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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. This is why I don't even bother with the big parties on NYE. ITs not worth the money or the hassle.
  2. You should fucked with the kid and played it off as if you really were joeG But that is still pretty fucking funny. Has he seen this thread yet?
  3. I would go if i was 21 and didn't feel like shit.
  4. Rutgers students who love hip hop?! Never!!!! This whole hip hop night on a friday is going to confuse alot of people. I remember going to Platinum in New Brunswick on a thursday night, thinking that this one decent local DJ was spinning, and they had changed it to hip hop night... boy was that an interesting evening.
  5. How was everyones NYE? I ended up catching something... I started running a fever and barely made it to the ball drop, and turned in 3 hours before the party we were at ended. I must have been the only sober person to wake up and pray to the porcelin gods in the wee hours of New Years Day. I just hope my NYE experience did not reflect what the rest of the new year will bring. on that note... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!
  6. I would tell you if i knew!!! Promise!! But i really do want to know if it is 18+ or 21+. Someone on this goddam board has to know.
  7. exit a respectable venue again??? i will believe it when i see it for myself.
  8. I was wondering the same thing...
  9. DEFINATELY go to ARC in the city... Marco V... should be good times... I would go if I had the money... I am still debating.
  10. We still never figured out who was giving the bunny ears.
  11. My full body pic... http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=716188
  12. well... if on a whim i decide to go... i'll be there... but don't count on it
  13. vinyl is RIGHT outside the holland tunnel... as long as your in the general area you should find it.
  14. well in that case.... i hear ya. there are not many ppl. out there who share the same interests... and its better to go out with a group than by yourself.
  15. do i sense a little bit of sarcasm?
  16. I am guessing you go to rutgers.... join the club!!! There are a handful of rutgers students on here... as you will find out. Where do you live? What campus? But anyways... I would be at Marco V... but lack of funds prevents me from getting into the city. Unless mall gift certificates can pay my way into the city, I am fucked. It has come down to the possibility of selling shit on ebay. Anyone want to buy a used saddle?
  17. Okay... so now that the clubplanet community never wants to associate with us ever again... I am off to bed. ciao
  18. now i have the DVD/VCR combo
  19. I prefer throwing myself down a flight of stairs and/or poisining the fetus with chemicals and drugs.
  20. Pete made me get rid of David... now its just me and the VCR
  21. I never abort after the first trimester... but I am a procrastinator.
  22. You can come pick something from my collection. Recently I have been replacing all my video tapes with DVDs... I think I played them too much and wore out the tapes.
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