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Everything posted by quanto_magnus

  1. OK, so exactly how was your mum not having any of that?? I understand your dilema, as we talked about it last night... One suggestion I had was maybe have dinner with them, then hook them up with either a movie rental, or even out for a movie for the evening... I know that's a hard one to pull off.... You could try to explain the importance of Misskittie's b-day and the fact that it's not only her b-day but a couple of other people's (ok only one other person, but they don't have to know that ) Ask them why they can't come a day later and leave a day later. Is there a reason for the change in schedule? Alos point out that you made plans based on what they originally indicated their plans were and it would be wrong to back out of those committments you made. Explain that yes, you hardly ever see them, but it is not fair of them to cancel on plans that you have already made on their 'whim' (maybe not using those exact words, but someting to that extent...) Ummmm What else can I suggest?? You could throw a temper tantrum.... j/k As a last result be honest. Tell them you've been looking forward to this night for a long while now and it was a little unfair of them to not conseder that. You love them and they are not an inconvenience, but it is important that you go and they should understand that. you could get really mushy with them too if that helps.... Oh and BTW: You are not a spinster!!!!!!!!!! If you were a spinster (hat would the male version be, cause I'd be that....). You are a cutie! And you don't seem like a spoiled brat to me (just my .02). ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  2. Coolio!!!!!! PM me or send me an email (it's in my signature) ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  3. I hear you!!! I lived in LA for 3 1/2 years and it sucked donkey balls!!! Orchid -- What's so bad with San Francisco?!?! It may not have the club scene like NYC, but there's are a bunch of things that NYC can't compete with SF... I consider them equal, but different... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  4. OK.... *bump* and only one *bump* People were all over this idea before. What happened??????????????? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  5. The fact that a complete moron is going to be President for the next 4 years!!!!!!! Heelllloooo recession... If a complete moron is president what does that make us since the electoral college voted for him????? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  6. I'm down... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  7. Which head?? heh heh ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  8. Hey all, So I know there's a chance that the weather will not allow us to do an ice skating thing, but just in case... Ice Skating Central Park Saturday 12/16 4:00pm I was either thinking of meeting up at the rink itself, or meeting at the Starbuck's at 60th/Columbus Circle If the weather prevents us from being able to skate, we can always go do something else fun... Email me or PM with your Phone #'s if you are interested. I will post where the rink is when I get out of my meeting that I'm late for!!!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  9. That is fucking CLASSIC!!!!! LMAO!!!! Hey Andy is Cream a pre-Twilo thing or instead of...???? Thanks ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  10. Yeah, huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggeeee props to Mikey for getting this organized!!! I know how hard it can be to arrange something like last night. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! *standing ovation* ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  11. Yeah, I saw some of the weather reports too. I think I am still going to do a post about it. Get everyone's phone #. Even if it's not going to be good for skating maybe we can do something else fun.... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  12. Damn!!! Only 2?!?!?! come on there are waaaaaaaay too many to choose from.... 2? OK.... Ummmmm Look I could really pick like 10+ (a lot of which are on this list already).... Oh ok... Alyssa Milano and Angelina Jolie (I ALOMST got a chance to meet her once... ooooooooo would've been soverynice! - That's one start I could get star struck over!!) ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  13. Great pics Mario!!!!!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  14. *bump* Anybody care to answer a serious club question???? thanks ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  15. bump... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  16. Ok, since I'm already feeling like a dumbass today... What the hell is stacker2?!?!?! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  17. Cool Thanks!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  18. Crossy: I know about Twilo, but do any of the others play prog. trance on Sat?? I know Limelight runs gatecrasher, but just in general ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  19. What you think??? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  20. It seems like even in this post a lots of the same things are being said in different ways. I'm glad that for the most part we are agreeing... Imposters: as, I think it was imposterjackass who said it, some of the imposters are here just for the sake of comedy and I agree that those type of posts can be damn funny. But as several people have said, if you don't like what that particular imposter says, don't read their posts... I agree that some of the imposters posts are straight out WRONG, but they are going to exist no matter how much we bitch about them.... I actaully made a post today asking about what club would be good for.... and no one responded (at least last time I checked)... So I don't understand why peeps complain about non-club type posts, then when there are club type post, no one answers.... Ok done with gripe... Charlie is right about the not being too public. I know when I was clubbing in LA the bouncers did look for posses, harmless or not, because that's what they are there for, to look for any potential trouble, real or not... I can't claim to be experienced with the board or with the NY scene for that matter, but some of it is just common sense... There's a lot of posts on here I don't read, just because I know it's either not pertaining to me, or it's not something I'm interested in paying attention to. Get over it. Not every post out there is going to hold interest for you... A post to the attn of so and so is really only meant for that person. If you want to eavesdrop, well they put it out there, but don't complain about it.... ok I'll shut up now... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  21. Welcome to Fantasy Island..... er um.... the board.... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  22. Rachel, get the streetwise map... Great map. Has all the subway lines laid out in very easy to read manner. I'll try to bring mine tonight to show you... ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  23. I take my two feet... I'm only about a 10 minute walk from work. No subway during rush hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  24. Well, actually a bunch of us from work went to Exit one night.... I thought she was going to be a friend, but she turned out to be a two face backstabbing bitch.... I will still be civil to her at work, but I don't want to go anywhere near her otherwise. I even told one of my bosses I won't work on projects with her... Boy can I rock to boat... heh heh ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
  25. Where's everyone headed this Friday? I know Sven Vath at Twilo.... What else is going on? ------------------ Hugh a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams email: ibhugh@yahoo.com aolim: hugesk8r
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