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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. however if they have terrible table manners.... chews with mouth open, grips the knife like he is about to butcher something, not putting napkin on lap, smacking when eating....... those things about send me over the edge!!! my parents were sooooo strict on table manners..... also large moles give me the iccckkkkkssss.....
  2. Condom, please...... Don't want to catch something I cannot cure....
  3. stacychase

    How Long???

    i try and hold out until he kisses me on my damn neck or in that general area..... than it is all over..... damn hormones!
  4. Tasty sorry to hear that this has happened.... I have posted in the past, that I am not comfortable or capable of having either an open relationship and I am not into threesomes either. In your situation I would have reacted about the same if not worse. A threesome is just that.... Three people mingled together gratifying each other. Not two people enjoying themselves while another person watches or has limited pleasure. One of the most improtant thins that I learned this summer is that you have every right to be upset/angry. It is also o.k. to express your feelings and not feel ashamed or embarassed! Also as adults we should have limitations we set and we should respect ourselves and respect others. Good luck to you, hon....
  5. Thank God it is Friday!!!! What a week I have had.... Took last Thursday and Friday off.... Paid for it dearly! Looking forward to a nice - peaceful weekend..... Thinking about Happy Hour after work. Anyone near the WFC and what to join the fun??? -steph :tongue:
  6. selfish? who me???? sometime soon cause this drink is gaining interest....
  7. Good grief.... After the day I am still having, I would love to PUFF...PUFFF...PUFF... NOT PASSING....
  8. do you have an attorney? what are they telling you? two pills, plus no $$$, does not sound to me like there is an issue. you may get off with a fine or nothing at all.......... i can't believe they are wasting the time and $$$ to prosecute you for that small amount.... is this your 1st court date, if so the case may be dropped at that point... good luck!
  9. gothzane, you crack me up.... next time i see you, i will bring you a hat to eat, not my new one of course..... :laugh:
  10. just hung up the phone with my sis, she used to be the biggest pot head in the free world... well she got a great job in the spring and had 6 fun filled days and nites to get clean..... well, she did the golden seal route, drank tons of cranberry juice and water, said a prayer or two... well her pee-pee test was a big ole negative.... when is your test???? quick catch the flu that day. it will give a few days of reprieve.....
  11. Been there... Very nice... Good guys promoting it on Fridays....
  12. can i be your groupie???? better known as a dj whorlie.... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  13. maybe we can goooo for a long walk this weekend...
  14. we were not in his car, so that was why we could not do that, plus it was a free ride, so be nice. plus he is one of my best friends...... yep and we sparked up the street corner as well...... :laugh:
  15. hahahaha... i have a good one for ya... say dude can i smoke out in the back of this car???
  16. nope no huge bereaks in my school schedule, however i do have some breaks in my work schedule.... stop complaining and get to class.....
  17. i used to suffer from that as well, when i first started hanging out in new york. there was so many things to do and see. the evenings here are the best. than i realized that i had not seen daylight or had fresh air in forever. so i started hanging out less and enjoying the days more. when i come home with club clothes, and they hit the floor my two cats are all over them, they love the different smells...... please tell me he at least walks you when he gets home....
  18. i have thought that someone would be better off dead! however i have never really thought about snuffing someone out..... i do not want to spend the rest of my life behind bars or even worse get executed.....
  19. a hat and a manicure and pedicure = high maintenance???? well if it does than that is what i am!
  20. no i am going to get pampered.... i need a manicure and pedicure.... i broke a nail last nite.
  21. Wait until you see the hat, girly... It rocks!!! I was cooler than a cuke... Just had a friend who needed me.... How was the evening???
  22. Well everyone is so depressed about the end of summer, however I am not... I love fall/winter in NYC!!! Plus I bought the COOLEST hat on Sunday, while shopping with my friend shuga.... The hat rocks.... Plus I bought the cutest denim jacket. I can hardly wait to throw on my boots, a coat, scarf, gloves, AND MY NEW HAT....... Winter rocks!!!!! Plus it will soon be my birthday!!!!! :tongue: :tongue: Also, clubbing and hanging out is sooooo much better in the cooler months!!!! See you guys on the floor!
  23. hahahahahaha....... we are not going to south beach, you are going to eat meat, you are going to slow down, do you hear me??? i had forgotten the birthday and than the person and i proceeded to drink some more..... good grief!!!! i got another one for you... i love you.... we have taken heroin....
  24. if you are looking for a great lounge try out Leopard Lounge. there is no cover, the drinks are good and not high, the place gets a good crowd, with an awesome vibe, and some great local talent!
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