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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. I never said your comments were irrelevant... han solo is the man... I was just making a correction in the way you spelled his name.
  2. That is such bullshit. It is well known that navy men are not allowed to take off thier uniforms even on down time... go to Annapolis Maryland and you see uniformed navy officers walking around all over.
  3. ::sings:: paranoia, paranoia, everybodys coming to get me ::sings::
  4. I'm just surprised that it hasn't happened before.
  5. I don't know if it would work... but couldnt they just spell Vinyl differently? Vynil, Vynel.... then TECHNICALLY it would be a different name. Just a thought.
  6. wow... what a good fucking idea... thats all i have to say
  7. Putting more mirrors in clubs would be dangerous... picture all those fucked up people walking into the mirrors thinking they are walking into another part of the club. It would be fuckin halarious to watch... but there would also be alot of law suits.
  8. The only reason that Exit has taken a liking to groping genitals is because of the need for people to bring drugs into clubs. If there weren't so many crack heads, then there would be no genital grabbing. They are just taking the neccessary precautions. They don't want to end up like Twilo.
  9. It would be nice... I still think that instead of that damn satellite radio crap that they should just make a unit with a modem in it so that you can get streaming radio from any of your favorite websites in your car... now that would be cool. Any inventive geniuses out there who can manage making something like this?
  10. It just shows how boring office jobs really are.
  11. Okay... so I am going old school... No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom Sublime - 40oz to freedom Yeah, no electronic... but I needed a break.
  12. finding a good party in virgina = a lost cause
  13. It definately doesn't work... you just get both tickets. I have asked cops this before, and I had a friend who tried it with no success.
  14. There was a kitchen fire in your house and you need to deal with the fire department and cleaning? Is that too extreme? Personally, I liked the jury duty idea.
  15. So I have to leave my wonderful life at Rutgers and go home tomorrow... I totally don't want to live with my psycho parents for the next couple weeks. They are in the midst of a divorce, but still live together... which causes some "interesting" situations. The latest: my dad has taken to putting nails in my mom's car tires and also in her spare tire so that she can't get to work. Now would any of you want to go home to something like that? I think not. ::sigh:: June 1st I will be back in New Brunswick... its almost here... I just have to keep telling myself that. Sorry guys, had to vent, I am just really scared to go home.
  16. ewwww... i don't understand how anyone can get that drunk
  17. Didn't Bindra buy Vinyl? And isn't he pushing for a liquor license?
  18. Ok, I just want to know one thing. How much did it hurt after the operation? I am a 34B, would never get a boob job, don't think my breasts are all that small, I am just curious. Cause I was watching that MTV special on boob jobs, and after the operation all those girls looked like they had gotten hit by a bus or something.
  19. Thats unfair... I totally didn't put that pic up myself... that was all you... The only reason yours was funny was because it was voluntary... lol...
  20. OMG SO FUNNY!!! HAHAHAHA!!! now we are def even...
  21. :Dhehehehe:D Be a sport hun...
  22. http://www.hotornot.com/r/?eid=KQHSAQB&key=XUY
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