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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Lets hear your opinion... Best Dancer: The Hot one: Most likely to become rich and famous: The most ancient: The typical meathead/ guido: Most likely to be seen hooking up on a couch: The comic: Most random posts: Most likely to be seen fucked up on various insundry substances: Best hair spikes: Can be picked out of any crowd: Always dancing: The most drunk: Too much spare time: Needs to learn the english language: Always finds it a necessity to use smilies: (am i forgetting any categories?)
  2. OMG!! YAY!!! YOUR GETTING IT!!! But don't think that just because you posted once about clubbing that all of a sudden you can go back to your old political self right away... you have to start replying to other's as well Wow, I never thought I would be instructing people on how to post on clubplanet.
  3. DO WE MEET UP WITH ONE ANOTHER?! DO BIRDS FLY?!!! Sorry for the sarcasm... all in good fun. But yeah we all go out and meet up and have a shitload of fun. I will warn you... once you get in the mix of things this board becomes addicting. Hope to see you around! Welcome!
  4. I am just itching for the weekend... because when it gets here so does my spring break!!
  5. the Roxy stage crew post people.... cause you have to admit... they made that shit funny as hell. However, my award goes to QUOTH!! Not only is he halarious on the boards, but he is just as entertaining in person (especailly when drunk, but we wont go there:tongue: )
  6. The pain eventually does go away. The more you do it the more used to the pain you get. The things us women go through to look beautiful.
  7. I agree... especially for those whos names will not be mentioned ::cough::usa::cough::
  8. See this: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=86563
  9. Didn't I tell you to start posting about clubbing, music, or something else that relates to the purpose of this message board before you start spewing out your political crap? Some people never listen. Dave, Isn't there anything you can do about this? There should be a rule to irrelevant topic posters (i.e. usa). Granted everyone else goes off topic every once and awhile... but this kid has never even been close to the topic.
  10. I would rather lock her up in jail or a mental institution for the rest of her life. I think that in itself proves to be more torture than being sentenced to death. Let the bitch rot in jail.
  11. OK, so here's the deal. We get these Roxy VIP cards that on any other night will get us in free. But right when something awesome rolls around we have to pay money now?! I don't know if the truth was posted on my thread, but Dave, could you confirm the status of the validity of the Roxy VIP card? (Is it free or discounted, and what will we have to pay if it is just discounted)
  12. I might still go... I am bringing some un-experienced clubbers into the city... so Roxy is good for that sort of thing.
  13. I will purchase it once i find some money.
  14. I see you got your internet back (see attn:QUOTH post) I held things down while you were away
  15. He actually called me yesterday to tell me this... A) Because he was bored out of his mind and Because he wanted me to let people know where he was if they asked for him.
  16. DISK 2 IS THE SHIT!!!! I have been listening to it over and over for the past 24 hours... i can't get enough of it. I haven't heard disk one... but from the sound of it, it seems I really shouldnt bother.
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