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Everything posted by cgm

  1. Actually, the age for guys is 23 on Saturdays. Since it closes at 2, we usually head to the city afterwards.
  2. cgm

    Top 3 Songs

    Hey! I went to Maryland!
  3. cgm

    old id

    The song is defintitely "With You" by Nomad. Does the song also say, "I'm a million miles away now, and you'll always find me there"? Its around two years old. "I wonder" has different lyrics.
  4. Too many funny K stories to recount. Heres a fw that stick out in my mind. My best friend and I sitting i our shorehouse bathoom (during anafter hous we were hosting)for around 45 minutes because we were so fucked up we couldnt stand. We were trying to talk to eachother, but only sounds kept coming out of our mouths. Two summers ago, we were doing bumps on the lifeguard stand with a guy who really hadnt done it too much before. When the sun began to come up, he got SOOOOO excited, stood on he lifeguard chair, and began to say, "I wanna rise above the sun!!",taking these deep breahts and putting his hands in the air like he ws going to take off. To this day, we still call him "the rising sun" (or TRS for short)
  5. Music Blowout in Seaside is the best...except hate those little guys that work there. They know NOTHING about music!
  6. cgm

    Top 3 Songs

    Can you please send me Stranger???? I've been going CRAZY looking for thar song.
  7. .....I MEAN.... passed out??? Intersting. Yes, the past two Fridays have been hazy to say the least! I think they are going to stop letting me in there soon! Are u going this Friday?
  8. Yes he did. I remember that at Metro as well. Actually, I think the first time I ever heard that song was at Metro.
  9. ....aaahhhh, memories of Tempts:heart:
  10. "It takes more that you or me to save everybody"- btw:)
  11. Syndicate of Law-Right on Time. You should be able to find it, its fairly old.
  12. I was there...no complaints about the music, but the crowd left much to be desired. WAY TOO MANY sketchy guys there.
  13. I was going to go to Exit, but think that I am now just going to go to Image...to much to do the next day to be dead tired....but I mean....my mind might change at 3AM Wednesday night!
  14. You can get pure ephedrine at GNC. I know that Optibolic manufactures it.
  15. Denny at Temps....anyone who goes there knows the energy he brings to that place. I would also have to say Junior, I really enjoy his style.
  16. Im going to agree with Saleen and say Eddie Baez. The one tim I went toMerge I thought the music was completely off. I also heard him spin once at Bunka and thought the music was even worse. Just my opinion.
  17. cgm


    Does anyone have this song? Is it released yet? I cant find it anywhere?
  18. NOTHING!!! It's a perfect Friday. Got in late last night so I called out of work today, and I have been sitting around being lazy all day. I have already had such a quality day and its only 1:30. As I write this, my boyf (who I convinced to call out s well )is cooking me lunch. Plus, I have a three day week to look foward to, all 1/2 days! What a wonderful day!
  19. Same as it is every year.....to quit smoking once and for all! I guess I should try and save more money too. Well, if I quit smoking, thats round $20 a week can save!
  20. Now, I know that a lot of people do not like to go to work everyday, but does anyone TRULY LOATH their job like I do? I am a school teacher, and I tell my boyfriend every day that I feel more like a prison guard than a teacher. I break up an average of 3 fights a day, and I am only a first grade teacher!!! Its a sad situation, and because its childrens lives I bring my job home with me everyday because I cant help but make my job personal. Im so tired of feeling bad and worrying about it!!!! and because its Sunday night....I just needed to vent. C'mon people, does anyone share in my misery?????
  21. Yes, what a fabu time we had. Too bad our party had to call it a night early! One complaint though....THAT GOD AWFUL COOKIE SONG!!!!!
  22. The remix that Denny played all summer is the White Label remix. It shouldn't be hard to find, I got it off WinMX this summer.
  23. Bathroom attendents at clubs= drug dealers.....you'd be surprised at how mny of my friends have gotten coke or K from these backwards slimeballs.
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