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Everything posted by quanto_magnus

  1. Myrlin actually indicated to me that he was going to be a America early... I'm up for a pre-meetup, though... I was just going to show up to America early... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  2. A co-worker was wondering which club plays progressive (she said 'hard') trance on Sat nights.... I told her Exit. Anyone got any other suggestions? She also said she was going to Twilo Fri night... Please help me hide from her that night to whomever is going... Thanks ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  3. if you're an old fart, what am i???? mentally i'm only about 23......father time says i'm 32 but i think he's got to be wrong about that OPMG you are sooooooo much older than me!!! I can't believe it Awwww Nicki, you're just a cutie... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  4. I would say 25.... Most fun. Out of college, but still young enough to beat the crap out of yourself and completely bounce back the next day. ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  5. Congrats and welcome to Legend status!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  6. Oh oh ohverynice!!!!! I gotta get me some cool sig file... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  7. Amalkav... You're back!!! Welcome heh heh I'm there see you guys tonight!!! Woo Hoo! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  8. Just to be a little different ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  9. Yeah. Things have been cool... I've been out of town a lot in the last month. I'll be there Wed. night. You going?? I also plan to make it out for Friday festivities.... Check your PM's Woohoo!!! "]http://bbs.clubplanet.com/ubb/smilies/cwm35.gif' alt='cwm35.gif'> ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r [This message has been edited by quanto_magnus (edited 12-12-2000).]
  10. Raver_mania, you're not the only one. Last time that happened to me, I did laugh in that girls face... Boy was she pissed off then... LOL ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  11. It's spelled H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E jackass. I believe what Mikey was trying to say is that: Most people are here to find out about the club scene and the music. This includes MEETING some of the people that are more outgoing and are interested in making new friends as well as fostering the friendships they aleady have. However, there are some people on the board that are only on here to try to piss other people off. They will say just about anything inappropriate just to get a rise out of people. Why would anyone wish to do that. That's just straight up mean!! I also believe that Mikey would've backed anyone who made sense and said nice/fun/intelligent things, regardless if he knew that person or not. It just happened that this time he was referring to a friend. ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  12. BMW MOTORCYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  13. I don't think that's bad at all. Keep that one Al! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  14. You should talk with NotForKids too..... Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  15. AAAAAAA-MEN brotha!!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  16. Get better Oo. Hope to see you tomorrow... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  17. I go for Ginger Ale, Dr. Pepper, Root Beer, and Pepsi (No Coke!)... Not necessarily in that order I dig the Mountain Dew too... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  18. Hey Mikey, Check your PM's... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  19. heh heh ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  20. I will def check that place out. I agree with Lexxxi too Pilsner Urkel - yeah, I can't remember how to spell it either and B2B - Grolch is definitely very good. Back in San Francisco they have many bars that have 100+ beers on tap!! Gotta love those places. Plus in the grocery stores you can usually choose from such a wide selection, you'd never get to all of them. ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  21. UH-OH, i shall not be attendign said meetup tomorrow!! Awwwww bummer!!! Well we'll all miss you tomorrow... You at least going to be out this weekend?? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  22. Hey Claudio, It's prompting me for a username and password.... What gives? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  23. LOL!!! Nicki you are too damn cute!!!! hahahahahahahaha ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  24. There is nothing wrong with what you guys do. I personally think it can be damn sexy if the dancing is good. Why should you care what any of the guys think anyway? If they can't handle the heat, they best get their asses out of the kitchen!! Keep doin' the do! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  25. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Nicki you crack me up! I hear ya sweeite!! Those kinds of lunches are the best! Enjoy the afternoon off. Heh heh. Although, don't get yourself so gone that you can't make the meetup tomorrow. M-kay? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
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