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Everything posted by weyes

  1. wow, you guys are real sweethearts. nice to know you're so cool that you can't even answer a simple question without being assholes .
  2. now almost a three-way tie for first !!!
  3. my dad always told me that when i was a kid 'cause he didn't want me wearing black so much; i wore it all year 'round and he thought that'd get me to stop wearing it in the summer, at least, but it didn't change anything. i didn't find that it really made much difference.besides, you can't feel it down to your undies!!!* * feeling it in your coat is debatable, i guess...
  4. i think this picture is hilarious ('cause i know the people in it) but it could mean all kinds of different things, depending on what the guy is looking at. i was gonna give it to the filipina girl for her birthday 'cause the guy is her boyfriend and i thought he was looking at her ass, but a co-worker said he thought the bf was looking at the white girl's boobs and my manager agreed, so that wouldn't be as good... what do you guys think he was looking at?
  5. when i read the title of this thread, i thought you were gonna say that you came out to visit and shorty didn't introduce us! i would've had a talking-to with her ... but scott peterson gives me the f'in creeps !!!
  6. awww... i send you a hug and a box of tissues, in spirit !
  7. ditto!i can't believe black's coming in third !!! one thing i did notice, though: growing up in new york, peeps preferred black. when i moved out here to cali, the guys i met had a thing for white cotton. but that also is more true in the outerwear; new yorkers wear black coats in the winter and angelenos will wear colors and even white.
  8. happy birthday ! we've come so far from that day when you called me a stupid bitch and a stuck-up cunt, so, have a great one . p.s. just tried to give you some b'day rep points, but it said i had to spread some around before giving you more; i gave 'em to you in spirit, homes !
  9. excuse me... but nobody said anything about funketeer's dancing barn on the first page. what the hell was that ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
  10. i think this picture is hilarious ('cause i know the people in it) but it could mean all kinds of different things, depending on what the guy is looking at. i was gonna give it to the filipina girl for her birthday 'cause the guy is her boyfriend and i thought he was looking at her ass, but a co-worker said he thought the bf was looking at the white girl's boobs and my manager agreed, so that wouldn't be as good... what do you guys think he was looking at?
  11. thanks, mekanic! funny you should mention it; i got some allegra, and it does work for me. did you mean that 1 pill lasts for 3 days for you???
  12. just 'cause a radio station is commercial-free doesn't mean it doesn't play crap. tune in tomorrow.
  13. there are the 3 most popular colors, and then every other color and multi-colored prints. black, white, and red are most common; what do you think is the sexiest on a woman?
  14. i don't know where all of that came from, but, yes - let's get back to the topic at hand !!! how many people here have actually ripped their partner's clothes off --- i mean, destroyed them?
  15. i'm doing my own and i've finished my federal, but i have a question with my state that has me stuck . i don't wanna pay someone to do my taxes, though, 'cause that'll cost about a third of my refund . and, seriously, i'm too broke to buy any of that software, either. how are you all doing yours, and has anyone finished his/hers yet?
  16. my nose is runny, my head is stuffy, and my throat is getting irritated, and the bloody noses are - well - inconvenient . i've been getting wicked bloody noses, and those keep me away from other people at work (though i guess that's kind of a plus...). is this the worst in orange county, or are you angelenos getting hit with this crap, too?
  17. asking for help is not necessarily a sign of weakness, but often a sign of intelligence and perseverance. tune in tomorrow.
  18. the most bizarre thing i've seen in a while ...
  19. yes, i met shorty's boy (very nice guy; props to you and glad to have met him!), and i've got a question: why is it that the shortest girls always have the tallest boyfriends ? seriously, though?
  20. this one is for those in retail. if a customer is being an asshole and treating an employee with total disrespect and rudeness, it is not only permissable, but is best for that employee to pass that customer on to the manager. employees simply are not paid enough to be treated that way , and it is best for all involved if the customer has his/her ass kissed by the manager . tune in tomorrow.
  21. ah, the joy of sleeping ...
  22. o, no, b-side, nothing like that, but thanks; it's good to know you've got my back ! well put !peeps on the board have been really insightful lately; thanks .
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