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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. I have Verizon... i get service everywhere, even out where I live in the middle of nowhere... and at rutgers. Its a great phone service and I highly reccomend it.
  2. They got more than his lucky charms... hehe... they took his Clubplanet away!!
  3. cograts... i just reached godly status not too long ago myself... i am now trying for the 1500 mark (cause i am not a god, i am a goddess, but whatever)
  4. Okay, I am not quoth... but funny story about him... He still has a phone line type internet connection, and there was a freak accident in his neighborhood involving a tractor trailer taking down the phone lines. So, he has no internet and no phone. I am sure he will make an appearance sometime soon.
  5. :DYeah, awesome right!? I got myself a copy already!
  6. A couple friends and I are doing the city clubbing thing this weekend and I was just wondering what was up for the weekend. Can anyone fill me in? Who is going where and doing what?
  7. dub16: the spa thing is DEFINATELY a good idea perfume is really a personal preference thing... so unless you know your mom's favorite scent then don't get it if you have the money jewlery is always loved by moms. dinner is nice, and so is chocolate something personal and hand-made is good if you can do that sort of thing
  8. The Great Adventure thing is still a good idea... but I was just throwing out another option... we can do both ya know... and the beach thing is a good idea.
  9. I am also O-.... maybee its a club thing.
  10. We should all meet up at the bronx zoo one day!! I haven't been to a zoo in a long time, but I think it would be one of those silly fun things to do one day in the summer. I dunno, its just an idea. Would anyone be interested in a zoo trip?
  11. I will not be attending the festivities at platinum after stuff your face. I have shit to do on Friday... which includes packing, riding lessons, and driving back home.
  12. I feel your pain... my last midterm is tomorrow and my teacher gave us 10 essay questions to answer YESTERDAY!!! This lady is on crack... but I guess I better get going on it so that I dont fail.
  13. It just really sucks that it does come down to a black/white thing. I might be whiter than white, but I don't believe in separating human beings by race, color, religion, sexual preference, etc... There are only good people and bad people, and sometimes I wish that everyone else would get knocked upside the head with the same notion; that everyone is equal. But, thats just my blind optimism speaking.
  14. i sense some tension... WHO FUCKING CARES... SORORITY GIRL, NOT A SORORITY GIRL... WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS!! THERE ARE PLENTY OF WHORES OUT THERE WHO AREN'T IN SORORITYS, AND PLENTY OF GIRLS WHO ARE IN SORORITYS WHO ARE VERY COOL PEOPLE. Bottom line, stereotypes suck. Why can't we all get over ourselves and realize that we are all human beings and that the only depiction that should be made is mean people and nice people. Sorry about that... but I needed to vent. THIS IS NOT A POST FOR BASHING SORORITIES... THIS IS A POST INFORMING EVERYONE IN THE RUTGERS AREA THAT THERE IS A MEETUP FOR PEOPLE INVOLVED IN CLUB CULTURE! So if you are coming, awesome. If not, you suck. If you are trying to start drama, shut the fuck up, you are not welcome anyways. Just my $.02 peace out, JennEfer
  15. Okay... so I was walking in the student center and saw the gospel choir practicing. Actually, the true name for it is the "Liberated Gospel Choir". They take traditional gospel music and jazz it up a bit (some of it even sounds like that really soulful house). They are all in there dancing and singing and it looks like alot of fun. So I start dancing in the hallway cause I just dance to everything and then I got to thinking. What if a white girl like me wanted to join the gospel choir? Do you think they would let me? Would they laugh in my face and take it all as a joke? Would they be offended? I dunno, just a hypothetical question... anyone else have a take on this?
  16. no sweat... my sig is my feeble attempt at photoshop... i get the layer thing... but using the tools in an effective way is difficult... there are so many, but i just don't know the proper way in which to use them... if you could find that tutorial that would be great!!
  17. I go to school full time at Rutgers University. I try to get all my work done during the week so that I can do the things I want on the weekend.
  18. I think it is that time where everyone gives up and you tell us what your other ID is... anyone else agree?
  19. :confused:Correct me if I am wrong... isn't there a club Arena in Boston?
  20. Drink lots of orange juice, get lots of rest, take some medicine, and feel better!!
  21. Go get em... from the sound of it, he fucking deserves it. HOWEVER... if your sister advises against it just don't do it, because I know how it is to be in the crying girl possition with a bunch of angry concerned guy-friends. But if she is the one that told you to fuck up some shit... then be my guest. Just some advice from the girlie point of view.
  22. Teklord told me to bump this because he doesn't want to be made fun of for bumping his own meetup again. But, yeah, all newbies should come. We are all friendly people and will not exclude you from any activities just because we don't know you. I am only going to be at the stuff your face/ pregame portion of the meetup because I have shit to do on friday that requires me to be halfway awake (riding lessons). BUT EVERYONE IN THE AREA WHO HAS NOTHING TO DO ON A THURSDAY NIGHT SHOULD COME!! If not there will be kidnapping involved. (just kidding). See you all there!! P.S. If anyone in the Livingston/Busch area needs a ride to the meetup I will be driving from Livingston and am willing to give anyone a lift. (well, whoever can fit in the car) Don't be shy to ask, just pm me if you need a ride! P.P.S. I want jello shots again!! And I absolutely love the peach liquor idea!!
  23. yeah, well, that works too... i didn't see the quote yet... i just saw the thing you had up before. i have been trying to play around with adobe... but there is just so much shit to learn on it, and due to lack of time i haven't gotten to play with it lately
  24. I think they were just trying to cover up the obvious.
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