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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. if you fail to floss - touch base with Shuga around 4:00 on the roof, she will hook ya up!
  2. how we gonna run those little rug rats outta the pool. yep is was funny when we talked about ears and than you said who are you? and than you go i am mugz.... i just about jumped in your lap after the intial shock was over and than i looked over your shoulder and shuga was jumping up and down going thats mugz, thats mugz.... YEAH!! wish jenny could have joined us, she appears to be one hell of a partier.... see you on saturday, we are meeting at shannonpot prior to entering ps1. beer is a $3 and tastes better than the beer we drank on saturday. plus i still have banana rum.... YUMMY!!! good to finally meet you....
  3. dancing and mingling at ps1. plus we walked a loooonnnngggg ways saturday night after we left. plus i was in flip flops. OUCH!!!!!
  4. vocal, please... and a little dirty talk is downright fun as well....
  5. how bout all of those kids, shuga??? damn deductions....
  6. I got a blister on my toe...
  7. sunday is generally a day of rest for me. i lay around and veg. yesterday i hardly moved and i feel pretty damn good today. sometimes i do the thursday after work hours.
  8. i want to be like petrol.... yeah petrol!!!
  9. mugz it was so good to finally meet the man behind the name. jenny i asked mugz where you were and he said that they would not let you in the place, damn humans!!! we let all of thos kiddos in there, why not you. had a good time, decent vibe, good music, except when they played some rap. odd to see folks in the light of day. probably will be there next saturday as well. hopefully not so damn hugover though.
  10. I missed the fire, I was in Florida... However have heard the story and will buy the book. Will this become a made for TV movie as well????
  11. Jenny - I think that this is a hard thread to answer, cause it is normal for all humans or dogs (of course) to want to feel needed/loved/accepted.... So, for me it depends on who you would be barking about... People should also learn to keep their opinions about others to themselves. When you say mean/hateful things about others, it destroys peoples self esteem, etc... If you do not have nothing nice, roll over and go to sleep. Happy Friday!!!
  12. hmmmm... sounds like tuesday type of fun.
  13. carrying my bottle of banana rum in my back packie thing... I am excited, ti sounds like fun.
  14. girl were is this place at? westchester? maybe we can do our westchester hang out night there.... thoughts?
  15. i agree with jenny, the count rules.... mugz didn't you see that you can get hard time for animal abuse. don't make me call those peeps on you...
  16. wtf is wrong with email to you? it keeps shooting back saying you are a bad girl. did you loose your job???? call me if you can.... or email me... i am ready to go and get my drunk on....
  17. stacychase

    leg hair

    Leave the hair alone, razor stubble sucks.... I had a guy rub his arm on me at SF and the stubble alone almost made my arm bleed. Why does everyone try to alter themselves so damn much....
  18. Yep, I am hanging out with my best friend tonight too.... I am so excited that it is the weekend....
  19. Yep, I went thru the hiatus period about two months ago. I took about 6 - 8 weeks off. It was really a nice break. However my favorite valentine, TT. You and Majestic need to come out and play. SOON! :p We miss you guys.
  20. Crack is back!!! Yeah... Now let the fun begin.
  21. Bump... Come on guys is it only us middle agers interested in a meet up tomorrow????? I promise that Shuga and I do not bite... Maybe just a little nibbling.....
  22. Bump... Bump... Bump... Any takers?
  23. Yeppers, me and Shuga made a pact we are making it to PS1 come hell, high water, or a hang over.... So I propose that we schedule a meet up for everyone going..... Don't actually know all of the paticulars of the place, so someone help me out here. Oh and stacychase stopped off at the liquor store and picked up some banana rum, yummmmmerrrrsssss...... Someone bring a glass, please...... Yeah, it is Friday!!!!!
  24. I wonder if I will be this excited about weekends when I am 90!!! We love to party...
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