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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Oh, the breaks failed on the bus. I was talking to some chick who was on the bus that day, and she said that the bus driver yelled to all the kids that the brakes broke and he couldn't stop the bus, and told everyone to brace themselves for impact. Funny shit.
  3. Well when you fear getting thrown off of a horse you are not paying much attention to the person who just ran into you... especially not thier booty.
  4. I really like the pic in your sig... as well as the ones you had up previously... did you do them on adobe?
  5. try silly puddy... or one of those stress balls... less sticky but just as smushy, and no mess
  6. Thats fucking hysterical:laugh: How does someone go about driving one of these things?! Is it even street legal?!
  7. thanks hun... hehe, i almost did kick some ass... i just couldn't identify the girl after my class was done (everyone looks the same in those silly get-ups)
  8. I don't think I have meals left... we can try... if not they will just double swipe me. Is a certain someone being cheap again?? (lol)
  9. Horse Illustrated - Obvious... has alot of info on horse care and horse sports of all kinds Practical Horseman - Agian, obvious... however this magazine is geared towards english riding... which helps alot in showing techniques/ riding stuff.
  11. Congrats to your mom hun!! And happy birthday... (I think there will be a separate post for that)
  12. crxtacy made some good points... but to add to that... Find someone that will keep you in line... a buddy to go out with that will keep you in check. Yeah it sucks to have a babysitter... but it works.
  13. Justin... which parking deck is this? When are you going? (thinking about it)
  14. Okay... so before you hear how I placed you have to hear the story behind it all. This girl on my team, Kim, and I placed up last week, which means at yesterday's show we both rode at a higher level then we did the previous week. (moved from level 2A to 2B) Now... Kim has been riding 6 years longer than me, and for some reason they placed her at my level (she really shouldnt be there but it is a retarded situation). So, we were both in the same class... and were both set on loosing and not placing because we were riding with people who had been at that level for a while. Surprisingly enough, she took first place and I took second place! However, while I was riding, the most fucked up thing happened. I was riding this horse that doesn't like to have other horses near her when she is being ridden. She will kick and bite and just gets plain nasty if someone gets close (I have seen it, its not pretty). She wears one of those red ribbons on her tail to warn people that she does this, and every rider knows to stay away. So I am doing my thing, showing off for the judge and whatnot, and I see out of the corner of my eye this girl Cantering at me at full speed. My luck would have it the girl literally runs into me on her horse, and at that point I had to think quickly. I honestly thought that my horse was either going to rear up on her hind legs to get out of the squish, start kicking and biting, or just go into a bucking frenzy ditching me on the ground. Luckily, she just froze, pinned her ears back in disgust, and we finished the second half of the class as though nothing happened. As for the girl who ran into me, I have ridden the horse she was on before, and he is not a difficult horse to control. I also do not think she placed due to the little stunt she pulled. Rutgers ended up taking first place as a team, and we also had the high point rider. All in all, yesterdays show was a success (despite the freezing temperatures).
  15. :laugh:hehe... newbies are funny:laugh:
  16. wish i could have been there
  17. Tomorrow... and no I don't slack... I just paid my security deposit on a house for next year.
  18. Well the thing is... I don't pay for my riding... my rents do. They feel it keeps me out of trouble or something... so they don't mind. All that extra money has gone towards my security deposit for my house next year... so I just have to wait a bit before my funds build up agian... or until I know I don't have anything else to pay for.
  19. I hate living vicariously through other's clubbing experiences. But, hopefully soon I will have money and time and I will be able to make it out again.
  20. Damnn!!!! That is some crash!!! Not too into formula one... but I am a car fanatic.
  21. I hope(for the sake of everyone at Vinyl tonite) that this guy is just joking.
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