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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. So far I'm thinking about Halo and Cafe Deville, where else can I go tonight? This is an emergency, gotdammit!!!!! I know Erick Morillo and Saeed and Palash are spinning tomorrow but I have to go out tonight. Who's going out and where are you going? I'm on the hang. HOLLA!
  2. Oh, so JoeG is cut up like that, eh???? *looking for picture thread* I need to go out RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
  3. I know!! So here's the dilemna.....Erick Morillo or Saeed and Palash? Are they local? Cause Erick's party is gonna be every week.....and Saeed and Palash will be at Vinyl 2/16.....what are YOUUUUU doing?
  4. Awww, thanks honey!! I'm still going, just wanted to know if Christian was gonna be there cause I like to look at him. He foine.
  5. I saw a thread somewhere but now I can't find it! I believe it's now going to be at The Room on Sullivan St (Houston & Prince) in Soho.... anyone coming out tonight? Is Christian gonna be there or is it someone else tonight?
  6. LOL! I hate those commercials too. Just let me do my thing, maaaan! In all fairness to Daddy, two years is a long time to go without. No need to beat yourself up over it, true, because you did it TWICE. Just don't do it anymore if you feel that guilty about it! And smoke a joint to quell the anxiety. LMAO
  7. Hmm......that might be a good look President's day! Go straight from there to Vinyl for Danny and Saeed and Palash!! I'll definitely let you know!
  8. Earthling just loves him some Earth! LOL!! Wassup baby? What time do Junior's parties end?
  9. Yah, why not? You guys big them up all the time when talking about Centro, I'm curious now.
  10. :laugh: I just moved up here in September and I just KNEW there wouldn't be any overweight people here based on all the subway stairs one has to climb! Boy was I wrong! But damn if I don't look good!
  11. You ain't said nothing but a word, ma! I'm there. Hit me with details! Thanks!
  12. Good shit, Vix! I wanna come check you out the next time you spin, plus you're supposed to be teaching me, remember?!
  13. Happy Birthday! Hope to meet you soon.
  14. You do that. And be easy! Maybe we'll catch up before then. It's always tragic when someone dies, we're never ready, especially when they're young. I really feel for the people who knew this young lady, sad to know of her only in this circumstance. My prayers go out.
  15. The more everyone weighs in with their experiences and thoughts, the more certain I am that it was a roofie. Primarily because of the memory loss and not having any of the symptoms of being "G'd out". I'm okay, just still feeling tired, but what pisses me off is the audacity of the dude calling me again!! Cracking the fuck up at Eccentricmofo - sounds like a plan, remember the Fight Club assignments?! @ Karch - maaaaaayun! I swear it was not an alcoholic blackout!! You were found in a park, though?! You are GANGSTA!!! Not feeling hungover or anything, just sleepy. And upset because I can't remember anyone giving me anything or setting my drink down, none of the actual ingestion. But umm.....is anyone going to Cheetah tonight? I am ready for more action since I slept the weekend away. Fuck it, I'ma start a thread. LOL
  16. I'm so sorry to hear that! My condolences to you and those who knew and cared about her as well. And thank you for all of your help. You're truly a great person.
  17. I'm so mad that I missed this, thanks to the asshole that had me all fucked up off roofies the day before! I LOVE Erick Morillo, can't say it enough, doubly mad that I missed him there. His Subliminal parties are off the rocket, I believe his new one is this Thursday!! President's Day for sure, maybe I'll see some of you before then.
  18. Maybe it was Spanish Fly then? Afro fly? Beats the shit outta me! But trust me, grimey knows no color. When I was in Philly, someone put some acid in my friend's man's FOOD at the Penn Relays! He was lunched out! And didn't you see that movie Belly? Dude put some shit in Method Man's drink, hate to use a movie as a reference, but it does happen to anyone and anywhere so we should all be wary. LOL @ solargirl - Someone put CRACK in your drink? Were you drinking Cisco?!
  19. :laugh: I didn't even think of that! Yeah some guys would, but DGModel was HEATED just like me! It's bad when you're around strangers and don't know what the hell happened to you. I can't believe that nigga had the nerve to call me last night and ask me out! I don't even remember giving him my number. I KNOW it was him too. He was in total predator mode, couldn't wait for me to come back out! Methinks NOT!!!
  20. Yeah, that song is hot! Until I saw the video (which was my first time hearing it as well), I was skeptical, but he's doing his thang. I see he was on the cover of Vibe last issue, I wanna check out that article and see what the man has to say about his music.
  21. Yo, Danny is the shit. Bottom line. The first time I saw him was at the WMC and I LOVED how he talked to the crowd and like you said, created a whole synergistic vibe for us the whole night, morning and afternoon LOL That separates him from the rest. Glad you had a good time! Come back soon! Especially for President's Day!!
  22. I love elementx y'all! Like I said, Sheendawg lllllluuuuuuvvvvssss the Weezy Beezies (white boys)!! HOLLA! I feel a lot better now though, just mad that I'm up so early. Might as well stay up and get some work done! Cheetah tonight? Anyone? Anyone?
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