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Everything posted by the_pharmacist

  1. Thank God for Coxy!!! My girlfriend got her wisdom teeth out today, and I'm being a good boyfriend and staying home with her tonight. But....Thank God Carl is doing it again next month. And just in time for my birthday!!! woo HOO!!! ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  2. No sir....not at all...ecstacy? me? What's ecstacy? i've never heard of that im my life. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  3. I think that every company should have that on their directory. As a matter of fact, im gonna try to sneak it into ours later tonight. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  4. Do a napster search for CJ bolland, or Robert Hood. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  5. 00 gauge tongue. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  6. None of this shitty progressive, and hard tracks....Jesus!! NO, Bolland and Robert Hood play straight out, hard driving Techno. Give it a listen. Techno ain't what it used to be. It's better. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  7. she said meat market ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  8. A female friend passed this along to me a while back....It holds some relevance here... Reasons Men Suck- They leave the toilet seat up so when you stumble in for a late nite pee, your ass gets wet! Extension to that: do they ever clean the piss and pubic hair off the bowl? NO... They IM you online with "wanna cyber," "wanna have phone sex," and "wanna meet?" Is that supposed to turn me on? They buy a new video game or game system and you don't see them for a few weeks. Since when does Gran Turismo 2 replace sex? They like to fart, light farts, have farting contests... Dr. Drew & Adam Corolla had a radio fart war on January 9th between 2 kids to be the "2nd asshole" of the show, next to Adam's asshole of course. What point does this serve? They are obsessed with their penises and almost everything will get them hard! Bend over a little too much and you'll get poke, for the 5th time in one day. They talk women's breasts as if that is where their brain has chosen to reside. They never call back even when they promise they will and are never on time. Many wear their pants half way down their asses, and I'm supposed to think they're hot and want to jump their bones. They want a "smart, down-to-earth, funny girl," who just happens to look like a model and has the libido of a rabbit. They don't realize how sensitive women are and yell at us when we get upset over something THEY think is stupid. Feelings are feelings buster, if you don't like it... looks like you don't get any pussy. They whine and complain like they're dying when they have the flu. They bitch about women's driving and they are the one's with the tickets and accidents! (and their insurance is HIGHER!) They will cheat on you if given half a chance, and then blame it on the girl or any other excuse they can think of. After sex, they either get up and raid the fridge, play video games, or pass out like you don't exist. How's that for romantic? They are obsessed with sex. So much, that they beg for it. They brag about how good they are in bed.. and then when you get them there its like you are screwing a dead fish or a raging bull with 1 eye. They think unhooking a woman's bra is a talent. (hey guys we can do it with one hand) They're fake. I've know many guys as merely friends... they way the act around me and the way they act around girls they want to screw is totally different. Aren't you supposed to, i dunno, BE YOURSELF? ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  9. You've got to be kidding me!!! HAHAHAHAHA....I'm still at work, and half the people around me turned and stared as a almost fell to the floor laughing. I love it!!! Keep up the good work. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  10. CJ Bolland AND Robert Hood. For those of you that don't know Rob Hood, you should. This man will rip the roof off. Kimyon and Rich B. are spinning as well. Welcome back Foundation Parties. For more info check out www.foundationteam.com ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  11. Saw it...laughed my ass off. No oscar winner here, but Brendan Fraser has been delivering some good comedy for some time now. And Ms. Hurley....oooooo....as the devil....ok, enough said. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  12. Blueangel, you got a cold too? damn...sux. i think it's keeping me from seeing carl tonight. aarrggghhh...but then again, a litel candie might be just what i need. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  13. Dammit!!! only 480 more posts to go!!! Rock on with the old skool!!! ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  14. Breathe...breathe in the air..... ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  15. Yeah, Not really a fight, but rather, hmmm...pperhaps a misunderstanding. I was at Derrick Carters residency a bit back at Centro-Fly when i bumped into this guy wearing a wifebeater, and really bad pants. He tapped me on the shoulder and gave me this "ouch" sign. I shrugged my shoulders, and gave him a "sorry" sign. Well, the next thing i know, he's poking his damn fingers in my glasses and wrapping his arm around my neck. Telling me that i treated him like an asshole, and that I was fucked up. Now, the thing that really gets me, is that we were standing right next to a security guard, but obviously this guy had done this typ of thing before, becuase he made everything LOOK nice and playful. I told him sorry again, and he just pushed me away. I thought this was the end of the story, but then a start walking towards the bar, and I see this guy pointing me out to a few of his friends. Jesus!! I just came to hear Carter and have a good time. I wasn't going to wait around to have my ass kicked. I ended up leaving early that night. I'm glad though, Derrick wasn't spinning so well anyway..... ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  16. http://www.zdnet.com/downloads/stories/info/0,,00187J,.html ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  17. Funny thing is, I've never really noticed. I'm 6'2 and i've been at the same weight now for about the past 6 or 7 years. Sure, I might go up a few pounds, but then I drop back down a few. I go down a few, and then come right back up. oh well....god, if it could stay like this forever i guess I'm set. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  18. PIC PIC PIC!!!! If Ash can be that creative with the 34DD...I wanna see what type of pic this, err, umm....person can come up with for us. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  19. .com syndrome? But then again...not working in jersey wouldn't be bad....PLEEEZE tell us you're working/moving into new york. ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  20. Well, ok...Danny T, but let's get some other options. I heard a rumour that Jeff Mills was spinning at limelight. anyone got the scoop? ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  21. I've always wanted to, but never had the nerve to do it. deanna wanna give me a try? i'm hoping to see coxy at twilo on friday? ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  22. OK, Danny T will be at Vinyl. Let's get a list together here...... ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  23. Technical support/Network Development, yadda yadda yadda.... ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
  24. ok, i got beat hear.... so then, what were to underwater versions of the smurfs? ------------------ www.Hardhaus.com
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