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Everything posted by cgm

  1. There were fights at XS Friday night:confused: :confused: I have GOT to stop drinking so much!
  2. About that bouncer Ryan, Les and I were waiting to go to the bathroom and we saw him and another bouncer literrally toss two girls out, screaming "Dont bring that shit in here and disrespect our club!!!!!" Then we saw his face was all mangled and he screamed, "I hate this fuckin job! I hate this place!!" It was really funny..... :laugh: About Tempts this weekend, Saturday was WONDERFUL!!!! Terrific set, lots of energy and lots of room to move....Unfortunately, I decided to put the SKIRT on Sunday and also left after "I turn to you", the music was good but I just couldn't hack the crowd... If I had stayed, I probably would have punched someone in the face...However, very happy that you dropped "Follow Me", very unhappy that it came on when I was first in line for the bathroom after waiting so long.... Thanks for a great summer Denny, I will remain in a servere state of depression until Saturday, Memorial Day Weekend......
  3. Reading these posts are bringing tears to my eyes!!!!! Is summer REALLY over?????? :( :( Les and Lauren....I had the GREATEST time with you guys this summer...and cant wait to revist the island of MANGLEDESH soon...I mean, maybe even this weekend.... and DONT WORRY, next summer is right around the corner! To all I met from the board: Thanks for a great summer, you are all AWESOME people and I hope that just because summer is over doesnt mean we dont meet again soon!!! SF anyone?? I mean..... Thanks for a terrific summer!!!!!!!!
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen....... STROBELIGHT I MEAN......
  5. A big FU to the makers of Southern Comfort...GOD I FEEL LIKE SHIT!!!!! A big FU to the cop that pulled those HOT guys over last night....I MEAN.....Les, so much for the "after party"..... A big FU to the Fall, and all those stupid little kids that need an education.... Finally, a BIG FU to those DAMN Nachos at 7-11, NO BUSINESS drunk eating!!!!
  6. Not on your life!!!! I will be there in FULL FORCE....hopefully this AWFUL hangover will go away soon!!!!:worry2: :worry2:
  7. Very thoughtful of you Tempkid....yes, everybody beware of checkpoints, we already saw someone getting a DUI last night...
  8. You dont drink more than me....... ;) I MEAN........ The true test, everybody, is not who can drink the most and hang the longest on SATURDAY, but also, who is going to be out early and raring to go on SUNDAY as well....and I'm talkin Surf Club AND Tempts. Its the last weekend, so I expect everybody in perfect attendence BOTH nights! Headed down the shore...see ya this weekend!
  9. I will be there absolutley.....see you all there!
  10. No offense, but this "Dimi's" place sounds like a college frat boy hang out....picture it, a bunch of 18 year old tee-shirt wearing assholes drunk off there asses chanting some stupid song....this place will have no chance of getting anyone of age in there until they at least make it 21 for guys. I bet this place will turn out like that club "Boom"-whatever happened to that dump??????
  11. Will no longer be going to Joeys, decided since we have tommorow off we should take advantage of our last weekend down the shore and get down there as early as we can. Sorry that I will miss open bar and RICH, but getting bronze is a priority too! Will probably go to Bamboo tonight. Shonny, I'll tell B-tahy Bothes you said HI!
  12. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: "Chubs":laugh: :laugh:
  13. DEFINITELY!!!! Hey, are the still giving out those PHAT VIP cards to whoever walks in the door???? I gotta get me one of those!!!
  14. I would LOVE to hear Movin' Up....I would also like "Follow Me", I went nuts when he played that on retro night.
  15. Tommorow we celebrate.....Tonight we excercise... "Car, I feel like I'm going to pass out!!!!":laugh: :laugh:
  16. Every time I go to Joeys, I usually start a thread to see who else is going, and usually NO ONE replies...... BUT...tomorrow is open bar from 9-11 (or so they advertise) and I thought it would be a good way to kick off the weekend (plus I have Friday off). SO, take off the skirts people!!!! Summer is almost over and we have to make the most out of what we have left! Who else is going???
  17. I hope your interviews went well today! One more tommorow and then we hit Joeys to celebrate! Hey, you know what, from 9-11, drinks on me! :D
  18. cgm

    Xtc & Coke

    Yes, dont mix the two, the coke almost can make you feel normal again.... If you want to throw something on top of your roll, get some K. The two go GREAT together.
  19. cgm

    X question

    I have done double headers a few times, and sometimes my roll the second night is better than my roll the first. So, I would say (not scientifically but from experience) that it would depend on the person, and the pill...
  20. HEY! Summer isn't over QUITE yet...we still have one weekend left, and I plan on making it the best one of the summer!
  21. Exactly, I want Tempts to be out of control that last night, and I dont want anyone holding back....
  22. Going down Friday morning...no work for me till the Tuesday after Labor Day:) :) Friday-XS Saturday-Tempts Sunday- Surf Club EARLY...probably around 5ish, then off to Tempts to beat the crowd. The after parties are always up in the air until the end of the night..... Hey, does anyone go to Surf on Friday for happy hour? How is it?
  23. Tempkid, confused???? I'd say your best bet would be to ask joeycarbone, although he at times isnt much better..... We will all be there this weekend to close out the summer. Maybe then????
  24. I think I am in serious denial....THIS SUMMER WENT TOO FAST! Granted, I am looking foward to going to the city again, and actually getting some SLEEP, but I am just not ready for the summer to be over yet! Well, at least we have already closed the deal on our house for NEXT summer....nothing like getting ahead of the game!
  25. We will be at Joeys on Thursday. However, I was there this past Thursday and were very upset when the hip hop came on...WTF?? Please keep that to the minimal!
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