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Everything posted by cgm

  1. i went to abyss on friday..it was a lot of fun. Yes, Exit was pretty dead. and FREEZING!!!!! thats all I did on Saturday...
  2. Thus far, its bee na looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day! Thank God my kids go home in 2 1/2 hours!!!
  3. .....that would be "World".....
  4. What a long and stressful week........ Cant wait until today is over and I can go get MANGLED....I MEAN Whats everyone up to this lovely weekend? I will be at Abyss tonight and Workd tommorow. Have a great day!
  5. ????????????????????? Well this is ALL VERY sophisticated. Dont mind if I bail out.........
  6. I will be there, yet again.... Hey Les...R U Ready to get MANGLED???!!!!
  7. Finally! We see eye to eye! I'm glad we were able to finally resolve this issue.
  8. OMG!! I have never laughed harder in my life! Do you realize why this all started, I believe it was a mere misunderstanding of opinion! Now its getting personal....hmmm.... Let me think about this....would I rather sit on this board and have fun with my friends talking about how MANGLED MANGLED MANGLED we are going to get and/or did get, talk about Dons Mom, XS, Tempts Abyss getting bronze or what have you......... OR try to start fights with people over the computer that I dont even know for no reason at all.....or that I may know but chose to watch from a distance. I do not understand why you must sit on this board and harrass everybody, better yet, why you pick apart people and what they post. Arent you all, like, in your mid-20's????? I do not think I have ever personally offended anyone on this board, and do not see a reason to. Probably because I dont have INSANELY JEALOUS syndrome. Oh, and while we are on the point of bashing Les, Lauren and I and what we post, you may want to check my profile and look at my hobbies :laugh: :laugh: Smell ya
  9. Hi Adam, Do you promote for World anymore???
  10. We cant be friends? WAAAAHHHHH!!!!! as far as the rest of your post goes, isnt that pretty much what I said orignially worded differently?
  11. ....at least you dont have any complaints. I think Abyss has been real good on Fridays, I will agree with Saleen that there should be more bathrooms, but thats about it. As long as Richie Santana is there, I am happy. Hes been doing a good job lately, however, he may want to stop playing "Right On Time" for twenty minutes every Friday night, or else that song is goiing to get REAL tired.
  12. "FYI", that post was actually put up by lesdig accidently under my name, but I will reply to your uppity post anyway. I believe the point here is that Exit always had a large following, but not a large gay following. With Junior as resident, Exit will quickly draw a gay following, causing Saturday nights at Exit to be stigmad as "gay". Yes, with Junior as resident there will be a lot of straight people who are comfortable around gays, but it will also keep a lot of people who used to go to Exit but are uncomfortable around gays (take Tempkids friends for example) away. And as far as my "New Jack Status" I have experienced Saturday nights at Twilo with Junior, and AM quite comfortable around a gay crowd, so do not go making presumptions about someone when you dont even know them. Or, are you one of those girls on the board that knows who I am but hides behind a screen name???
  13. I was at exit as well last night...I had a great time, and thought the music was really good, but about the crowd... I don't have anything against gay people, but unless Exit is going to become a strictly gay club somethings gotta be done. ...and I must say, what a shame to see so many HOT guys are gay!!!!!
  14. Last night was good, the music was definitely awesome but the crowd was VERY gay. Not saying that i have anything against that but it was a lot more so than I thought it would be, very similiar to a Twilo Saturday night crowd, especially as it got later. Had a GREAT time though. Did Deborah Cox ever perform?
  15. I mean, due to the lack of sleep i had this weekend, i am not 100% defintie, but I bleieve a few of us wil be going to Joeys tonight. Anyone elso going? Is anyhting particularly special goiong on there tonight?
  16. I MEAN... my favorite part about friday/Saturday is the amount of times I drove up and down the parkway. Thanks for letting Joy stay over on Friday. She flew back to Tokyo this morning. "Hello? Joy?" Abyss was fun. Thanks Jarmenio 4 the shots, sorry we didnt get to meet any more of you.
  17. I'll probably go to Joeys.,
  18. Thats so funny.. I know exactly what you mean. My friends are always like, "What, you have to meet people you met on the Internet???" and then I look like a big geek. Anyways, I will try my hardest to remember. 12:30 is early enough that I dont think Ill be too mangled.....I MEAN.... Les, too bad last time we were there we were so mangled that we thought it was time to go home at 12:30!
  19. A meet up sounds good... why dont we do it at around 12:30 by the bar to the right, near the dance floor. Hopefully we wont be too mangled to remember..........
  20. Whos going??? Me and my Seaside gals will be in attendence. Ready to get mangled ladies???????????? :tongue:
  21. Ahhh...high school memories.... I smoked before my PSAT's...BIG MISTAKE! I also smoked one time at lunch during high school and had to go to gym afterwards. I was all stoned and had to do the standing long jump for the Physical Fitness test. I stood there for around 3 minutes before I could finally master the art of swinging my arms and getting my feet to leave the floor. My gym teacher was less than impressed with my jump and made me do it again. The best was my friend Brian watched the whole thing and said "Yo, what are you stoned or something"
  22. I dont have his #, but I'll send him another e mail....the problemo is I dont think he does chaos anymore, just au bar, spa and centro.... Yes, it looks like sitting on out asses about htis thing is now KICKING us in the ass...check your pms
  23. cgm

    Insane pic

    That is fake, plus, it makes me want to vomit the fact that some sicko would take the time out of there day to create such a thing
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