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Everything posted by weyes

  1. today marks the third anniversary of the column ! i look forward to another year of seriousness, silliness, and strangeness . tune in tomorrow.
  2. weyes

    Attn: Ladies

    i just did a search and found that the biggest they go up to is K.but there is no way that the boobs in question are real. take a longer look and it's obvious.
  3. i'm going to vegas next weekend for my best friend's family reunion ! i've only been to vegas once, and under bad circumstances (a car accident cut my group's cross-country trip VERY short), so i'm looking forward to having a relaxed, more happy trip. it'll also be cool to meet my friend's family. i plan to take a lot of pictures at night, too, so i hope to get some interesting shots; i haven't taken pics much lately, and i feel as though a part of the creative me has fallen terribly ill ... i can't wait for some healing to begin . what are you guys excited about?
  4. tomorrow is tax day, procrastinators!!! don't forget to mail in those forms! tune in tomorrow.
  5. one shouldn't feel insulted by the words of strangers. tune in tomorrow.
  6. before i ever let anyone go down on me i was self-conscious about what i might taste like. i think that, growing up, girls are taught that they taste like fish or are "unclean." so i tasted myself and was pleased to find that i am delicious . so, here's a simple yes or no question for the girls: have you tasted your own pussy?
  7. i thought that every girl tasted herself out of curiousity at one time or another... perhaps i'll take a poll on that.
  8. as everyone else is saying, there are a lot of possibilities. a couple: * some asshole patron at the bar could have slipped something in your drink. you can't just blame the bartender. besides, what would s/he have to gain, when s/he has to work all night and can't take advantage of you? * you can't even be positive you were drugged at all. i recently had a bad reaction with a prescription antihistamine that had me slurring my words and shuffling my feet, and left my eyes only half-open. i couldn't form any sentence that made sense, either, which really freaked out my best friend and roommate. if it had happened on a night when i had been out clubbing, i could have just as easily thought i had been drugged by someone else. at any rate, you should NEVER let your drink out of your sight. if you have to go to the bathroom, have a trusted friend guard it. and, to be careful, if you found that you have let your drink out of your sight, get a new one.
  9. yeah, it seems that places are closing earlier, too . maybe i'm just spoiled 'cause i'm from new york, though.
  10. using a cell phone while driving is so potentially dangerous that it's banned in some states. it would then follow that one should absolutely not text message others while driving !!! tune in tomorrow.
  11. just wondering... how different/alike do different pussies taste? from girl to girl, how much does the flavor vary? inquiring minds wanna know...
  12. sending one's family pics of oneself is a great way to brighten its days and help ease the sorrow of the distance people put between each other . tune in tomorrow.
  13. it always amazed me how many people had their kids out at laundromats after 10pm on weeknights. wtf?
  14. o, sheesh, i'm not quite sure... as soon as i finished my taxes, all that stuff got filed away in the "whaaaaaaaaaaaa?" part of my brain. i do seem to recall, though, that, when i lived in nyc, i had to pay county (and maybe even city, too).
  15. for a frikkin' monday morning!
  16. i'd say three:* love * movey * the need to make what little money the hopefully short-term piece of shit job pays when people say "for love or money," the money choice insinuates that the money is good. i only keep going to my damn job because i need the money, even though it ain't enough. then again, if you truly are ONLY talking about "careers," then my situation doesn't apply .
  17. that's a very serious allegation; one should have indisputable proof before putting something like that in print .
  18. weyes

    Da Beach!

    in all my years living out here, i've only been to venice and santa monica beaches. i'm not a real beach fan. it seems to me, though, that in a general sense, beaches aren't ALL that different. the kind or size of crowd can often make the most difference.
  19. when using a community laundry room, one should be respectful and both move one's laundry to the dryer and empty one's dryer in a timely fashion . one should also beware: some assholes will steal laundry that has been left alone too long (or even laundry that hasn't been left long at all). in short, just keep everything moving ! tune in tomorrow.
  20. weyes

    Okay, let's hear it.

    i'm not the outdoors type !
  21. weyes

    Lil Kim

    i don't understand how so many people think it's real, considering that she doesn't have anything between her legs in that picture . the pic shows something slighty resembling something vaginal UNDERneath her, but nothing inbeTWEEN, people!
  22. people in couples need to make sure they also keep lives of their own; when the formation of a couple becomes the destruction of two people, more is generally lost than gained. tune in tomorrow.
  23. weyes

    Okay, let's hear it.

    seriously, though, i prefer hard sex without the headbanging. it just takes away from the pleasure at the time and all i feel is my head. scoot back, please!!!
  24. weyes

    Lil Kim

    yep, it's photoshop, and it's shitty.
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