quiet night with my man....
  22. Someone send me that track NNNNNNOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!
  23. Hahahaha.....I used to go there last fall with my k head exboyfriend. That place was a complete crack factory, people bumping all over the place. I have not been there since last October (2000), is it still filled with crackheads?
  24. cgm

    Top Ten

    Not a big fan of that track....plus, they are already playing it on KTU That damn station nevr gives some songs a chance
  25. Im sorry,but I just have to say it.... I have been to Platinum around 6 times (each a Saturday) since it has opened, and think that it has EVERYTHNG going for it (decent setup, great DJ's, etc.) but the location may very well kill the club. I went last night and wasVERY dissapointed with the crowd, as I have been previous times. Only at Platinum can you have a great DJ like Boris and have people out on the floor dancing like they are at a frat party. My friend and I could not dance for a minute without some drunk asshole come up behind us and try to grind with us. These same two losers tried to sandwich us around 5 times before I finally had to kindly tell them to "fuck off!" and for GODS SAKES who smelled so bad on the dance floor? I was consumed with the smell of terrible BO half the night. AND what was with the dancing on the bar like this is Cancun or someting...I had fun toward the end, but only because the shady college clientele seem to filter out around 1. I guess there isnt much Platinum can do about these type of people coming in, but IMO, they COMPLETELY ruin the atmophere of the club.
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