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Everything posted by weyes

  1. apples simply do not belong in fruit salad . tune in tomorrow.
  2. tailgating someone who's driving 70mph in the SLOW LANE is ridiculous and uncool . tune in tomorrow.
  3. i, for one, am ecstatic that spundae is going back to circus !!!!!!!!! spundae is my favorite club, anywhere, of all time, and i was sad when godskitchen took it over and moved it to henry fonda. it brought in a more hollywood, not-there-for-the-music crowd that i didn't care for, and i just love circus's space. circus is never too hot, the patio is gorgeous and huge with places to sit and tables (i have some friends who've even eaten the food , though i'm never hungry when i go out dancing), the dancefloor always has some room, and the vibe is unmatched. the friendliness and down-to-earth attitude of the crowd is just amazing . i can't say enough about it. but avalon started getting all the great djs on saturdays. i hate that space 'cause the sound is too loud, even with earplugs. it's better than it used to be, but that's not saying much. that joint straight-up gives me a headache. and that crowd is the biggest bunch of posers i've ever seen. people who wear their sunglasses indoors and never smile are generally not people with whom i care to associate. (ok, maybe some nice people wear sunglasses indoors, but i've never met any .) i go out to hear great music and to dance, 'cause it makes me happy, and i want to be among people who do the same. putting on airs is just not my scene. i only hope that spundae can book the good djs again . thoughts, anyone?
  4. passing a car going 70mph and then driving 50mph is not cool . tune in tomorrow.
  5. weyes

    Oh Yeah

    the girls in pics 3-5 have natural boobs; that's so rare... SO much prettier than fake ones.
  6. have you never heard of dental dams?http://www.undercovercondoms.com/Condoms/Types/Dental-Dams/15/dental-dams.html this one protects against stds for sure, as approved by the fda; i don't know about the ones above: http://www.condomania.com/shopping/product/detailmain.jsp?itemID=1159&itemType=PRODUCT&iMainCat=177&iSubCat=344&iSubSubCat=-1&iProductID=1159 they come in flavors and whatnot, and pussy isn't one of them , so you'll lose out on that, but i always wondered what it'd be like to go down on someone and have it taste like grape . there are flavored condoms, too, though; so i guess that opportunity is also available to girls...
  7. over-the-counter sleeping pills will claim that they do not cause drowsiness in the morning. don't believe the hype . tune in tomorrow.
  8. weyes

    Squirt anyone?

    have a nice day .
  9. my roommate said FEBRUARY 5th; they're both saturdays. i found it odd, though, that tix aren't on sale yet. i just double-checked on g r o o v e t i c k e t s, and march it is. man, am i pissed that he got me all psyched for this weekend for naught !!! i can't wait, though!
  10. it was hard to choose from the 8 or so flavors at the store (what's the difference between mint and icy cool mint ?), but the one i chose is disgusting . damn, that shit is nasty.
  11. weyes

    Shoppin ....

    haven't been there in forever... i'll go back when i have some moolah!
  12. one shouldn't let one person (or one person's unkind words) scare one away from a place one likes, i.e. a club, a neighborhood, or even a messageboard. one shouldn't give up one's favorite places and/or activities just because one may run into someone one doesn't like; no one should ever passively let anyone else just take away his/her quality of life ! tune in tomorrow.
  13. procrastination often leads to feelings of guilt; there's one more reason to get shit done on time ! tune in tomorrow. this, in no way, is related to the lateness of this entry; my comp was down last night .
  14. i'm with you. that was all holds and frikkin' push-ups.
  15. stupid people lazy co-workers people with bad tempers rich people who waste their money [well, i don't hate the following people 'cause i love them, but i hate these things they do:] people who can't say, "i love you" people who need to be intoxicated in order to show affection
  16. i'm sorry to hear that. so senseless. my best to you and all that love him.
  17. weyes

    Squirt anyone?

    you certainly have quite a lot to say for someone who has no authority to speak on the subject. you are not a woman, you have not done this. you cannot possibly understand.as i said, i'm not sure how i have come to master NOT ejaculating; i have just been what i still call fortunate to not do it anymore. i, by no means, devoted all my time to learning how to "hold back." believe me, i am plenty uninhibited. and even if i were into more laid-back sex (which i'm not), that wouldn't mean that i wasn't enjoying it. that brings up another point, though, that i think is rather important: you are entirely forgetting that there is a great deal of "diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks" in the world of sex. my best friend is into really mellow sex; he does it to slow music in a more tender sort of fashion. i prefer it in a harder, more animal way. there is nothing wrong with EITHER way, and nothing wrong with us having our preferences. if you don't like to do things that i do or vice versa, that's fine. you're not me. if you don't approve of the things i do, that's fine. you don't have to do them. your feeling that more men than not would love this is something with which i highly disagree. the fact that a lot of people on this board think it's hot also proves nothing. as you should know, the cp sex forum isn't full of "everyday people ." saying that there is a genre of porn dedicated to it doesn't prove that it's hot; there's also a lot of midget porn and scatological (dealing with shit) porn, and i highly doubt you enjoy either. my problem was not just that i was embarrassed about this; i did not enjoy the feeling. it did not make me feel "free," it did not make me feel "uninhibited, special, unique," it did not make my orgasms better, and it did not make my sexual experiences better on the whole. if it did, perhaps i would be dedicated to making my lovers accept/learn about/like it. but, seeing as i found it an unpleasant experience, i found no reason to rejoice in it if i had a choice. don't have the GALL to feel sorry for me . i am much happier now.
  18. that's another good reason. guys don't know how things feel, firsthand. that's important.
  19. yeah - my dentist recommended act - a fluoride rinse - this last time, but only when pressed for a solution. i gave him a, "why???? why me???? what else can i do????" and then he suggested that. he could've told me earlier .
  20. to spend all one's time trying to "fix" other people's lives is not only an exercise in futility, but one that will surely drive one insane. for one's own well-being, one should try to mostly focus on one's own affairs. tune in tomorrow.
  21. if one can't always have a bag with everything one needs for an overnight stay packed and ready at all times, one should at least always have a list for what one needs close at hand. tune in tomorrow.
  22. well, yeah, that's how it's pronounced: w + eyes, but i didn't name myself after the chips and the owl was an afterthought 'cause so many people were calling me "way-ess." i just put the name together because one must have vision (of some sort or another) to gain wisdom, and the "eyes" sound in "wise" spoke to me.now i have a thing for owls, too . o, and that's one thing i miss out here in l.a.: wise chips are east coast. that means there are no dipsy doodles, and there's no equivalent (or even a copycat) . i also think cheez doodles are better than chee-tos, but no cheez doodles, either.
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