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Everything posted by happykittn

  1. To answer the question... yes. I really, really, REALLY do. I like knowing I'm able to please my man, and I believe it's also (partially) a power thing. You're a small sweet girl, and it's amusing to know you can reduce a big strong man to a quivering, gasping, helpless mess. My honey had a bad cold over Thanksgiving, but when I went down on him, he didn't cough or sneeze or sniffle once for the whole hour. Seriously, we think it's like a cure-all for all ills... maybe I should patent my technique, hehehe... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  2. Eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  3. Hehehe... great article. I agree, the culture is becoming much more mainstream... but everyone gets something different out of it. If the teenie boppers want to bop around waving their glowsticks in the air to BT, PVD, S&D, etc... they should be able to. If hardcore ravers or clubbers want to go out and feel the music and dance and their hearts out... we should be able to. Everyone interprets the music and scene in their own way, and it means much more to some than others... but that's the way it's always been, and that's the way it's always going to be. I guess you can't keep a good thing a secret forever... and you shouldn't... share the wealth. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  4. 1 or 2. Those Body by Victoria's Secret thongs are sooooooooooooo comfy... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  5. Kitty ~ what school do you go to? I'm a student in MA too, 2 hours from Boston and 4 hours from NYC... road trip it to the City with girlfriends about 2 or 3 times a month. I've never checked out the Boston club scene, but I'd like to sometime just for the heck of it... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  6. Hmmm... my little sisters are in high school right now, and from what they tell me, pot use is definitely NOT in decline... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  7. I broke the big toe of my left foot when I was 10... I had to wear this huge, comfy padded shoe for a few weeks... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  8. Asian girl here... I've only been with white guys sexually... a few were just awful, but most were okay, and the one I'm with right now is incredible. All the Asian and black guys I've met were waiting until marriage... all of them were sweethearts, just not ready to give it up for awhile. No big deal, I respected that. Personally, I don't think any one ethnicity is "better" than any other ethnicity in bed... it all depends on the individual, their level of experience and comfortableness with themselves, etc. Latina women are generally more open and sexual (my girlfriends from Brazil have told me time and time again that conservatives are considered very weird and prudish in their country), but I have Hispanic girlfriends who are also waiting until marriage. I've heard stereotypes that Asian girls tend to be more quiet and reserved. Well... that may be true for some, but not this kitten... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  9. A hot tub I can do (hot and bubbly and wet, mmm! ), but a pool I can't picture. Isn't the water usually FREEZING? After Thanksgiving weekend, I can cross one "Thing To Do" off my list... in the car in heavy traffic... check. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  10. happykittn

    NO SEX

    How many of you could have a happy, completely satisfying relationship with a significant other knowing FULL WELL that sex would NEVER be involved (at least until the honeymoon night!)? I think I could find a sexul or a non-sexual relationship 100% fulfilling, as long as it was with the right person... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  11. Interesting, but not surprising... you really have to question their survey-taking methods, too... a lot of times, those "official numbers" can be verrrrrrrrry sketchy... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  12. Okay divalicious... hunny, you were able to take exactly what I was thinking and articulate it perfectly... *impressed* *claps* ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  13. If you're asking about Night Owl, monical posted a thread about it earlier... scroll down a bit and you should bump into it. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  14. Curiosity killed the cat... happykittn@yahoo.com ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  15. To answer your question... ummm... no. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  16. Hmmm... oldies but goodies. ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  17. Some people I know go back and forth across the Canadian/US border with ridiculous amounts of illegal substances, but that's one thing (minimal hassle), and airport/plane/international security is another. Once you get to England, I'm sure there'll be a ready supply of whatever you want in the clubs. I agree with rocker, it just isn't worth the risk... ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  18. Dima ~ Are you at U-M right now? I went there for 2 years (lived in Stockwell), then transferred out to the East coast... I am LOVING it out here, there is soooooo much more to do in NYC than there is in Ann Arbor. The club scene is almost nonexistent (Necto's? A joke!), but it's a good school... good luck! ------------------ The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.
  19. Hmmm... well, as a young, salacious, insatiable female, I can stay wet 'n wild pretty much forever, as long as I'm excited and into it. Luckily, my honey has some CRAZY control, so he just goes on... and on... and on... and on... (his performance is all natural, no drugs or chemicals or alcohol or ANYTHING... *drool*) I'd say the longest time we've EVER made love continuously had to be at least 10 or 11 hours, with two 15-minute cat naps somewhere in between. We only get to see each other once a month if we're lucky, so whenever we do get together we very, very rarely leave the bed... ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  20. How many girls at ANY club (SF, Twilo, Exit, etc.) wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts when they go out? Just because you don't cover every inch of skin means you're a slut... and what's wrong with teasing guys? I think it's if it's mutual and all in good fun, but of course everyone has their limits and those limits should be respected. I don't know about your girl's dancing, but it couldn't possibly be any worse than some of the stuff that goes down at silly frat parties. I "dress to impress" for others AND for myself (to keep cool and to look good) when I go out... almost everyone does. I don't wear a g-string and pasties, but if I were in the mall walking around in clubwear I might be considered a "ho." But seriously... come ON... you dress differently for different occasions. This girl you're talking about really COULD be a nice girl... *I* consider myself a good girl, even if I show a little leg when I go out... just because I dress in a certain way doesn't mean I'll bang any guy who comes near me. I'm perfectly happy with my ONE man, but that's a whole 'nother thread... By the way, I agree with petp... ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  21. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is: 1. CD burner 2. LASIK laser eye surgery (sooo sick of contacts!) 3. BMW Z3 Roadster Cookies may be found above the fireplace, dreaming kittn ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  22. All the best, Evan... good luck! ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  23. Huh?? ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  24. Heck yeah... that's one of the most reliable ways of actually waking me up in the morning. ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
  25. No... but I sure had fun trying! That pumpkin cheesecake was gooooooooooood... ------------------ "The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible."
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