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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by jennEfer

  1. Diagnostic Ultrasounds... hrm... this might help. Ultrasounds are most commonly known as a process used to view a baby inside the womb as it grows.... the same technology is used to find tumors and to detect anything that might be going on inside the body (kidney stones, internal bleeding, fluid in the lungs). I know diagnostic ultrasounds are used often in veterinary medicine due to the fact that animals cannot tell you what is wrong with them... and instead of doing an xray sometimes ultrasounds are done. I hope this helps.
  2. There are a couple I know of: 1) Drink a glass of water before going to bed 2) Eggs and gatorade... the gatorade for rehydration and the eggs are of some kind of significance but i cannot remember what. 3) Drinking a little bit of what you had the night before... a hangover is basically a withdrawl and what makes you sick is your body's craving for alcohol... if you drink some the next morning your body's craving isn't that strong anymore, hence the hangover relief
  3. I rode for 4 years, then I took a year and a half off after getting a concussion from a fall (was kinda shaken up by that). But, I am back in the saddle agian riding for rutgers... i forgot how much fun it was!!!
  4. yeah, that pic does not do me justice... and that was tecklord who posted it (w/o my permission... grrr). but i am in the process of developing my film... a combo of halloween party/rutgers cp meetup/ horseshow pics. will def be posting them sometime this week
  5. if you are interested in riding... every semester there is a chance to join... its a club sport, so even if you never rode before in your life you can take lessons and whatnot... the only problem is it costs ALOT of money
  6. thank you!!! Yeah, I ride on the rutgers equestrian team... lots of fun, but a very loooong day (got there at 7 and just got back at like... ohhh... 5)
  7. Ohhh... we had pacifiers... we don't fuck around... lol. Sorry about not being able to talk to you and whatnot. But, yeah, it was fun (for a frat party), probably because i got to dress up and act silly for a night... definately a really random thing seeing you there... till next time.
  8. I got a second place ribbon at my first Rutgers horse show today in walk/trot/canter division!!! Watch out olympics!!! (lol)
  9. hey now... not nice!!!! besides... there are better pics
  10. Its all good. It took me a few seconds to register when you walked up... i was like.. wait a second... i know this girl and said hi. The I was like whoah, what a small world. Anyway I hope that you friend got home safe, and i'm glad you were both able to make it to themeetup. That party was a little too crowded so Jenn and I bounced back and forth between 2 parties distriuting candy to all. hehe, that was a fun night. See ya
  11. I was just a little bummed out... I thought you were ignoring us and we were kind of upset that you were. But, next time, don't be afraid to come up and start a conversation... we dont bite... hehe.
  12. Dave... in reference to some requests made on a post entitled "I just zoned out for 20 min".... we have decided that Trancend needs his own board... lol. What do you think?
  13. I am from a town that is in the middle of nowhere... and there are 12/13/14 year olds in middle school hanging out with high school kids doing all sorts of drugs.... yes it is FUBAR.
  14. Dialectics hit it right on the nose... there is no way that the new mayor will be the least bit concerned with NY nightlife. There is too much going on in the city, and in our country, for anyone to worry about a bunch of cracked-out kids dancing to loud electronic music. Hopefully, nightlife will be welcomed in NYC due to the amount of money it brings in. Then, who knows what will come out of it (new Twilo??) lol
  15. I live in Jersey... but where i live it is definately not dirty and we don't have that factory smell... Only 45 minutes from NYC i live on a lake, am surrounded by woods, and there is a farm accross from my old high school (which is also situated in the middle of woods). I am telling you... only the areas immediately surrounding the city are what you call dirty(along with portions of central Jersey). But where I am from... you wouldn't even know you were still in Jersey.
  16. Okay, okay, here is my reply... It was so nice meeting new faces. I had alot of fun with you guys and hope that we can do this agian sometime. It's good to know that there are other heads on rutgers that actually know how to party... and to all who were sitting at the other end of the table.... next time i will be able to be more social!!! Thanks to tecklord and xtotaleclipsex for getting this together!!!
  17. It was definately a good night indeed... and no quoth, you didn't scare me away. You are just a funny kid... the life of the party. Yes, I agree, this definately has to be done again and you will be the first to know. And next time... GET SOME SLEEP!!! hehe. It was nice meeting everyone and hopefully we will be able to all get together sometime and take a city trip!! See you all around!!
  18. ALL SHOULD DEFINATELY COME!!! YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME!! Plus, it is a good way to meet people with similar interests. Because of our little Rutgers seaman meetup i now have awesome friends to chill with and at the same time go out clubbing with. I don't know alot of people either, and I too am shy at first, but I love meeting new people. All of you having second thoughts should just come!! Ohh, and if there is anyone on busch/livingston who wants to pregame at Yarin's... feel free to drop me a pm!! I am driving over to college ave at 8!! SEE YOU ALL AT THE MEETUP... AND THAT MEANS ALL OF YOU!!! LOL
  19. No, really.... for shizzle my nizzle means "for sure my nigga". I had someone explain this to me one day. Have any of you ever spoken Piglatin or Jibberish? Where you change or add things into english words and make a whole new language? Well, that is what this whole adding the izzz to words is. It is hip hop jibberish is all.
  20. Okay, in reply to everyone wondering where we are meeting up... we have the whole upstairs to ourselves. I am not sure what name our reservations are under... but I can bet it is either under Clubplanet or Tecklords name (Yarin). I am sure he will post a reply to this, but for all you impatient people, we have the upstairs reserved for us. Hope to see you all there!!
  21. My first trance experience.... okay I am a youngin so bear with me here... was over in London. I was there on a school trip and we went into a music store and were listening to a couple cds. I bought this obviously main stream one called "Club Mix 2000". The first CD was very disco... the second cd had PVD - Another Way, Bedrock - Heaven Scent, ATB - Don't Stop, and a whole slew of other tracks. I listened to that CD over and over agian until I met this DJ kid at a party who was like "here, let me give you a list of things to buy". My first "real" trance CD was Sasha and Digweed - Communication.... since then I have been hooked.
  22. yeah... i don't know what my deal is... i just don't sleep anymore
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