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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. I was not coming off as elitest, or as a whiny baby who's daddy doesn't pay my tuition. I was venting my anger for the fact that every time I go to register for classes something happens where I get skrewed out of all the classes I want. I do know the value of money, and I am not a spoiled little brat. I hate having other people pay for me, and having to depend on my parents. And when people lend me money, I do pay them back (just ask Teklord) I am sorry If my parents promised me a good education and would do anything to make sure that I get one, which includes paying my tuition. Sure, one day I will be on my own, and daddy won't be paying for things, but that doesn't make me a whiny baby for venting my current problems (because I know there are plenty of other people who do the same). As for the parking situation at Rutgers... it is just plain FUBAR. The RUPD does = state troopers. And I am clean of all STDs.
  2. ohh geeze... lets see... My first love was definately a case of puppy love.... I was 16 and they guy turned out to be a bastard and would shelter me from friends, verbally abuse me, etc... so I dumped him. Then I started dating this other guy, fell in love again, and dated him for about 6 months. I don't know whether it was the age gap or the drugs but I dumped him. He wanted marriage... i was just having fun (cmon I was 17) Then there was this other guy and I thought it might have been love but it was just distance making the heart grow fonder. But now I am in love, but its different than what I THOUGHT was love so I am hoping that this will last.
  3. :mad:I resent that remark about Jersey women drivers being the worst drivers. I am a good driver... people just like to back up into me on merger ramps and hit me on 287 as i am changing lanes because they didn't see me. I think people are out to get me.
  4. This is by far the best picture... http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~rob/pix/amsterdam3/04_garden_of_eden.jpg
  5. Draper was canned to make room for international talent.
  6. So I talk to my dad... he hasn't paid my tuition for this semester yet. He makes over $100,000 a year and claims that he needs to pay it in instalments. My tuition is $3700 a semester and he couldn't pay it. WTF?!!! Then he has the audacity to say "Oh, I forgot to tell you that you have to contact the financial office in order to tell them to switch the payment plan." So, because my dad is financially retarded, and does not know how to pay bills, I cannot register for classes. (my parents are recently divorced, and it was my mom who used to pay all the bills, go figure) I also contacted the finance dept. here at rutgers, and all they said to me was that the hold will not be removed until I pay my tuition in full, and that it cannot be done over the phone with a credit card number. Such crap. So now my mom is calling up the office to bitch, I am heading into the shower, and the saga will continue later I am sure.
  7. I would do it... but I have this fear of falling from high places... so I am guessing that sky diving is not a good idea. Let me try bungi jumping first... I need to work my way up to the sky dive thing.
  8. I agree. Although my blind optimism wishes for "peace on earth" it will never happen as long as people remain ignorant, stubborn, close minded, and religious. It's just human nature at its worst.
  9. :rolleyes:Maybe it's because people feel that they don't need drugs to have a good time and that IT'S ABOUT THE MUSIC and NOT about the scene and the drug fads.
  10. This is my latest experience with the phenomenon us Rutgers University students know as the RU skrew. I log on to the internet to register for classes for the fall semester, and I get the following message: You have a financial hold on your record which has resulted in you de-registration. To remove the hold, contact your student account or business office. This was at 6:30am, and the office doesn't open until 8:30am. So I have been sitting on clubplanet, passing the time for the past two hours, and now I get to bitch to the finance people. Wish me luck.
  11. We all know that Draper sucks, and that he doesn't deserve a residency anywhere. The fact is that club politics suck. Exit is not making as much money as they did when Draper was resident. Why? Because the Draper fans have boycotted Exit because thier beloved resident DJ was canned. Yes, those people are ignorant, and probably care more about the scene than the music anyways. There are also alot of people who do love the music who refuse to show up at Exit because of its reputation. Most everything in this industry revolves around making money, especially in venues like Exit, and it is just something that we have to deal with.
  12. OMG!!! The same thing happened to me too, right after the woman rubbed my breasts like she was looking for cancer lumps or something. And, no, there was no queefing involved.
  13. ACTUALLY I live up by Justin and Joe G and it takes about 30 to 40 min to get into the city depending on traffic. It takes about the same to get to NYC from rutgers... and seeing that Abyss is not closer to the city than Rutgers is... its definately not 20min out of the city. So, yeah, its a lie.
  14. What kind of car is the grill for? What color is the car? Year? etc... I can't give you an answer until i know what kind of car.
  15. That still doesn't answer the question... what are you doing at the NEW job... same thing?
  16. It's so fucking hot outside... and our doorms are hot... and the classrooms are hot... and it wouldn't be so bad if we were able to get some damn air conditioning. I miss having a pool in the backyard for times like these ::sigh::
  17. Its way too fucking hot out
  18. :laugh: That one is right up there with Self Service 01:144:101 Class description: Learn to use a spatula to pick up a slice of pizza and put it on your plate Cross listed under Dining Hall Survival
  19. So the girl says to the guy "i am going to like this club on friday... i think it starts with a "w"... oh yeah, webster hall" And the guy replies "why are you going to a club?!" So she continues with her sad story: "well we tried going to the world on saturday with these two girls and one of the girl's boyfriends promoted and knew the dj, so we like get to the door and he wasn't spinning, and this one shady guy said we could get in for $20, but we were so mad we didn't get in for free that we just left" CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS GIRL WENT TO WORLD WHEN S&D WAS THERE, COULD HAVE GOTTEN IN FOR $20, BUT BECAUSE SHE IS DUMB SHE LEFT!!! I Was ready to turn around and yell at the girl, but forgot that there are alot of clueless people out there, and just remained jealous of her opportunity.
  20. What is the name of the song that has the lyrics "I see right through to you"
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