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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. what? have you lost your mind????? i have been looking forward to this for about a month or sooo... i think we began talking about papa at deep dish.... i even took thursday off to rest up and friday off so that i can lay in bed and stare at the tv on mute.... you guys going still or are you whimping out??? see you on thursday and i have some pics for ya...
  2. how did shuga and i become double trouble... you know mugz, i take great offense to that... shuga is the trouble maker, not me! i got me some pics i want posted, if i bring them to you, will you do it for me??? lavendar honey, good to see you guys as well.... wasn't our drink groovy???
  3. some of these bands/peeps are still rocking today... Madonna Van Halen Motley Crue Tears for Fears Adam Ant and so on and so forth....
  4. get lots of rest this week. take plenty of vitamin c and say a quick prayer.... see you this weekend...
  5. nope at twirl, we learned that you NEVER turn your back on a 1/2 full drink, even for a second... because someone will walk up and throw in the trash. we also learned that russ plays great 80's music.... now at ps1 with friends we learned that God is the reason we are here...... next weekend, CHURCH???? :eek:
  6. glad it was fun... shuga and i did not go, when i got on the internet for driving directions, from my house it would have been close to two hours.....
  7. restored in people and a friendship i thought was over. i called him and he came and got me... what a great guy. now he also has a cosco card and on thursday morning he is taking me to cosco to get new tires. i feel like i am a blessed women this morning. i hung out with my best friend all weekend and i had a blast and when i was in need an old friend stepped up to the plate and helped me out..... great friends are hard to find. this weekend certainly restored my faith in people! i hope that everyone here had a great weekend. oh and it was great to see mugz and lavendar on saturday... and i am glad that barvybe is home... on a side note when i spoke with my mom last nite and began to tell her the story she interrupted me and asked if i got a DWI???? WTF thanks mom....
  8. ...if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again.... ...you can dust it off and try again.... incredible young women with such a big heart.
  9. yesterday was an amazing event for shuga and myself. we were trying to figure out our relationship came to be... and we searched it back to GOD!!! it amazed us both....
  10. it is about 100 miles one way. i just found it on the internet....
  11. i was watching her on a show the other nite promoting her new album. she was extremly talented and she overcame so much adversity after the scandal with rkelly. very sad day for everyone and so young be gone... god bless her family and friends.....
  12. the worst thing about drinking cheap wine at lunch, is the headache you get about 3 - 4 hours later.... hay come back here with my lip gloss.....
  13. yeah that is what i was going to say, cause you got screwed.... :eek:
  14. I always feel frisky and especially after cheao wine! :tongue:
  15. shugga is not going out... barvybe is hiking... ;( and i am afraid to go alone.... so i may not be there this eve.... but i hope to see you tomorrow at ps1.... miss ya!!!
  16. who said anything about expensive lunch, good wine, etc... it was applebees, cheap jug wine, and so damn lushes i work with! i told them that i should not drink and than return to work. however they hooked the IV up to my arm and it was all over....
  17. there was no picture.... please post so that we can make an educated decision, you freak...
  18. mugzie... what time are you and lavendar heading over there???
  19. at lunch and now i got the damn hiccups.... :D boy i am ready for the weekend now. :tongue:
  20. welllll shugggaaa all it really takes is having a best friend with a car. than all you gotta do is promise to buy her a vokka and whatever......
  21. i will use all 3 tubes of lip gloss one evening when i am totally cracked out..... everyone loves to wear lipgloss when they are cracked out..... gotta love diet sprite!
  22. i feel for you... cause you spent a hell of a lot more than me....
  23. trancend i thought you were out of town.....
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