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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i don't like the orange-skinned look, but otherwise i think it was ok.
  2. most of those girls have very disturbing breasts and that last girl is just plain bussssssssssted i appreciate the effort, though, nmn .
  3. i've always had female gynos, but before my surgery to remove my ovarian cyst i had to be examined by the surgeon, who is a man. i was uncomfortable with the whole idea of it, but what was worse was that he was very rough and actually hurt me. i think he just had no concept of exactly how things feel and how far and hard one can reach inside a woman without causing her pain, because he doesn't have the same "plumbing" that one does.
  4. i went to the dentist today to address some pain i'd been having since last year; i ran out of insurance, so i had to wait till now to go back and finish up some work. it was also 6 months since my last real cleaning. so they took x-rays and asked where i was having pain. "my upper right and lower left," i said, although that's where i've had root canals, so, theoretically, i shouldn't feel anything there... i was expecting to hear some definitive explanation of why i was hurting, but all i got back was "are you sure that's where it hurts? 'cause you have 3 cavities and one fractured filling, but they're all on the upper left." fantastic. my upper left doesn't bother me at all, but that's where i currently have decay. all this appointment did was tell me that there's no explanation for my actual pain and no explanation for why i don't have pain where the obvious problems are . the dentist told me i should go back to my endodontist (specialist) so that he can work on the tooth that is hurting me so much, though he doesn't know why it hurts. if i don't have dentures by 2006, it'll be a miracle . for those who didn't read today's wisdom of the day, see your dentist twice a year and floss!!! i can't stress these enough. i do both of those things and my teeth are still fucked. but most people i know haven't seen a dentist in years, and i can just foresee their mouths becoming like mine; i mean, i take better care of my teeth than most people, so the rest of the world is either incredibly lucky or headed for a fall. don't delay!!!
  5. i've said it before, but this one bears repeating. everyone should go to the dentist twice a year. a lot of people wait till they have pain, and this is truly foolish; decay has to be in a relatively advanced state before teeth actually start to hurt. one may need a root canal simply because one didn't catch a cavity that could've been fixed with a filling earlier. and for those who need more motivation, most dental plans don't cover major dental work at 100%; they mostly cover preventative measures. take all this from me, someone who actually even flosses every night and still has a shitload of cavities (the world just hasn't been fair to weyes ): see your dentist twice a year!!! tune in tomorrow.
  6. i wanna know what's going on in your sig!
  7. i work in newport beach .
  8. fisting alone is gross enough for me .
  9. - the fact that we are so envied by so many people that they feel threatened by li'l ol' us
  10. when sending important official documents through the mail, one should consider using return receipt. return receipt is a little card attached to a sent document that must be signed by the recepient upon delivery. this card is then mailed back to the sender, providing proof that it arrived. if this service has been used, no recepient can claim/lie and say that the papers never got there . tune in tomorrow.
  11. this is especially true when one is engaging in any sexual acts !
  12. she was a terrible singer, but simon was being an asshole when he said she was off-key. she could carry a tune, she just carried a freaky one.
  13. weyes

    Attn: CP

    i always thought that everyone could see who gave them points; i didn't know it was a mod thing. from now on, i'll sign my points. for the record, though, i only give - i do not taketh away .
  14. - the lack of velvet-rope bullshit at my favorite clubs - the san diego zoo - the anaheim angels!!! [fuck the new name crap] - in-n-out - o my GOD, the boys !!! - my alma mater, calarts - el cholo (and other great mexican restaurants) - the great japanese food (it is especially good out here) - all the great people i've been fortunate to get to know and love
  15. don't get married too many times!
  16. one should always knock before entering a room with a closed door. tune in tomorrow.
  17. i hear it's snow city for you kids out east. my apologies . my weather right now is fantastic: http://www.weather.com/activities/other/other/weather/tenday.html?locid=92868 but i can feel for you, 'cause we just had some insane rain around my parts. the best part about shitty weather is that the sun seems all the more better when it returns, so chin up !
  18. don't step to lbell .
  19. o, man, lulubell; this'll be a very long thread ... i'll just start with a few, let some other people lay it on, and come back with more later.- the laid-back vibe - the beaches - disneyland
  20. simple home improvements, such as upgrading a shower head or hanging another towel bar, can really brighten up one's life more than one might imagine . tune in tomorrow.
  21. what's going on in your sig?
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