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Everything posted by stacychase

  1. that is not how this thread appeared. It looked like you were bragging. maybe something along the lines of sounding somewhat concerned would have helped.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  2. Good Lord. Are you sure that this was not her first time? ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  3. stacychase

    penis question?

    Either/or... They say those are the best peeepeees... Cause they are super, duper sensitive.. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  4. YIKES..... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  5. None of the above... They all have partially hydroxed shit in them. Now before I met Shuga, I loved them all and now that I know her, she has screwed that up for me... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  6. Here is my $.02. Who cares about strip clubs... They are over rated and when you act like who cares.. They stop going! My ex and I were out with another couple one night for dinner and afterwards we were like what now??? So the guys were like if you two were not around we would go to a strip club... So we go, lets go... After I went and enjoyed myself, he lost all interest.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  7. hmmmm... good question, no word from her this week on the board... I think she was at the meetup Friday! ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  8. I know that this has been discussed before, however with so many newbees, I was wondering what everyones opinion is on open relationships. With me if I care for someone, I am not capable of dealing with either of us having sex with others. When I am in a relationship and I am totally in love, I want nobody but that person. Love to hear everyones thoughts!!! ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  9. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  10. I'll get her number for ya. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  11. good advice given above. if he is truely your bf, leave it alone.... having someone that you can call your best friend and mean it, is a wonderful thing. few people come into our lives and remain friends forever. when you finish school and can be together more and if you feel the same way, i would say go for it than. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  12. stacychase

    I have a ?

    Hon, I feel your pain.. **OUCH** It happens to me when the legs are over the shoulders. Thinking about doing it that way makes me shutter. Lube does not work, cause you are hitting something up in there and it does not feel good!!! ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  13. Damn.. guys are not the only ones that make those calls, we all have needs.. I made one on Friday night/Saturday morning myself.... He was one lucky guy! ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  14. why? are you volunteering? you big ole freak!!! ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  15. He sure does... Maybe that is the trick, shuga... a two headed dildo... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  16. Please define "regular sex"... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  17. Congrads girlie... Isn't it the best feeling in the world.... I get the shivers thinking about it.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  18. It depends on my mood and what we are doing besides kissing at that moment. I also like to nibble on the lips a bit when I am smooching.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  19. She had already attempted to shove her fingers up his butt.... I thought the story was funny... Think about it, if someone you just met pulled out a two headed dildo and tried to shove it up your arse, you would dress and run as well... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  20. I think this was an article in Cosmo last month. However the truth of the matter, is that women like a cross between the two. We like adventure, fun, and someone with similar interests... We don't want a push over, however we don't want an asshole either. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  21. A friend of mine just called me at work to tell me about his interesting pick-up this weekend. He was out partying at a club, and met a smoking hot girl. Well, she invited him back to her home and he went. They were in the middle of some hard pounding sex, when she pulled out a two headed dildo. She wanted to stick one end up his arse and the other end up hers. Well, he is a super macho guy and it almost freaked him out!!! He jumped out of bed, got dressed, and ran for the door. She screamed after him, call me!!!! I laughed my tail off.... Needless to say, he would not allow her to stick it up his butt... He is an exit only type dude. Any thoughts on this???? ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  22. Well, I am having the jitters today from my cracked out weekend. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  23. stacychase

    anal sex

    The initials of his name.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  24. My parents got divorced when I was 3... Within one year she met my step dad and they moved in together within 3 dates. She never wanted to get remarried and he gave her an ultimatium (sp).. Well this past June they celebrated 25 years of marriage. They have problems, however they love each other a lot!!! They understand each other and yes they still make love. Each of us kids, have caught them numerous times throughout the years.... ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
  25. Be kind. You always treat others, how you would want to be treated.... never ever treat the person like a skeezer, skank, ho. ------------------ Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.
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