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Everything posted by cgm

  1. I thought Silverball was last week? Watever, I'm going, so I guess I'll find out!
  2. If this is Joes friend...I WENT HOME!!!!!!!!!!... I will not be held responsible for the glitter!
  3. cgm


    Xenadrine rules, but you have to make sure you do it in cycles. After 2 months of being on it, I began ot feel as if I was literally having a heart attack. I go on and off for 2 month periods. During the two months that I am off, I take ripped fuel (the No Ma huang Formula) It (Xenadrine) does work though. It gives you great energy to work out.
  4. WATCH IT WITH THE SARCASM TEMPKID.........thank 4 the clarification!
  5. ...but I thought that Denny was going to be at Exit too? How can he be in two places at once?
  6. I have no idea what I am doing yet, but I will probably end up goign to the city. I always end up giving myself an ulcer worrying bout what I am going on do New Years Eve, and the night always ends up being not that great. I think that NYE is so overrated.
  7. Hey, Im going ....do u want to meet up? I MEAN! Since we do not have work tommorow, there is NO excuse not to get MANGLED!!!!!!!!!
  8. Lauren and Les....I MEAN...we're going, right?????
  9. Thanks to Teacher Convention tommorow (woo hoo!) i will be in attendence....
  10. OMG- mwhat a great night that was, I thought I as going out of my mind! What I wouldnt do to get my hands on those bad boys again!
  11. cgm

    Song ID

    potatoheads-mix the master?
  12. Funny you should mention that- I watched an infomercial for the ab energizer on Sunday morning, is that the same thing. I was so tempted to buy it, they guaranteed you would lose 2 inches in a month or your money back. I doubt its effective, but iof it is I think I need it!
  13. Joeys in Clifton is 18 for ladies I think...it is usually good on Thursday nights.
  14. Whats everyone doing this weekend? I haven't been around Jersy for a full weekend in a while. I think I may check out King on Saturday, and probably Abyss (or maybe Joeys)on Friday. How bout everyone else??????????
  15. Umm...and have you ever been to Tempts before??? and thats not a club??? EAT IT! To answer the original question, I usually go out in Jersey on Friday nights, and NYC on Saturday...
  16. Actually, the ONLY reason that Joeys will be good on Friday is because Denny will be there..have you ever been there on a Friday before??? I MEAN..........
  17. Yes, believe we are going to make it this week. Check your e mail:)
  18. How can we "chose to like or dislike your style" when we do not know your style first hand because you chose not to reveal yourself. The other DJs who post on this board make themselves known to others and accept (for the most part) peoples criticisms. Who are you and where are these venues in which you "spin to over 2000 people"?
  19. Ummm...I dont really know who you are or where you spin, but it is clearly obvious that you ARE indeed attacking Andrew Mendez, because you have dropped his name in every post. If you want him to indeed leave you alone, than stop instigating.
  20. Hey! I know Eric!! hehehehehehe:laugh: Does that kid always get into fights or what? Anyways, a big FU to maany fights i had to break up in my classroom today....sometimes I feel like I work in a prison....
  21. Have u been there? I happen to go there a lot on Friday, and the crowd is NOT fat and busted! I think Abyss is the best Friday party around. Obviously, the city would be my first chice, but financially, its not always feasible
  22. I clicked on the link, and then the page kept popping up over and over again, repeating the beginning of that song....now its probabl going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day!!!!!!!
  23. Bellisimo on Rt 23 near Willowbrook Mall is real good. I dont know about a party of 20 though beause it is small. Knid of pricy but the food is extraordinary
  24. Hey, is that place in central Jersey, like in old bridge or something? My boyfriend just went there last week...he took his Mom..AWWWWWWWWWW. anyway, that is all I know of. Lauren, remember when we lived on Hopkins and all we wanted to do that one Halloween was smash pumpkins? hahahahaha
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