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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. i agree with tasty, some men can be selfish...... however when our needs are not met, we need to stand up and say damn you are not meeting my needs! cause if they did not like how we were doing it, they would either tell us or move on to someone else.
  2. do i know you??? well the time i got lost in mid town, i think i was wearing a thong and today my underwear decision is a big secret!
  3. lina... yep that sounds like a stacychase move... i got lost in mid town one time.... it made me laugh to read your story!!!
  4. so sorry this thread made me laugh out loud, really loud!!! especially the part about the cat and a furr ball.... good hygiene is a MUST!!!
  5. Agreed! Nothing like a piping hot cup of coffee to wash down a KKD. only costs approx $2....
  6. ... i heard her first release on the radio about two weeks ago, the tune was sooooo snappy/true that it kept floating around in my head.... so last nite i head up to tower records and buy her cd. i love the whole damn thing. it has an R & B, gospel type sound to it. i have NEVER liked this type of music, however her music just touches my soul.... ....i keep on falling in and out of love with you... i have nver loved someone, like i love you......mmmm hmmmmm.... love this cd. has anyone else heard her music??? also she is the one playing the piano throughout the cd....
  7. couldn't you get a mixture of both??? who wants to have someone tied to them 24 hours a day?? how the hell would you ever go potty??? plus i do not like/love anyone enough to be around them that much! we all need time apart. moderation in a relastionship is key! just like with every other aspect of our lives.... also sex does not equal love. sex just equals sex. caring, comapssion, intimacy, etc... = love.... hard to find and even harder to maintain!
  8. stacychase

    for the girls

    i like em when they know when to be rough, however always remains respectful.....
  9. melted belgian choclate all over my lover, licking it off! can i add strawberris and whipped creme to misx??? YUMMY!!!!
  10. i think you shared this story with me one morning in the wee hours, i think........ i can only imagine her expression when you were without!!! moms can be soooo uptight.
  11. as i rummaged around my undies drawer this morning, trying to decide which pair to wear, i was thinking to myself (once again) why do we wear undies and who the hell thought of them??? they are restricting, uncomfortable, and for the most part i hate them. when i wear hip hugger type pants, i go without. so my questions, is this..... who here just says fuck undies, panties, underwear everyday and goes commando. do you get chafing or rubbing??? going without undies/thongs/panties is so wonderful... anyone have thoughts on this???? please share!
  12. just cut down on the crack, frebasing, and the PBR's and everything will be cool again!!!
  13. linabina wait as long as it takes. make sure that you have mutual feeling foe each other prior to having sex for the first time. I was 19 and was in love and it was nice although rather painful. however when i walked away, i thought damn sex is way over rated. now years later, i have realized what all the fuss is about! however i must state, when you care for someone sex becomes making love and it is a wonderful experience. so wait until you find someone extra special!
  14. without trancend's posting this baord would shrivel up and die! ROCK ON TRANCEND!!!! :tongue:
  15. nope and you had better hide your gum as well!
  16. anthony papa is here on thursday before labor day.... YEAH!!! i have not heard him since a great nite at twilo.... took friday off from work for this one.... i can hardly wait!
  17. nope i did not make it.... i had not slept well during the week and than i went to the meetup and had a few two many of many things and than moved on to jade..... took an ambien when i got home and woke up around noon. however spent the day lounging, so that i could be in good form for saturday nite.
  18. crystalmeth - you are lucky you got the card, i tried to steal it from mugz on saturday nite, it was so cute.... sbj - you are to adorable!!!
  19. Damn! I was hoping that you had a great time!!! Hope to see you again soon...
  20. you two..... you just gave me the chills and the heeby jeevies.... no more, please....
  21. how was the jump? are you alive? details please!!! great to meet you last night...
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