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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. what a great world this would be if we all believed in PLUR. I try to take PLUR into every aspect of my life. allow everyone to live as they want too...
  2. that is groce! what would make a person want to look like that?
  3. if he is such a christian, why is he having sex before marriage??? that is a sin as well. additionally, abortion is a choice and a hard one. i have friends who decided to abort and have regretted it and than i have friends that have had abortions and never thought about it again. as for me, i am not sure that i could go thru with it. suggest to her that she call planned parenthood and get some free counseling and than urge her to use birth control.... i hope everything works out for her. either way she has a tough choice.
  4. spit him back up right now. he is just lonely and depressed and misses his girl.... he will move forward soon enough. without him who will feed you, love you, and walk you..... without him paying the rent you will be a doggie of the streets as welllllll...
  5. when i moved to ny, i had just ended a 5 year relationship and i was damaged goods.... i threw myself into my work and became a very unpleasant person. i ate, drank, bitched, and worked to much. i think all of that added to my misery in NY. sometime around feb-mar of 2000, i felt better about myself and realized that i was getting over him. however one night at twilo i was sitting with shuga and we were a little fucked up and i turned to her and told her that i still loved him...... when i was in dallas the last time i went by and saw his family and realized that i was healed. he called me about 6 weeks ago and we spoke for about 45 minutes. it was the nicest, most light hearted discussion i had ever had with him. when i hung up, this feeling came over me and at that point i realized i was totally free........ what i am trying to say here is that nobody can dictate how much time it takes to heal after a long term relationship. it took me about 2 years to feel 110% better. also we all move forward at different rates. keep your chin up, kiddo. you will feel better again, i promise.... see ya soon!!!
  6. cute, funny, and at times very true. however, you guys keep coming back for more. what does that say about you all????
  7. and now feel so much better. ready for tonight.... thanks shuga for the lullabye it worked. sorry if i talked your ear off abstrakt, i had not seen you in a while and i had a lot to tell you. schwinge you should have come in, except for another one bites the dust, the music was awesome..... once again really good to see some many peeps out enjoying the scene again!!!!
  8. i've been home for a while. enjoyed hearing deep dish and i thought that the music was off the hook, until another bites the dust came on... did not like that song when i used to roller skate to it in the 80's and like it even less when a dj throws it into the mix!!!! i cannot sleep and i am completly and totally cracked out and i keep hearing another bites the dust in my head.... quick! someone sing me a lullabye, please.......... good to see sooo many peeps out and about.... thanks abstrakt for the ride home, you rock......
  9. mugz... i think we are related. that sounds to much like my folks!!!!
  10. i want to go, i want to go... however i am having a diana ross type of month...
  11. my 2 cats are to damn fat to fit in jar. they could never be bonsai kitties.... they are more like mountain lions. with loud fucking meows!!!
  12. my vote goes for the infamous jammyrunonsentencesjamms.... we all know that she is the best shit talker on the board. not only does she talk the talk- she walks the walk....
  13. this..... however i love to read and do it frequently... not embarassed about that. however i do not read great pieces of work. i love smut!! there i said it..... the smuttier the better for stacychase... i just read The Clinic by Jonathon Kellerman. It was a suspense, freaky murder mystery, love story, with a twist about a small dog book!!!! i am now in search of jonathon's next great book.... i also love danielle steele books.......
  14. i moved here from Dallas 2.6 years ago. when i first got here i was excited. i had wanted to live in this area forever and i never thought that i would get the opportunity. well after 90 or so days, reality set in and boy was i ever homesick. i did not go back to visit for almost a full year. i was afraid if i went back, i would never return. so here i sit and i have to say i love NY and all that is has to offer and i am never going back to dallas. visiting there has even become a burden. everyone is sooooo, how do i explain it.... big hair, plastic, to much makeup, worried about what the next person is doing.... NY is diverse and i love that. plus the party scene there sucked a big one....... the only thing that i miss, is my swimming pool in my apartment complex, wall to wall carpeting, and o'jedas mexican food..... plus in NY you can wear coats, hats, and boots all the time...
  15. don't know... it just relieves tension, stress, and it just works...
  16. it didn't die, i turned the fucker off..... sowwwwyyyyyy.... you should have left a message!!!!
  17. it is really cause korzo only posts and never goes out.... crackie quit giving us good stories... diva fell in love.... Quanto moved to SF..... shuga became silly... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  18. yeah, right... i have not seen hide nor hair for you in mouths... got yourself a honey and disappeared on a sista.... miss ya though!
  19. go home get a cold glass of white wine, take two TPM, fill the bathtub up with hot sudsy water, and masterbate your ass off...... works everytime!!!! i think i will do that tonight for GP.
  20. Yeah, I am pissed! Cause I have now argued with ticketmaster and they are like it is not cancelled so now I am on the phone with the credit card company (once again - remember NYE) and they think that I am a drugged up idiot!!!!!! fucker heads.....
  21. why didn't those fuckers at ticket master tell me that the fucking thing was cancelled. now i gotta call the bastards back and fight over the $$$$. plus they keep $3 per ticket for processing.
  22. i just bought the tickets this morning at 9:30 a.m. why the fuck did they not tell me it was cancelled. you get all the $$$ back except for the $3 handling fee.... :mad:
  23. we are going to mekka.... YIPPPEE.. bought those tickets today... damn they charge the lining of your shorts for those damn things... $59 each ticket..... don't care, i have no company and a day of fun!!!!
  24. shuga and my tickets to mekka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE.... let the skipping begin!!!!!! :D
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