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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Pete and I at Ferry Corsten way back in March? April?
  2. Thats fuckin halarious... most likely your professor has to talk to the head of the department and the department staff about this matter, because rutgers is all about going through tons of red tape... considering the amount of ppl fooled and the attention he paid to this hoax, most likely you will get a retake. ahhh... Rutgers... gotta love this place!
  3. I was just watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas... one of my fav. holiday cartoons.... What is your favorite holiday movie/cartoon?
  4. They will have everything cleaned up by thursday night... if New Brunswick is efficient enuf. It's only 6 inches... thats nothing. And better snow than rain.
  5. So I am not leaving until 10:30 Friday morning... but I also have alot to do tomorrow night before I leave... so we shall see if I can show up or not.
  6. Okay, so its alittle early to be mentioning Spring Break, but I just put my second payment down for Cancun and couldn't help but post. So who else is going to Cancun or anywhere for that matter on spring break?
  7. I am personally offended by the Jersey bashing here. The generalizations made do not apply to everyone from Jersey. Sure you have your "meatheads" and "fake titty bitches" but who is to say they are all from Jersey?
  8. oh geeze... meetup pictures... I always look all mangled and drunk... no camera battles, for the sake of myself and others.
  9. i used to beat up boys when i was in elementary/ middle school... come to think of it i beat up a boy this summer (so maybe that phase hasn't passed yet) but for the most part i don't fit into either category.
  10. they gym is open till 8:30, so 6:30 is fine, just give me a call when you are done with exams you can call me jennreefer as long as i can call you tekwhore as well
  11. wish i could be there.... but i have to be up at 5:30am for a horse show happy birthday!!! have an awesome night!!!
  12. hahahaha well, I am not in the dorms anymore, so i guess i won't be showing my support are we going to the gym later tekslut?
  13. so what is the dress code? 21+? or 18 to party 21 to drink? can anyone fill me in, i have been out of the loop...
  14. hahahaha.... yeah... okay... i'll believe it when i see it
  15. I will make an appearance.... I might stay longer depending on what time I am leaving for North Carolina on friday. But, count me in.
  16. Anyone out there with me on this one?
  17. It is more of an "its fun and I enjoy doing it" thing. Yeah, there are a lot of rich people who ride, but really anyone can do it if they want to put thier money into it. Kind of like when people buy cars and tweek the engines and shit. You need lots of money to do it, but you don't have to be rich to do it either. Just willing to put up the cash.
  18. I like school... I am loving college... it just so happens that tests and papers go with it. But doesn't anyone remember that a couple years ago we were forced to go through the hell known as high school? Not to mention in a couple years from now we will graduate and have to do the job thing? Enjoy it while you still can!!
  19. THAT WAS YOU!!! lol jk We had this whole group of neighborhood kids who used to play manhunt all summer. Except most of our neighborhood is woods... so it would be a lot of running through the woods at night... It was so much fun!! Sometimes when we got bored of manhunt ring and run would replace manhunt. I think we got the cops called on us once.
  20. I was at class... shouldn't you be there too? Exams start next week!
  21. I am still contemplating whether or not i should go... I'm strapped for cash.
  22. So yesterday I had my first horse show of the school year with the Rutgers Equestrian team. I took first place in my class (woohoo!!) and classed up to the next level (double woo hoo!!). Now I am finally allowed to start jumping in competition. My next show is on October 20th... we will see how that goes.
  23. Currently: undecided Possibly: Animal science with a focus in animal behavior.
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