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Everything posted by cgm

  1. Tempkid, you are nuts....... Anyway, I had a great time last night! Would have had more fun if a certain someone I was with wasnt wearing a SKIRT but whatever. Saleen, I believe we came back your way, but cant really remember, Les and I pretty much spent the entire night MANGLED, so we probably walked right past you and didnt even realize it. After we saw you, I think we spent the rest of the night on the dance floor. I thought the music was awesome, especially for the last 2 hours. Now I am torn between going to Joeys next weekend for Tsettos or returning to Abyss for LUZZI (sighs) All in all, had a great night!
  2. Yea it does... I cant wait to sleep all day next Thursday!!!! :zzz:
  3. Tell Carbone to get his sorry ASS to Abyss if he knows whats good for him.....hehehehe Actually, I think all the Tempts CP crew should be in attendence, at least for the first Friday. Hopefully Ill see some of you there! THANK GOD TOMMOROW IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. ....all drug trafficing stops at the Mason-Dixon line
  5. K, as gross and dirty as it is, I cant get enough
  6. ohhh, never mind, I thought you were giving away free pills.
  7. cgm

    pill ?

    What the hell is wrong with you??? Ther were good?? Take them RIGHT NOW!!! I have absolutely no self control.....
  8. I believe it is 2-3 days....
  9. Is anyone going? I believe we are going to check it out. PS, now that summer is over, this board is SOOO boring!!!
  10. I was there this past Friday...the music was decent, and it was not too crowded. I had fun, but definitely think I am going to check out Abyss this Friday instead
  11. Factory is having there S&M party on Saturday night, it should be nuts....I would defintely recommend checking it out.
  12. Im excited, I like Luna Fridays....Good looking crowd, good music, and a nice atmosphere. It is a good change of pace from the other Jersey clubs.
  13. Does anyone have this song??? I've been looking for it FOREVER!! I'll do anything!!!
  14. Gary, it was nice meeting you this summer. Thanks for all the shots!!!!
  15. Of course I'd go....I cant wait to make it to World next week to see him again, I think Im going through Denny withdrawl....
  16. Trust me!!! Middle-aged, foreign TRASH! It may have been the WORST NIGHT EVER! We left at 1:15 it was so GOD AWFUL! GOD I MISS XS FRIDAYS! :mad:
  17. Is that all you have on me? That I'm tall?? Who the hell cares??!!! Listen babe, I dont know who you are, but the constant "WNBA Status" business is really tired.....I dont know how you know me, but Im SO SORRY that your boyfriend WANTS IT SO BAD, to push you to the point of JEALOUS RAGE!!!! Do me a fave, next time you see me out, why dont you come up to me and introduce yourself...I'd LOVE ot meet you!
  18. So sorry Merge bombed.... See ya at Metro
  19. Giving examples of certain individuals would be just adding to the drama, and that is what this post is attempting to cease.......
  20. ......of this board!!! What the hell is going on here? I didnt check it for around 1 weekend, and all the sudden I sign on, there are around 20 newbies (no offense to those who aren't starting drama) and everybody is doing nothing but talking shit. People that were friendly to each other before on the board and IN PERSON are now talking shit about each other, and every post i read is bashingbitch or dick 2 or 3 or 4 WTF?????!!!!!! I have met quite a few of you from this board, and do not have anything bad to say about any of you (and even if I did, I would chose to keep it to myself). This board is starting to be like Clubplanet High School, where everybody feels like they have to talk trash about certain people to be accepted or soemthing, or take sides with the right people, because of the attitutde they present on the board....I mean, it's a message board, not a social stepping stone , so I never really understand why people get so vicious and hateful with eachother, and stab people in the back they have met in REAL LIFE over a MESSAGE BOARD! In closing, I will say this...be the same person on this board that you are in real life....don't put on a front to impress people you dont even know..... Thats my 2cents. Bash me if you please.
  21. Thats funny, I think every guido just loves to say "Joey Carbone"...hey Joe, remember those guys you met at our house that one time, the ones you were doing shots with....now everytime we see them they say, "HEY! Wheres Joey Fuckin Carbone??!!" They even wrote your name on the wall in their shorehouse!! :laugh:
  22. Yes, ever since Monday Morning. I'm taking Prozac for it if you want to share....
  23. TEMPKID!!!! That was really funny!!!!! My birthday is actually this Saturday. My parents wanted to buy me a new Compressor, but I told them that I was perfectly happy with my BITCHIN '96 Saturn!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
  24. ;) ;) The nerve of you people talking about summer that way!!!!! Mark my words, you're happy now, but will not be when leaves are dead all over the ground, when you cant STAND to wait in line at the Factory for more than 5 minutes cause you are SOOOOO cold in that little outfit you have on, when you run outside running late for work only to find out that your car will not start, when you slowly but surely stop going to the gym so much and start visiting more restaurants (I mean, what does it matter, you're hidden by big baggy clothes anyway!!!!) or for when you are quarentined to your house for three days straight because of some damn snowstorm that never happens. I HATE THE FALL AND WINTER!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
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