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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. Tracend honey... have you ever heard of self service????? do it yourself and you will never have those problems...
  2. you are a huge lush! please get some rest.....
  3. Easy come... Easy go.... Don't allow one persons inconsideration to ruin everything for you moving forward. There are decent men out there, I promise. As Shuga stated above come to the meet up next week. I promise that we will be there!!!
  4. is a cold coors lights.... got a slight headache this morning from them last night. OUCH!!! last night i could have shared, however this morning they are all gone. SOWWWWYYYY.... next time i plan to have a week night beer drinking session, i will def let you know.....
  5. is there anything that tastes better than an ice cold beer? i am sitting here, surfing the net, watching TV and drinking an ICE COLD BEER.... ahhhhh!!!
  6. enjoy it. right now i am sitting here watching/listening to BET.... shhhhh don't tell anyone...
  7. crack honey, i do not think that you neuter a female dog.... mugz is looking for another animal. how does she get along with other animals. btw what is the name again???
  8. work, just cut a hole in the top and puff away... ooopss i did not say that...
  9. why can't you keep her? what is her name? i want a puppy... but i can't have one....;(
  10. don't throw the 40 away, that is alcohol abuse.... stacychase runs for trash removes 40, wipes it off and sticks back in refrig.... you will thank me later when you want a drink. hopes you feel better.....
  11. oldies and newbies are invited.... lets get the party started.
  12. ok. What time? just promise me you won't do that donkey thing to me again! OUCH!
  13. expect to have the song of the week every morning by 9:00 now... miss you guys! oh and shuga is good she is still crazier than ever. she is hosting a newbie/oldie meetup on august 10th i think. there is a post about it on the board. you guys should come..... it is in mid town at fubar. it will be fun... take care and don't be a stranger. -steph
  14. leaving the one that you love is the hardest thing that a person can do! also giving someone space when it is what they feel they need is hard to do as well.... i can tell thru your messages that things for you have been different and hard, however maybe you need to back up allow her the space that she needs... i am terrible in love situations, however if you need to talk and have me listen, just PM me..... you should hang out with crazy ole shuga and me this weekend. she is a wealth of knowledge! keep your chin up, kiddo..... bear hugs- -steph
  15. ali you are alive, were have you been??? what is going on? how is life????? i sent a huge shout out on CP last week for ya... But nobody answered... Call me, call me..... -steph
  16. when i got this in the mail, i silently slipped up the stairwell, afraid someone was on to me...
  17. my monday morning song of the week???? i have missed those and i have wondered were you have been... welome back, stranger.
  18. Got this in the mail today from my health insurance company, I think that they may be on to me.... For some people, the Internet is like a drug. Here are some signs that your habit is worrisome: You sleep less to surf the 'Net. People say you spend to much time online. Your Internet usage has hurt your job performance. You met most of your current friends online and socialize mainly by use of the computer. You constantly anticipate your next online session. If you think that you may be hooked, get professional help. A counselor can help you over come your addiction and any other related problems.
  19. i woke up this morning full of dread. i had an offsite meeting to attend and it was a good 2+ hours away. i was like damn what happened to my weekend. well as i began my drive to boonton, nj, i felt myself begin to relax. i put in my new cd ( great xmas present) and jammed all the way to my destination. it was in the country and so luch and green. as i arrived at my destination, i saw a mommy deer and her baby. it was beautiful and precious..... well the meeting went well. i am working with a dynamic new team and we had our shit together and do believe we impressed the head cheese. he than spoke to me about some new opportunities within the firm.... not sure if it is what i want, however it is nice to have things to think about and knowing me, i will probably go for it....... i drove one my colleagues back into the city tonight and than chatted with the best friend i have ever had on the phone. just sharing our days..... i realized how blessed i have been having this person brought into my life. never before have i ever had a friend as supportive as she is. everyone should be this blessed in their lifetime.... oh, i have also decided to move into the city and i am excited about that as well. i realized that at this moment, things could not get much better.... making sure that i say my praters tonight. so here i sit, about to try and go to sleep, however i am jumpy and excited....... just wanted to share my day with the world. i hope that everyone had as great a day as i had... sleep tight everyone.... -steph
  20. you know that i will be there..... let me know what you need me to do, i feel left out...
  21. i am usually getting out of bed at that time. except for today. i am sitting in bed with my laptop across my legs, drinking a coke, doing a load of laundry. i have to be in NJ at a meeting at noon. so decided to "work from home this am" and head out between 9:30 and 10:00....... i hate mondays... what happened to the weekend???
  22. that in my CD player right now..... it is getting to be an older song, however still got a good beat to it...........
  23. yep sure did.... just got up brushed my teeth and than flossed. fuckity fuck this damn meeting in NJ today, got me freaking cranky! :mad:
  24. how old is your sister? if she is over 21, she should try saturday night... music is pretty good, good vibe, etc... free drinks from 10-11.
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