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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. I will be there... I don't know exactly when I will show... but It will be eventually... I have to make a trip home to get my car fixed and to pick up show clothing... but I should be back before the meetup.
  2. Well lets see.... first off, the psycho kid that lived in my old house sent me a virus that crashed my computer. So I had to get my motherboard replaced. And since I just moved into an apt. with my boyfriend a couple weeks ago we just got cable and internet and all that good stuff... so now I am able to communicate with the outside world!! So when do Sasha tix go on sale for Halloween at Hamerstein?
  3. Today's Schedule at Area2: http://www.areafestival.com/holmdel.php?id=479011107038263595035&cardid=20&emlid=
  4. Hey all, better late than never.... I am going to be there today in a pink twilo tank top and most likely braided pigtails.... but I should be there to pregame standing outside my little red toy celica convertible blasting music and drinking barcardi silvers. If anyone spots the little red car with the bouncy blonde please come over and get sloshed with pete and I.... if not... I will see you all inside i am sure!!!
  5. yeah i would like to see this for myself... at least provide a link or something... how are we all supposed to believe you if you don't provide hard evidence? this all just sounds like another glowbana hoax to me
  6. are you living down here this summer?
  7. I'll be there.... working the airbrush t-shirt booth in frontier land... come vistit WESTERN AIRBRUSH AND SAY HI TO JENNEFER AND BRIGHTEN UP HER DAY!!!
  8. ohhh... so right by willowbrook mall... thats not so bad. believe me... wayne is not the boonies... back where i lived at home... that is the boonies
  9. ***Jenn hides the car keys from sexxybabyd and sexxyh just to be on the safe side*** J/K... good luck girls!!
  10. SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE... and for once it isn't to work... I get to play in the park tomorrow... and for free!!!
  11. I love to excercise but I find gyms boring... the only real exercise I get is from riding horses... but that has given me some pretty buff leg muscles.
  12. Peach jello... with peach shnaps (sp?) and a little vodka for some kick
  13. I am so there **note to self... take off thursday August 15th**
  14. OMG this will be a musical orgasm!!!
  15. I would come... but I have no money and work early thursday... not that working early would have ever stopped me before... but I def. need to pay rent. Maybe next time.
  16. I'm moving out soon... at least before school starts... i just can't live in this shithole.
  17. yeah it was... they had thier guns drawn and flashlights pointed... something right out of cops
  18. OMG!!! When you get it tell me if it works or not... if it does... I am so buying it!! What an awesome way to caffinate your body!!
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