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Everything posted by queenbitch

  1. Close with Denny, I almost fell off my chair!!! What dream was that in? I guess the same one you were driving a saab! OR, were you just trying to impress your so called friends? LOSER!!!!!
  2. I am quite proud I don't need Daddy or anyone else to buy me anything!!! I support myself. I guess that is why you are so immature, you don't know what being an adult is!!!
  3. How's that saab driving? Oh, thats right it was a big fat lie!! Typical whorie laurie!! I guess the rim job you gave daddy wasn't good enough to get you a saab. You would think with all that trash you talk on the sex board you would have done the job right!!!
  4. Why don't you try coming up with something a little more whitty? Loose weight, thats a good one? Born a loser always a loser!! It must be rough growing up in a trailor park, then again, you get what you deserve!!! It sounds like you and your family are a perfect case for Jerry Springer!!! "there ain't nothing wrong with sleeping with my momma, if she is my momma" How many paternity tests did it take to find your daddy?
  5. Gee that was a good one! Considering you know me so well and what I look like!!!
  6. Must have me confused with someone else!
  7. Nope, sorry I don't know anyone that works for ADP.
  8. We need to get you some help and fast, you are obsessed with Denny! Maybe he should consider a restraining order, you never know what an obsessed fan may do!!!
  9. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK!!! You were born a loser and will always be one!! You needed to move to SB to get into clubs for free, HA HA!! Some of us don't pay in Jersey or NYC! But I guess you wouldn't understand what it means to be royalty!
  10. I cannot even express how incredible it is to go to a medium. Especially if you have "unfinished business" A REAL medium can make a believer out of anyone. They give you personal stuff that no one can dispute. It is amazing. I recommend it to ANYONE who has lost a loved one!!!! Even if you just want to say hello and know that they are still with you becuase trust me, they are!!!
  11. See, prime example of why you are a miserable nasty WHORE!! DROP DEAD ALREADY!!!
  12. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually understood that!!! All we do is post what a great weekend we all had and you have to chime in with your nasty comments and drama!!!
  13. Values?? Whores don't have values!! I am close to 30 but that's as personal as I am going to get!! Seriously, I was going to clubs in NYC while you were playing with Strawberry Shortcake and writing in Slam books!!! You don't know a DAMN thing about clubs or music!! Many years ago when NYC clubs were a lot different and people like yourself would get laughed away from the door I was going out and learning about music!! Yet I don't go running around saying I KNOW MUSIC! You don't realize you get ripped because you are a big HYPOCRITE!!!!!!
  14. You dumb bitch, Denny has more important things on his mind aside from having your ugly ass banned from Tempts. Did you ever think there are other people that work there that cannot stand you? Then again I cannot think of one person who can!!!
  15. I think it is a MAJOR turnoff when a guy is just inflated! You can totally tell when someone is all juiced up and has no definition!!! I would rather see a guy smaller but defined instead of looking like you can take a pin and pop him!!!
  16. That was HORRIBLE!! I saw it on my way home from Tempts and it was awful. I am glad no one was hurt!! I hate to see things like that!!!
  17. Why would I waste my time with another name, I have worked hard over the years to have people hate me!!!! I say whatever comes to mind and I don't give a shit who it pisses off!!!
  18. I'll be there but you will NEVER know who I am!!!!
  19. I almost forgot, I am the Queen, I grant wishes!!!
  20. 1. Tempts to be open all year round and as crazy all year round. 2. To watch Laurie fall and smash her head open while the lights are on at the end of the night in the middle of the dance floor at Tempts!!! (so we can all enjoy) 3. To never have to work another day again but have an endless supply of CASH!!!
  21. Honey, I wouldn't poke fun after what you looked like on Sat!!
  22. I just think that people are not in a rush to get down on Fridays. People get there late and many people don't go out! I personally would rather save my energy for getting up for the beach and Saturday nights!!!
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