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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. well, i had company coming from dallas the weekend of aug 17th. it is my oldest, dearest friend and her husband. they asked if they could stay with me..... weeeellllll, she called this morning and they may not be able to make the trip. i had been sweating them coming cause they wanted to do all of the ole touristy NY crap and that was the weekend of the Mecca Festival. plus i have two cats and her husband is allergic to animals, etc.... them staying with me was becoming inconvient and kind of hardship, plus they are VERY straight laced and do not approve of partying or anything... they do not approve of my lifestyle in NY..... i feel like a large weight has been lifted off of my shoulder...
  2. i have a remedy for that buying finger... GO HOME AND GO TO BED!!! damn do you need NO sleep????
  3. i am a non-smoker except when shuga and i are having a terribly deep shairng session, so i smoke a cig, and than i generally cry. at this point, i am also generally drunker than shit.... do however LOVE to smoke the funny stuff......
  4. funny guy... i want a copy of your friends cd from 2 - 3 saturdays ago. how am i getting that. funny you should ask, they wanted to know how you were just last night....
  5. Do you golf????? When I was a weeeee child we always went there so my dad could golf. To young for raves and have not been back since.
  6. OK... maybe scary was not the right word, maybe odd/weird was the right word!!!!
  7. put my minestry of sound cd in my stereo and it rejected the CD. so i am sitting here with my portable cd playeer on listening to my cd. is my stereo possessed??? it would play other music.... help i need ghost busters!!!
  8. I was quite weighted down on Saturday and surprised at how much my bag held: 1. Portable CD Player 2. Brand new CD from Shuga for Xmas, when the music got a bit off, headphones with new tunes went on. 3. My PVD CD. 4. Hair brush 5. Make up bag (6 tubes of lipstick) 6. Band Aids 7. Strappy black shoes 8. Bottle of water 9. Wallet 10. Camera 11. Altoids 12. Gum 13. Cell phone 14. Hair Clip 15. Hair Spray 16. Centro Fly drink chip..... oh and i almost forgot my hat....
  9. i used to think if i had stayed we might have made it as well. however i know now that we never would have. we had the most unhealthy relationship ever. we went back and forth for years and had no respect for each other! we spoke recently and i felt such a release from it all after we hung up. at one point he was the love of my life and now i realize that he was just a bump in the road. think about why you broke up and left, that always helps me when i feel a moment of what ifs.
  10. well the last very serious relationship that i needed to get over, i took a radical step. i moved to NY, thru myself into my work, and gained lots of weight........
  11. jenny... get a kitty.... you will love tormenting them and chasing them around the house while mugz is a way... you can teach them all about the computer as well..... plus a kitty will not take away from quality time with mugz when you want to take a walk alone and another bitch would!!!
  12. shuga gave a new meaning to drunk typing... the drinks were expensive, but soooo awesome.... now the crying, that was another story!!! oh and we still partied like straight up soldiers at PS1..... :letsgo:
  13. Hugh, honey.... How the hell are you?? NY is still not the same and neither is the office.
  14. from a friend. i lurked for a while and than i joined.
  15. i think that it was limelight, than centro fly, and than TWILO... 1st time i went to twilo, i vowed never to go back. it totally freaked me out. got messed up and went again, fell in love with that damn place after that.
  16. half the fun, is being called the skank, biatch, ho... You are a sick man.
  17. Where the hell is he???
  18. PS1 in Queens during the day on Saturday. It was lots of fun this past weekend. -Steph
  19. i only pick my butt, however i guess that wasn't the question.. i am soooo glad you are back and maybe will liven stuff up a bit. yeah crack is back!!!
  20. it is not all about size, it is about the person within. be happy and secure with the women that you are.... it is all about the attitude and the way that you carry yourself!
  21. stacychase


    i understand and empathize completly. as insecure as i can be, we would have many a heated battle over this issue. i am not good when it comes to sharing! even if it is just a look.
  22. i was fast asleep in my bed at 4:00 a.m. it was the first weekend in weeks that I did not see the sun come up both mornings and than do the walk of shame in last nights clothes into grand central, with all of the mommy's pointing at me and telling their kiddos, that is what happens to you, if you use drugs... drugs are very bad for you kids.
  23. stacychase


    i feel you pain and totally agree with your opinion. there has to be boundaries and limits to that stuff. damn don't stare the other person down, don't let the drool come out you mouth, and just show me some respect when you friends are around. have you tried to tell him how you feel??? also try not being so open about folks you find attractive and see if that helps!!! whatever your sexual prefernce is, has nothing to do with how a man treats you.... try talking without emotion or anger.
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